Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Concepts

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview

The SunPlex system is an integrated hardware and software solution that is used to create highly available and scalable services.

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Concepts provides the conceptual information needed by the primary audience for SunPlex documentation. This audience includes

This book works with the rest of the SunPlex documentation set to provide a complete view of the SunPlex system.

This chapter

Introduction to the SunPlex System

The SunPlex system extends the Solaris operating environment into a cluster operating system. A cluster, or plex, is a collection of loosely coupled computing nodes that provides a single client view of network services or applications, including databases, web services, and file services.

Each cluster node is a standalone server that runs its own processes. These processes can communicate with one another to form what looks like (to a network client) a single system that cooperatively provides applications, system resources, and data to users.

A cluster offers several advantages over traditional single-server systems. These advantages include support for failover and scalable services, capacity for modular growth, and low entry price compared to traditional hardware fault-tolerant systems.

The goals of the SunPlex system are:

High Availability Versus Fault Tolerance

The SunPlex system is designed as a highly available (HA) system, that is, a system that provides near continuous access to data and applications.

By contrast, fault-tolerant hardware systems provide constant access to data and applications, but at a higher cost because of specialized hardware. Additionally, fault-tolerant systems usually do not account for software failures.

The SunPlex system achieves high availability through a combination of hardware and software. Redundant cluster interconnects, storage, and public networks protect against single points of failure. The cluster software continuously monitors the health of member nodes and prevents failing nodes from participating in the cluster to protect against data corruption. Also, the cluster monitors services and their dependent system resources, and fails over or restarts services in case of failures.

Refer to "High Availability FAQ" for questions and answers on high availability.

Failover and Scalability in the SunPlex System

The SunPlex system enables you to implement either failover or scalable services. In general, a failover service provides only high availability (redundancy), whereas a scalable service provides high availability along with increased performance. A single cluster can support both failover and scalable services.

Failover Services

Failover is the process by which the cluster automatically relocates a service from a failed primary node to a designated secondary node. With failover, Sun Cluster software provides high availability.

When a failover occurs, clients might see a brief interruption in service and might need to reconnect after the failover has finished. However, clients are not aware of the physical server that provides the service.

Scalable Services

While failover is concerned with redundancy, scalability provides constant response time or throughput without regard to load. A scalable service leverages the multiple nodes in a cluster to concurrently run an application, thus providing increased performance. In a scalable configuration, each node in the cluster can provide data and process client requests.

Refer to "Data Services" for more specific information on failover and scalable services.

Three Viewpoints of the SunPlex System

This section describes three different viewpoints on the SunPlex system and the key concepts and documentation relevant to each viewpoint. These viewpoints come from:

Hardware Installation and Service Viewpoint

To hardware service people, the SunPlex system looks like a collection of off-the-shelf hardware that includes servers, networks, and storage. These components are all cabled together so that every component has a backup and no single point of failure exists.

Key Concepts - Hardware

Hardware service people need to understand the following cluster concepts.

Suggested Hardware Conceptual References

The following sections contain material relevant to the preceding key concepts:

Relevant SunPlex Documentation

The following SunPlex document includes procedures and information associated with hardware service concepts:

System Administrator Viewpoint

To the system administrator, the SunPlex system looks like a set of servers (nodes) cabled together, sharing storage devices. The system administrator sees:

Key Concepts - System Administration

System administrators need to understand the following concepts and processes:

Suggested System Administrator Conceptual References

The following sections contain material relevant to the preceding key concepts:

Relevant SunPlex Documentation - System Administrator

The following SunPlex documents include procedures and information associated with the system administration concepts:

Application Programmer Viewpoint

The SunPlex system provides data services for such applications as Oracle, NFS, DNS, iPlanet Web Server, Apache Web Server, and Netscape Directory Server. Data services are created by configuring an off-the-shelf applications to run under control of the Sun Cluster software. The Sun Cluster software provides configuration files and management methods that start, stop, and monitor the applications.If you need to create a new failover or scalable service, you can use the SunPlex Application Programming Interface (API) and the Data Service Enabling Technologies API (DSET API) to develop the necessary configuration files and management methods that enable its application to run as a data service on the cluster.

Key Concepts - Application Programmer

Application programmers need to understand the following:

Suggested Application Programmer Conceptual References

The following sections contain material relevant to the preceding key concepts:

Relevant SunPlex Documentation - Application Programmer

The following SunPlex documents include procedures and information associated with the application programmer concepts:

SunPlex System Tasks

All SunPlex system tasks require some conceptual background. The following table provides a high-level view of the tasks and the documentation that describes task steps. The concepts sections in this book describe how the concepts map to these tasks.

Table 1-1 Task Map: Mapping User Tasks to Documentation

To Do This Task... 

Use This Documentation... 

Install cluster hardware 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide

Install Solaris software on the cluster 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

Install SunTM Management Center software

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

Install and configure Sun Cluster software 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

Install and configure volume management software 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Installation Guide

Your volume management documentation 

Install and configure Sun Cluster data services 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Service cluster hardware 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide

Administer Sun Cluster software 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide

Administer volume management software 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide and your volume management documentation

Administer application software 

Your application documentation 

Problem identification and suggested user actions 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Error Messages Manual

Create a new data service 

Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Data Services Developer's Guide