ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
  • U
    • uiBuild(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiClear(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiEqual(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiGetSite(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiIsLocal(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiLocalSite(2K)- get the local site number
    • uiSiteBuild(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • uiValid(2K)- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared
    • univTime(2K)- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution
    • univTimeAdjust(2K)- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution
    • univTimeSet(2K)- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution