Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

Appendix B NVRAMRC Editor and NVEDIT Keystroke Commands

This section provides useful nvramrc editor and nvedit keystroke commands.

An nvramrc script contains a series of OBP commands that are executed during the boot sequence. The procedures in this guide assume that this script is empty. If your nvramrc script contains data, add the entries to the end of the script. To edit an nvramrc script or merge new lines in an nvramrc script, use nvramrc editor and nvedit keystroke commands.

Table B-1 and Table B-2 list useful nvramrc editor and nvedit keystroke commands. For an entire list of nvramrc editor and nvedit keystroke commands, see OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual.

Table B-1 NVRAMRC Editor Commands




Enter the nvramc editor. If the data remains in the temporary bufferfrom a previous nvedit session, resume editing previouscontents. Otherwise, read the contents of nvramrc into the temporary buffer and begin editing it. This command works on a buffer, and you can save the contents of this buffer by using the nvstore command.


Copy the contents of the temporary buffer to nvramrc and discard the contents of the temporary buffer.


Discard the contents of the temporary buffer, without writing it to nvramrc. Prompt for confirmation.

Table B-2 NVEDIT Keystroke Commands




Move to the beginning of the line. 


Move backward one character. 


Exit the script editor. 


Move forward one character. 


Delete until end of line. 


List all lines. 


Move to the next line of the nvramrc editing buffer.


Insert a new line at the cursor position and stay on the current line. 


Move to the previous line of the nvramrc editing buffer.


Replace the current line. 


Delete previous character. 


Insert a new line at the cursor position and advance to the next line.