Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Preparing to Install Sun Cluster HA for Oracle

To prepare Sun Cluster nodes for Sun Cluster HA for Oracle installation, you must select an install location for the Oracle application files (Oracle binaries, configuration files, and parameter files) and for the database-related files (control file, redo logs, and data files).

Table 2-2 shows the possible install location combinations--either on the cluster file system, raw global devices, or the local disk of the physical host. For the advantages and disadvantages of placing the Oracle binaries on the local versus the global file system, see "Determining the Location of the Application Binaries".

Table 2-2 Location of Oracle Application and Database Files

Oracle Binaries, Configuration, and Parameter Files 

Database Control, Redo Logs, and Data Files 

Local file system 

Cluster file system 

Local file system 

Raw global devices 

Cluster file system 

Raw global devices 

Cluster file system 

Cluster file system