Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

How to Install Data Service Software Packages

Perform this task on each cluster node.

Note -

You must install the same set of data service packages on each node, even if a node is not expected to host resources for an installed data service.

  1. Become superuser on the cluster node.

  2. If you are installing from the CD-ROM, insert the Data Services CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the node.

  3. Start the scinstall(1M) utility.

    # scinstall

    Follow these guidelines while using the interactive scinstall utility.

    • Interactive scinstall enables you to type ahead. Therefore, do not press Return more than once if the next menu screen does not appear immediately.

    • Unless otherwise noted, pressing Control-D returns you either to the start of a series of related questions or to the Main Menu.

  4. To add data services, type 4 (Add support for a new data service to this cluster node).

    Follow the prompts to select all data services you want to install.

  5. If you installed from a CD-ROM, eject the CD-ROM.

  6. Install any Sun Cluster data service patches.

    Refer to Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes for the location of patches and installation instructions.

    Note -

    You do not have to reboot after installing Sun Cluster data service patches, unless specified by the patch special instructions. If a patch instruction requires that you reboot, before rebooting the first node of the cluster, shut down the cluster by using the scshutdown command. Until the cluster nodes are removed from install mode, only the first node, which establishes the cluster (the sponsor node), has a quorum vote. In an established cluster which is still in install mode, if the cluster is not shut down before the first node is rebooted, the remaining cluster nodes cannot obtain quorum and the entire cluster shuts down. Cluster nodes remain in install mode until the first time you run the scsetup(1M) command, during the procedure "How to Perform Post-Installation Setup".

Where to Go From Here

For post-installation setup and configuration tasks, see "Configuring the Cluster".