Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes Supplement

How to Replace a Disk Drive

Use this procedure to replace one failed disk drive in a Sun StorEdge T3 disk array in a running cluster.

Caution - Caution -

If you remove any field replaceable unit (FRU) for an extended period of time, thermal complications might result. To prevent this complication, the Sun StorEdge T3 disk array is designed so an orderly shutdown occurs when you remove a component for longer than 30 minutes. A replacement part must be immediately available before starting a FRU replacement procedure. You must replace a FRU within 30 minutes or the Sun StorEdge T3 disk array, and all attached Sun StorEdge T3 disk arrays, will shut down and power off.

  1. If the failed disk drive impacted the Sun StorEdge T3 disk tray logical volume's availability, remove the Sun StorEdge T3 disk tray logical volume from volume management control. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  2. Replace the disk drive.

    For the procedure on replacing a disk drive, see the Sun StorEdge T3 Installation, Operation, and Service Manual.

  3. If you removed a LUN from volume management control in Step 1, return the LUN(s) to volume management control. Otherwise, Step 2 completes this procedure.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.