Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide

6.3 Removing a Cluster Node

The following table lists the tasks to perform when removing a node from an existing cluster.

Table 6-3 Task Map: Removing a Cluster Node


For Instructions, Go To... 

Place node being removed into maintenance state 

   - Use shutdown and scconf

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide: Chapter 4, Administering Quorum

   - How to Put a Cluster Node Into Maintenance State 

Remove node from all resource groups 

   - Use scrgadm

Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide: Chapter 9, Administering Data Service Resources

   - How to Remove a Node from an Existing Resource Group 

Remove node from all device groups of which the node is a member 

   - Use volume manager commands 

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide: Chapter 3, Administering Global Devices and Cluster File Systems

   - How to Remove a Node from a Disk Device Group (SDS) 

   - How to Remove a Node from a Disk Device Group (VxVM) 

Remove all logical transport connections to the node being removed 

   - Use scsetup

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide: Chapter 5, Administering Cluster Networks

   - How to Remove Cluster Transport Cables and Transport Adapters 


To remove the physical hardware from the node, see Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide: Chapter 3, Installing and Maintaining Cluster Interconnect and Public Network Hardware. 

Remove all quorum devices shared with the node being removed 

   - Use scsetup

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide: Chapter 4, Administering Quorum

   - How to Remove a Quorum Device 

Remove node from the cluster software configuration 

   - Use scconf

Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide: Chapter 6, Administering the Cluster

   - How to Remove a Cluster Node 

Remove required shared storage from the node and cluster 

   - Follow the procedures in your volume manager documentation and hardware guide 

SDS or VxVM administration guide; 

Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide:

   - How to Remove a StorEdge MultiPack Enclosure 

   - How to Remove a StorEdge D1000 Disk Array 

   - How to Remove a StorEdge A5x00 Disk Array 

6.3.1 How to Remove a Node From the Cluster Software Configuration

This is the last software configuration procedure that needs to be accomplished in the process for removing a node from a cluster. Before beginning this procedure, you must complete all the prerequisite tasks listed in the "Removing a Cluster Node" task map. When finished with this procedure, remove the hardware connections as described in the Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide.

  1. Become superuser on a node in the cluster.

    Note -

    Be sure you have placed the node in maintenance state and removed it from all resource groups, device groups, and quorum device configurations before continuing with this procedure.

  2. Determine the boot disks in the cluster.

    # scconf -pvv | grep Local_Disk	
  3. Identify which boot disks in the cluster are connected to the node being removed.

    # scdidadm -L did-name
  4. Remove the localonly flag from each boot disk.

    # scconf -c -D name=devicename,localonly=false

  5. Remove the node from all raw disk device groups, of which it is a member.

    This step must be completed for each disk device group.

    # scconf -pvv | grep nodename | grep Device	
    # scconf -r -D name=devicename,nodelist=nodename
  6. Remove the node from the cluster.

    # scconf -r -h node=nodename
  7. Verify the node removal using scstat.

    # scstat -n

Note -

After the device has been removed from the cluster, you must reinstall the Solaris operating environment on the removed host before it can be placed back into service in any capacity. Example--Removing a Cluster Node

This example shows how to remove a node (phys-schost-2) from a cluster.

[Become superuser on any node.]
[Determine the boot disks on the node:]
# scconf -pvv | grep Local_Disk
	(dsk/d4) Device group type:          Local_Disk	(dsk/d3) Device group type:          Local_Disk
# scdidadm -L d4
  4        phys-schost-2:/dev/rdsk/c1t3d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4
[Remove the localonly flag:]
# scconf -c -D name=dsk/d4,localonly=false
[Remove the node from all raw disk device groups:]
# scconf -pvv | grep phys-schost-2 | grep Device
	(dsk/d4) Device group node list:  phys-schost-2
	(dsk/d2) Device group node list:  phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2	(dsk/d1) Device group node list:  phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
# scconf -r -D name=dsk/d4,nodelist=phys-schost-2
# scconf -r -D name=dsk/d2,nodelist=phys-schost-2
# scconf -r -D name=dsk/d1,nodelist=phys-schost-2
[Remove the node from the cluster:]
# scconf -r -h node=phys-schost-2
[Verify node removal:]# scstat -n
-- Cluster Nodes --
                    Node name           Status
                    ---------           ------
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-1       Online Where to Go From Here

Sun Cluster 3.0 Hardware Guide:

      How to Remove a StorEdge MultiPack Enclosure

      How to Remove a StorEdge D1000 Disk Array

      How to Remove a StorEdge A5x00 Disk Array