Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide

6.2 Adding a Cluster Node

The following table lists the tasks to perform when adding a node to an existing cluster.

Table 6-2 Task Map: Adding a Node


For Instructions, Go To... 

Add the cluster interconnects to the new node. 

    - Install the host adapter, add the transport junction, cable the interconnect. 

Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

    - Adding and Replacing Cluster Interconnect and Public Hardware 

Add shared storage 

Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide

   - Installing and Replacing the StorEdge MultiPack Enclosure 

   - Installing and Replacing the StorEdge D1000 Disk Array 

   - Installing and Replacing the StorEdge A5x00 Disk Array 

Add the node to the authorized node list 

   - Use scsetup.

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide

   - How to Add a Cluster Node 

Install and configure the software on the new cluster node 

   - Install the Solaris Operating Environment and Sun Cluster software 

   - Configure the node as part of the cluster 

Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide

   - Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster Software 

6.2.1 How to Add a Cluster Node to the Authorized Node List

Before adding a machine to an existing cluster, be sure the node has all of the necessary software and hardware correctly installed and configured, including a good physical connection to the private cluster interconnect, as indicated in the "Adding a Node" task map. Refer to the Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide and the scinstall(1M) man page for more information regarding software installations. For hardware installations, refer to the Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide or the hardware documentation that shipped with your server.

  1. Become superuser on a current cluster member node.

  2. Execute the scsetup utility.

    # scsetup

    The Main Menu appears.

  3. Access the New Nodes Menu option by entering 5 at the Main Menu.

  4. Modify the authorized list by entering 3 (Specify the name of the machine) at the New Nodes Menu.

  5. Specify the name of a machine that can add itself.

    Follow the prompts to add the cluster node. You will be asked for the name of the node to be added.

  6. Verify that the node has been added to the authorized list.

    # scconf -p | grep "Cluster new node" Example--Adding a Cluster Node

The following example shows how to add a node named phys-schost-3 to an existing cluster.

[Become a superuser.]
[Execute scsetup utility.]
# scsetup
*** Main Menu ***
    Please select from one of the following options:
    Option:  5
*** New Nodes Menu ***
    Please select from one of the following options:
      3) Specify the name of a machine which may add itself
    Option:  3
>>> Specify a Machine which may Install itself into the Cluster <<<
    Is it okay to continue (yes/no) [yes]? <Return>
    Name of the host to add to the list of recognized machines?  phys-schost-3
    Is it okay to proceed with the update (yes/no) [yes]? <Return>
scconf -a -T node=phys-schost-3
    Command completed successfully.
[Quit the scsetup New Nodes Menu and Main Menu:]
    Option:  q
[Verify the node has been added.]
# scconf -p | grep "Cluster new"
	Cluster new node authentication:      unix
	Cluster new node list:                phys-schost-3 Where to Go From Here

Sun Cluster 3.0 Installation Guide: Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster Sofware.