Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring Sun Cluster HA for DNS Extension Properties

The only required extension property for creating a DNS resource is the Confdir_list property. Typically, you use the command line scrgadm -x parameter=value to configure extension properties when you create the DNS resource. You can also use the procedures in Chapter 11, Administering Data-Service Resources to configure them later.

See Appendix A, Standard Properties for details on all Sun Cluster properties.

Table 6-2 describes the Sun Cluster HA for DNS extension properties. You can update some extension properties dynamically. You can update others, however, only when you create the resource. The Tunable column indicates when you can update the property.

Table 6-2 Sun Cluster HA for DNS Extension Properties

Name/Data Type 





Confdir_list (string array)



At creation 

A comma-separated list of path names, each of which points to the directory that contains the conf directory for a DNS instance.




At creation 

The DNS configuration file to use, either conf (named.conf) or boot (named.boot).

Monitor_retry_count (integer)


0 - 2,147,483,641


-1 indicates an infinite number of retry attempts.

Any time 

The number of times that the process monitor facility (PMF) restarts the fault monitor during the time window that the Monitor_retry_interval property specifies. This property refers to restarts of the fault monitor itself rather than to the resource. The system-defined properties Retry_interval and Retry_count control restarts of the resource.

Monitor_retry_interval (integer)

0 - 2,147,483,641


-1 indicates an infinite retry interval.

Any time 

The time (in minutes) over which failures of the fault monitor are counted. If the number of times that the fault monitor fails exceeds the value that is specified in the extension property Monitor_retry_count within this period, the PMF does not restart the fault monitor.

Probe_timeout (integer)


0 - 2,147,483,641

Any time 

The time-out value (in seconds) that the fault monitor uses to probe a DNS instance.