ChorusOS 5.0 Debugging Guide

Registering a Target

Before registering a target you must know:

You must also have chosen a name for the target (typically its host name).

Register the target by typing:

$ chadmin -add-serial-target target_name\
			-device device\
			-layout-file layout_file\
			-pathmap original_dir new_dir

In the preceding example, device is the serial device that you have identified and layout_file is the absolute path of the layout.xml file.

The -pathmap option enables you to set a translation pathmap. original_dir is the original directory that cannot be accessed by the debug server. new_dir is the new directory for the debug server to use (instead of the original one).

You only need to register a target once, as configuration information is saved in your dbg_config.xml file.

Note -

If you modify the dbg_config.xml file manually, without using chadmin, you must restart the debug server for changes to take effect.

When a target is activated, the debug server synchronizes with the debug agent and the debug agent switches to binary protocol mode. Use chconsole at this stage to access the system debugging console.