Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating an Oracle Database

Complete the procedures in this section to configure and create the initial Oracle database in a Sun Cluster configuration. When creating and configuring additional databases, omit the procedure "How to Create an Oracle Database".

How to Configure Oracle Database Access With Solstice DiskSuite

If you use the Solstice DiskSuite volume manager, perform the following steps to configure Oracle database access with the Solstice DiskSuite volume manager.

  1. Configure the disk devices for the Solstice DiskSuite software to use.

    See the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide for information on how to configure the Solstice DiskSuite software.

  2. If you use raw devices to contain the databases, run the following commands to change each raw-mirrored metadevice's owner, group, and mode.

    If you do not use raw devices, do not perform this step.

    1. If you create raw devices, run the following commands for each device on each node that can master the Oracle resource group.

      # chown oracle_id /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn
      # chgrp dba_id /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn
      # chmod 600 /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn

      Specifies the name of the diskset.


      Specifies the name of the raw disk device within the metaset diskset.

    2. Verify that the changes are effective.

      # ls -lL /dev/md/metaset/rdsk/dn

How to Configure Oracle Database Access With VERITAS Volume Manager

If you use VxVM software, perform the following steps to configure Oracle database access with the VxVM software.

  1. Configure the disk devices for the VxVM software to use.

    See the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide for information on how to configure VERITAS Volume Manager.

  2. If you use raw devices to contain the databases, run the following commands on the current disk-group primary to change each device's owner, group, and mode.

    If you do not use raw devices, do not perform this step.

    1. If you create raw devices, run the following command for each raw device.

      # vxedit -g diskgroup set user=oracle_id group=dba mode=600 volume

      Specifies the name of the disk group.


      Specifies the name of the raw volume within the disk group.

    2. Verify that the changes are effective.

      # ls -lL /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume

    3. Reregister the disk device group with the cluster to keep the VxVM namespace consistent throughout the cluster.

      # scconf -c -D name=diskgroup

How to Create an Oracle Database

  1. Prepare database configuration files.

    Place all database-related files (data files, redolog files, and control files) on either shared raw global devices or on the cluster file system. See "Preparing to Install Sun Cluster HA for Oracle" for information on install locations.

    Within the init$ORACLE_SID.ora or config$ORACLE_SID.ora file, you might need to modify the assignments for control_files and background_dump_dest to specify the locations of the control files and alert files.

    Note -

    If you use Solaris authentication for database logins, set the remote_os_authent variable in the init$ORACLE_SID.ora file to True.

  2. Create the database.

    Start the Oracle installer and select the option to create a database. Alternatively, depending on your Oracle version, you can use the Oracle svrmgrl(1M) command to create the database.

    During creation, ensure that all database-related files are placed in the appropriate location, either on shared global devices or on the cluster file system.

  3. Verify that the file names of your control files match the file names in your configuration files.

  4. Create the v$sysstat view.

    Run the catalog scripts that create the v$sysstat view. The Sun Cluster fault monitoring scripts use this view.

Where to Go From Here

When you have completed the work in this section, go to "Setting Up Oracle Database Permissions".