Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

How to Update the Root User's Environment

Perform the following tasks on each node of the cluster.

  1. Set the PATH to include /usr/sbin and /usr/cluster/bin.

    For VERITAS Volume Manager, also set your PATH to include /etc/vx/bin. If you installed the VRTSvmsa package, also add /opt/VRTSvmsa/bin to your PATH.

  2. Set the MANPATH to include /usr/cluster/man. Also include the volume manager-specific paths.

    • For Solstice DiskSuite software, set your MANPATH to include /usr/share/man.

    • For VERITAS Volume Manager, set your MANPATH to include /opt/VRTSvxvm/man. If you installed the VRTSvmsa package, also add /opt/VRTSvmsa/man to your MANPATH.

  3. (Optional) For ease of administration, set the same root password on each node.

  4. Start a new shell to activate the environment changes.

Where to Go From Here

To upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.0 data service software, go to "How to Upgrade Data Service Software Packages".