Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

How to Set Up the Root User's Environment

Perform these tasks on each node in the cluster.

  1. Become superuser on the cluster node.

  2. Set the PATH to include /usr/sbin and /usr/cluster/bin.

    For VERITAS Volume Manager, also set your PATH to include /etc/vx/bin. If you installed the VRTSvmsa package, also add /opt/VRTSvmsa/bin to your PATH.

  3. Set the MANPATH to include /usr/cluster/man. Also include the volume manager-specific paths.

    • For Solstice DiskSuite software, set your MANPATH to include /usr/share/man.

    • For VERITAS Volume Manager, set your MANPATH to include /opt/VRTSvxvm/man. If you installed the VRTSvmsa package, also add /opt/VRTSvmsa/man to your MANPATH.

  4. (Optional) For ease of administration, set the same root password on each node, if you have not already done so.

Where to Go From Here

To install data service software packages, go to "How to Install Data Service Software Packages".