ChorusOS 5.0 System Administrator's Guide

Enabling PPP Services

Enabling PPP services involves using the pppstart process. You can choose to enable PPP services either automatically at boot time, or manually, via the command line.

Enabling PPP at Boot Time by Including pppstart in the System Image
  1. Change to the directory where you build system images:

    host% cd build_dir
  2. Use the hints in the table below to set system image features and tunables:




    PPP requires virtual ttys.




    Optimizing NFS read and write buffer sizes for use with PPP by setting them to a maximum of 1024



    host% configurator -set VTTY=true

    host% configurator -set PPP=true
  3. Ensure that both serial lines and network interfaces are available for PPP by including the necessary commands in the conf/sysadm.ini file that you build into the system image. For example:

    # set umask to 0 during system configuration
    umask 0
    # Build the various interfaces you need using the mkdev command.
    # All interfaces require a unit number. For bpf and tty, this number also 
    # to the device minor. Thus:
    #     mkdev tty  0 /pci/pci-isa/ns16550-2
    #  corresponds to
    #     mknod  /dev/tty01 major 0
    # Create the tty interface using the second serial port
    # because the first is reserved for the tip line
    mkdev tty 0 /pci/pci-isa/ns16550-2 
    # rarp needs bpf, again the unit number corresponds to the device minor.
    mkdev bpf 0
    mkdev bpf 1
    # Create a PPP interface that is not bound to the tty yet.
    mkdev ppp 0 
    # Ethernet
    # mkdev  ifeth 0 /pci/epic100
    mkdev  ifeth 0
    # loopback interface
    mkdev  lo 0 
    # Create a tty special file
    mknod /dev/tty01 c 0 0 
    # Pseudo tty devices, needed for dialup on demand.
    # mknod /dev/ttyp0 c 5 0 
    # mknod /dev/ptyp0 c 6 0 
    # Enable PPP
    # Requires pppstart in system image
    # /image/sys_bank/pppstart &
    pppd /dev/tty01 # Open a PPP line.
    # Wait for the interface to be up.
    ifwait ppp0

    See the appropriate document in the ChorusOS 5.0 Target Platform Collection for serial device IDs for other serial line hardware.

  4. Start the Ews configuration utility:

    host% ews conf/ChorusOS.xml &
  5. Include the pppstart process in the system image (see "Embedding the pppstart process into the ChorusOS system image" for information about how to do this).

  6. (Optional) If you need chat, include the chat process in the system image (see "Embedding the chat process into the ChorusOS system image" for information about how to do this).

  7. Rebuild the system image.

    host% make chorus

  8. Copy the system image to the boot server:

    host% rcp system_image_name boot_server:/tftpboot
  9. Reboot the target system:

    host% rsh target reboot
Enabling PPP Manually
  1. Make the serial lines and network interfaces available for PPP:

    • Create a tty interface:

      host% mkdev tty 0 
    • Create a PPP interface:

      host% mkdev ppp 0 
    • Create a special tty file:

      host% mknod /dev/tty01 c 0 0 
  2. Embed the pppstart process into the ChorusOS system image (see "Embedding the pppstart process into the ChorusOS system image").

  3. Run the pppstart process:

    host% rsh target pppstart &