Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

How to Test Network Adapter Failover Groups

Perform this procedure on each node.

  1. Identify the current active network adapter.

    # pnmstat -l
  2. Disconnect one public network cable from the current active network adapter.

    Error messages appear in the node's console. This action causes a NAFO failover to a backup network adapter.

  3. From the master console, verify that the Sun Cluster software failed over to the backup NAFO adapter.

    A NAFO failover occurred if the backup NAFO adapter displays an active status.

    # pnmstat -l
  4. Reconnect the public network cable, and wait for the initial network adapter to come online.

  5. Switch over all IP addresses hosted by the active network adapter to the initial network adapter, and make the initial network adapter the active network adapter.

    # pnmset switch adapter