Sun Cluster 3.0 のシステム管理

例 - 定足数デバイスの削除

次に、2 つ以上の定足数デバイスが構成されているクラスタから定足数デバイスを削除する例を示します。

# scconf -pv | grep Quorum
[scsetup ユーティリティを実行する] 
# scsetup 
[オプション 1 を選択する] 
*** Main Menu *** 
    Please select from one of the following options:
      1) Quorum 
    Option:  1 
[オプション 2 を選択する] 
*** Quorum Menu *** 
    Please select from one of the following options:
      2) Remove a quorum disk 
    Option:  2 
>>> Remove a Quorum Disk <<< 
    Is it okay to continue (yes/no) [yes]? <Return> 
    Which quorum disk do you want to remove (d<N>)?  d4 
    Is it okay to proceed with the update (yes/no) [yes]? <Return> 
scconf -r -q globaldev=d4 
      Command completed successfully.
    Hit ENTER to continue: 
[「scsetup Quorum Menu」と「Main Menu」を終了する] 
   Option:  q 
# scstat -q 

-- Quorum Summary --
 Quorum votes possible:      3
 Quorum votes needed:        2
 Quorum votes present:       3
-- Quorum Votes by Node -- 

                    Node Name           Present Possible Status
                    ---------           ------- -------- ------
  Node votes:       phys-schost-1       1        1       Online
  Node votes:       phys-schost-2       1        1       Online
-- Quorum Votes by Device --
                 Device Name         Present Possible Status  Owner
                 -----------         ------- -------- ------  -----
  Device votes:  /dev/did/rdsk/d3s2  1        1       Online  phys-schost-1