Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 系統管理手冊 範例 - 移除傳輸電纜、傳輸配接卡或傳輸接點

以下範例顯示如何使用 scsetup 指令,來移除傳輸電纜、傳輸配接卡或傳輸接點。

[Become superuser on any node in the cluster.]
[Enter the scsetup utility:]
# scsetup
Select Cluster interconnect.
Select either Add a transport cable, Add a transport adapter to a node, or Add a
transport junction.
Answer the questions when prompted.
   You Will Need:         Example:
   node names             phys-schost-1
   adapter names          qfe1
   junction names         hub1
[Verify that the scconf command completed successfully:]
"Command completed successfully."
Quit the scsetup Cluster Interconnect Menu and Main Menu.
[Verify that the cable, adapter, or junction is removed:]
# scconf -p | grep cable
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-2:qfe0@1 ethernet-1@2    Enabled
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-3:qfe0@1 ethernet-1@3    Enabled
  Transport cable:   phys-schost-1:qfe0@0 ethernet-1@1    Enabled
# scconf -p | grep adapter
  Node transport adapters:   qfe2 hme1 qfe0
  Node transport adapter:   qfe0
  Node transport adapters:   qfe0 qfe2 hme1
  Node transport adapter:   qfe0
  Node transport adapters:   qfe0 qfe2 hme1
  Node transport adapter:   qfe0
# scconf -p | grep junction
  Cluster transport junctions:     hub0 hub2
  Cluster transport junction:      hub0
  Cluster transport junction:      hub2