Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

Planning Volume Management

This section provides guidelines for planning volume management of your cluster configuration.

Sun Cluster uses volume manager software to group disks into disk device groups that can then be administered as one unit. Sun Cluster supports Solstice DiskSuite software and VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM). You can use only one volume manager within a single cluster configuration. Refer to your volume manager documentation and to either Appendix A, Configuring Solstice DiskSuite Software or Appendix B, Configuring VERITAS Volume Manager for instructions on configuring the volume manager software. For more information about volume management in a cluster configuration, refer to Sun Cluster 3.0 Concepts.

Add this planning information to the "Disk Device Group Configurations Worksheet" and the "Volume Manager Configurations Worksheet" in Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes, and to the "Metadevices Worksheet (Solstice DiskSuite)" in Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes, if applicable.

Guidelines for Volume Manager software

Consider the following general guidelines when configuring your disks.

Refer to your volume manager documentation for disk layout recommendations and any additional restrictions.

Guidelines for Solstice DiskSuite

Consider the following points when planning Solstice DiskSuite configurations.

Guidelines for VERITAS Volume Manager

Consider the following points when planning VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) configurations.

File-System Logging

Logging is required for cluster file systems. Sun Cluster supports the following logging file systems.

For information about Solstice DiskSuite trans-metadevice UFS logging, refer to your Solstice DiskSuite documentation. For information about Solaris UFS logging, refer to the mount_ufs(1M) man page and Solaris Transition Guide.

The following table lists the logging file systems supported by each volume manager.

Table 1-4 Supported File-System Logging Matrix

Volume Manager 

Supported File-System Logging  

Solstice DiskSuite 

Solstice DiskSuite trans-metadevice UFS logging, Solaris UFS logging 

VERITAS Volume Manager 

Solaris UFS logging 

Consider the following points when choosing between Solaris UFS logging and Solstice DiskSuite trans-metadevice UFS logging for your Solstice DiskSuite volume manager.

Mirroring Guidelines

This section provides guidelines for planning the mirroring of your cluster configuration.

Mirroring Multihost Disks

Mirroring all multihost disks in a Sun Cluster configuration enables the configuration to tolerate single-disk failures. Sun Cluster software requires that you mirror all multihost disks across disk expansion units.

Consider the following points when mirroring multihost disks.

For more information about multihost disks, refer to Sun Cluster 3.0 Concepts.

Mirroring the Root Disk

For maximum availability, you should mirror root (/), /usr, /var, /opt, and swap on the local disks. Under VxVM, you encapsulate the root disk and mirror the generated subdisks. However, mirroring the root disk is not a requirement of Sun Cluster.

Before deciding whether to mirror the root disk, consider the risks, complexity, cost, and service time for the various alternatives concerning the root disk. There is no single mirroring strategy that works for all configurations. You might want to consider your local Enterprise Services representative's preferred solution when deciding whether to mirror root.

Refer to your volume manager documentation and to either Appendix A, Configuring Solstice DiskSuite Software or Appendix B, Configuring VERITAS Volume Manager for instructions on mirroring the root disk.

Consider the following issues when deciding whether to mirror the root disk.