Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

How to Upgrade Cluster Software Packages

Perform this procedure on each node. You can perform this procedure on both nodes simultaneously if you have two copies of the Sun Cluster 3.0 framework CD-ROM.

Note -

The scinstall(1M) upgrade command is divided into a two-step process: the -u begin option and the -u finish option. This procedure runs the begin option. The finish option is run in "How to Finish Upgrading Cluster Software".

  1. Become superuser on a cluster node.

  2. If your volume manager is Solstice DiskSuite, install the latest Solstice DiskSuite mediator package (SUNWmdm) on each node.

    1. If you are installing from the CD-ROM, insert the Sun Cluster 3.0 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on a node.

      If the volume daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0 directory.

    2. Change to the /cdrom_image/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Packages directory.

      # cd /cdrom_image/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Packages
    3. Add the SUNWmdm package.

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWmdm
    4. Reboot the node.

      # shutdown -g 0 -y -i 6
    5. Repeat on the other node.

  3. Reconfigure mediators.

    1. Determine which node has ownership of the diskset to which you will add the mediator hosts.

      # metaset -s setname
      -s setname

      Specifies the diskset name

    2. If no node has ownership, take ownership of the diskset.

      # metaset -s setname -t

      Takes ownership of the diskset

    3. Recreate the mediators.

      # metaset -s setname -a -m mediator_host_list

      Adds to the diskset

      -m mediator_host_list

      Specifies the names of the nodes to add as mediator hosts for the diskset

    4. Repeat for each diskset.

  4. On each node, begin upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.0 software.

    1. On one node, change to the /cdrom_image/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Tools directory.

      # cd /cdrom_image/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Tools
    2. Upgrade the cluster software framework.

      To Upgrade The ... 

      Use This Command ... 

      First node 

      ./scinstall -u begin -F

      Second node 

      ./scinstall -u begin -N clusternode1


      Specifies that this is the first node in the cluster that will be upgraded

      -N clusternode1

      Specifies the name of the first node in the cluster that will be upgraded, not the name of the second node to be upgraded

      Refer to the scinstall(1M) man page for more information.

    3. Reboot the node.

      # shutdown -g 0 -y -i 6

      When the first node reboots into cluster mode, it establishes the cluster. The second node waits if necessary for the cluster to be established before completing its own processes and joining the cluster.

    4. Repeat on the other cluster node.

  5. On each node, install any Sun Cluster patches.

    Refer to Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes for the location of patches and installation instructions.

Example--Upgrading From Sun Cluster 2.2 to Sun Cluster 3.0 Software - Begin Process

The following example shows the beginning process of upgrading a two-node cluster from Sun Cluster 2.2 to Sun Cluster 3.0 software. The cluster node names are phys-schost-1, the sponsor node, and phys-schost-2, which joins the cluster that phys-schost-1 established. The volume manager is Solstice DiskSuite and both nodes are used as mediator hosts for the diskset schost-1.

(Install the latest Solstice DiskSuite mediator package on each node:)
# cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Packagespkgadd -d . SUNWmdm
(Restore the mediator:)
# metaset -s schost-1 -tmetaset -s schost-1 -a -m phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2
(Begin upgrade on the first node:)
phys-schost-1# cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Tools
phys-schost-1# ./scinstall -u begin -F
(Begin upgrade on the second node:)
phys-schost-2# cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0/SunCluster_3.0/Tools
phys-schost-2# ./scinstall -u begin -N phys-schost-1
(Reboot each node:)
# shutdown -g 0 -y -i 6

Where to Go From Here

To update the directory paths, go to "How to Update the Root User's Environment".