Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

Configuring a StorEdge T3/T3+ Array

This section contains the procedures for configuring a StorEdge T3 or StorEdge T3+ array in a running cluster. The following table lists these procedures.

Table 8-1 Task Map: Configuring a StorEdge T3/T3+ Array


For Instructions, Go To 

Create an array logical volume 

"How to Create a Sun StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Logical Volume"

Remove an array logical volume 

"How to Remove a Sun StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Logical Volume"

How to Create a Sun StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Logical Volume

Use this procedure to create a logical volume. This procedure assumes all cluster nodes are booted and attached to the StorEdge T3/T3+ array that is to host the logical volume you are creating.

  1. Telnet to the StorEdge T3/T3+ array that is to host the logical volume you are creating.

  2. Create the logical volume.

    The creation of a logical volume involves adding, mounting, and initializing the logical volume.

    For the procedure on creating and initializing a logical volume, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide. For the procedure on mounting a logical volume, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Installation, Operation, and Service Manual.

  3. On all cluster nodes, update the /devices and /dev entries.

    # devfsadm
  4. On one node connected to the partner-group, use the format command to verify that the new logical volume is visible to the system.

    # format

    See the format command man page for more information about using the command.

  5. Are you running VERITAS Volume Manager?

    • If not, go to Step 6

    • If you are running VERITAS Volume Manager, update its list of devices on all cluster nodes attached to the logical volume you created in Step 2.

    See your VERITAS Volume Manager documentation for information about using the vxdctl enable command to update new devices (volumes) in your VERITAS Volume Manager list of devices.

  6. If necessary, partition the logical volume.

  7. From any node in the cluster, update the global device namespace.

    # scgdevs

    If a volume management daemon such as vold is running on your node, and you have a CD-ROM drive that is connected to the node, a device busy error might be returned even if no disk is in the drive. This error is expected behavior.

Where to Go From Here

To create a new resource or reconfigure a running resource to use the new StorEdge T3/T3+ array logical volume, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

To configure a logical volume as a quorum device, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide for the procedure on adding a quorum device.

How to Remove a Sun StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Logical Volume

Use this procedure to remove a logical volume. This procedure assumes all cluster nodes are booted and attached to the StorEdge T3/T3+ array that hosts the logical volume you are removing.

This procedure defines Node A as the node you begin working with, and Node B as the remaining node.

Caution - Caution -

This procedure removes all data on the logical volume you are removing.

  1. If necessary, migrate all data and volumes off the logical volume you are removing. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.

  2. Is the logical volume you are removing a quorum device?

    # scstat -q
    • If yes, remove the quorum device before you proceed.

    • If no, go to Step 3.

    For the procedure on removing a quorum device, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide.

  3. Are you running VERITAS Volume Manager?

    • If not, go to Step 4.

    • If you are running VERITAS Volume Manager, update its list of devices on all cluster nodes attached to the logical volume you are removing.

    See your VERITAS Volume Manager documentation for information about using the vxdisk rm command to remove devices (volumes) in your VERITAS Volume Manager device list.

  4. Run the appropriate Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager commands to remove the reference to the logical unit number (LUN) from any diskset or disk group.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  5. Telnet to the array and remove the logical volume.

    For the procedure on deleting a logical volume, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

  6. Determine the resource groups and device groups that are running on Node A and Node B.

    Record this information because you will use it in Step 13 of this procedure to return resource groups and device groups to these nodes.

    # scstat
  7. Move all resource groups and device groups off Node A.

    # scswitch -S -h nodename
  8. Shut down and reboot Node A by using the shutdown command with the i6 option.

    The -i6 option with the shutdown command causes the node to reboot after it shuts down to the ok prompt.

    # shutdown -y -g0 -i6

    For more information, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide.

  9. On Node A, remove the obsolete device IDs (DIDs).

    # devfsadm -C
    # scdidadm -C
  10. Move all resource groups and device groups off Node B.

    # scswitch -S -h nodename
  11. Shut down and reboot Node B by using the shutdown command with the i6 option.

    The -i6 option with the shutdown command causes the node to reboot after it shuts down to the ok prompt.

    # shutdown -y -g0 -i6

    For more information, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 System Administration Guide.

  12. On Node B, remove the obsolete DIDs.

    # devfsadm -C
    # scdidadm -C
  13. Return the resource groups and device groups you identified in Step 6 to Node A and Node B.

    # scswitch -z -g resource-group -h nodename
    # scswitch -z -D device-group-name -h nodename

    For more information, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide.

Where to Go From Here

To create a logical volume, see "How to Create a Sun StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Logical Volume".