Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

Testing Node Redundancy

This section provides the procedure for testing node redundancy and high availability of device groups. Perform the following procedure to confirm that the secondary takes over the device group that is mastered by the primary when the primary fails.

How to Test Nodes Using a Power-off Method

  1. Power off the primary node.

    Cluster interconnect error messages appear on the consoles of the existing nodes.

  2. On another node, run the scstat command to verify that the secondary took ownership of the device group that is mastered by the primary.

    Look for the output that shows the device group ownership.

    # scstat
  3. Power on the initial primary and boot it into cluster mode.

    Wait for the system to boot. The system automatically starts the membership monitor software. The node then rejoins the configuration.

    If you have the device group failback option enabled, skip Step 4 because the system boot process moves ownership of the device group back to the initial primary. Otherwise, proceed to Step 4 to move ownership of the device group back to the initial primary. Use the scconf -p command to determine if your device group has the device group failback option enabled.

  4. If you do not have the device group failback option enabled, from the initial primary, run the scswitch(1M) command to move ownership of the device group back to the initial primary.

    # scswitch -S -h nodename
  5. Verify that the initial primary has ownership of the device group.

    Look for the output that shows the device group ownership.

    # scstat