Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Adding or Removing a Node to or From a Resource Group

The procedures in this section enable you to perform the following tasks.


The procedures are slightly different, depending on whether you plan to add or remove the node to or from a failover or scalable resource group.

Failover resource groups contain network resources that both failover and scalable services use. Each IP subnetwork connected to the cluster has its own network resource that is specified and included in a failover resource group. The network resource is either a logical hostname or a shared address resource. Each network resource includes a list of NAFO groups that it uses. For failover resource groups, you must update the complete list of NAFO groups for each network resource that the resource group includes (the netiflist resource property).

For scalable resource groups, in addition to changing the scalable group to be mastered on the new set of hosts, you must repeat the procedure for failover groups that contain the network resources that the scalable resource uses.

See the scrgadm(1M) man page for additional information.

Note -

Run either of these procedures from any cluster node.

How to Add a Node to a Resource Group

This procedure contains the following sections.

You must supply the following information to complete this procedure.

Also, be sure to verify that the new node is already a cluster member.

How to Add a Node to a Scalable Resource Group

  1. For each network resource that a scalable resource in the resource group uses, make the resource group where the network resource is located run on the new node.

    See Step 1 through Step 4 in the following procedure for details.

  2. Add the new node to the list of nodes that can master the scalable resource group (the nodelist resource group property).

    This step overwrites the previous value of nodelist, and therefore you must include all of the nodes that can master the resource group here.

    # scrgadm -c -g resource-group -h nodelist

    Changes a resource group.

    -g resource-group

    Specifies the name of the resource group to which the node is being added.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes that can master the resource group.

  3. (Optional) Update the Load_balancing_weights property of the scalable resource to assign a weight to the node that you want to add to the resource group.

    Otherwise, the weight defaults to 1. See the scrgadm(1M) man page for more information.

How to Add a Node to a Failover Resource Group

  1. Display the current node list and the current list of NAFO groups that are configured for each resource in the resource group.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i nodelist
    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i netiflist

    Note -

    The output of the command line for nodelist identifies the nodes by node name. The output for netiflist identifies the nodes by node ID.

  2. Update netiflist for the network resources that the node addition affects.

    This step overwrites the previous value of netiflist, and therefore you must include all of the NAFO groups here. Also, you must input nodes to netiflist by node ID. To find the node ID, use scconf -pv | grep "Node ID".

    # scrgadm -c -j network-resource -x netiflist=netiflist

    Changes a network resource.

    -j network-resource

    Specifies the name of the network resource (logical hostname or shared address) that is being hosted on the netiflist entries.

    -x netiflist=netiflist

    Specifies a comma-separated list that identifies the NAFO groups on each node. Each element in netiflist must be in the form of NAFO-group-name@nodeid.

  3. Update the node list to include all of the nodes that can now master this resource group.

    This step overwrites the previous value of nodelist, and therefore you must include all of the nodes that can master the resource group here.

    # scrgadm -c -g resource-group -h nodelist

    Changes a resource group.

    -g resource-group

    Specifies the name of the resource group to which the node is being added.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes that can master the resource group.

  4. Verify the updated information.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i nodelist
    # scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group | grep -i netiflist

Example - Adding a Node to a Resource Group

This example shows how to add a node (phys-schost-2) to a resource group (resource-group-1) that contains a logical hostname resource (schost-2).

# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i nodelist
(resource-group-1) Res Group Nodelist:    phys-schost-1 phys-schost-3
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i netiflist
(resource-group-1:schost-2) Res property name: NetIfList
(resource-group-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property class: extension
(resource-group-1:schost-2:NetIfList) List of NAFO interfaces on each node
(resource-group-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property type: stringarray
(resource-group-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@3
(Only nodes 1 and 3 have been assigned NAFO groups. You must add a NAFO group 
for node 2.)

# scrgadm -c -j schost-2 -x netiflist=nafo0@1,nafo0@2,nafo0@3
# scrgadm -c -g resource-group-1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2,phys-schost-3
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i nodelist
(resource-group-1) Res Group Nodelist:     phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i netiflist
(resource-group-1:schost-2:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@2

How to Remove a Node From a Resource Group

This procedure contains the following sections.

To complete these procedures, you must supply the following information.

Additionally, be sure to verify that the resource group is not mastered on the node that you will remove. If the resource group is mastered on the node that you will remove, run the scswitch command to switch the resource group offline from that node. The following scswitch command will bring the resource group offline from a given node, provided that new-masters does not contain that node.

# scswitch -z -g resource-group -h new-masters
-g resource-group

Specifies the name of the resource group (mastered on the node that you will remove) that you are switching offline.

-h new-masters

Specifies the node(s) that will now master the resource group.

See the scswitch(1M) man page for additional information.

Caution - Caution -

If you plan to remove a node from all of the resource groups, and you use a scalable services configuration, first remove the node from the scalable resource group(s). Then, remove the node from the failover group(s).

How to Remove a Node From a Scalable Resource Group

A scalable service is configured as two resource groups, as follows.

Additionally, the RG_dependencies property of the scalable resource group is set to configure the scalable group with a dependency on the failover resource group. See Appendix A, Standard Properties for details on this property.

See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Concepts document for details about scalable service configuration.

Removing a node from the scalable resource group causes the scalable service to no longer be brought online on that node. To remove a node from the scalable resource group, perform the following steps.

  1. Remove the node from the list of nodes that can master the scalable resource group (the nodelist resource group property).

    # scrgadm -c -g scalable-resource-group -h nodelist

    Changes a resource group.

    -g scalable-resource-group

    Specifies the name of the resource group from which the node is being removed.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes that can master this resource group.

  2. (Optional) Remove the node from the failover resource group that contains the shared address resource.

    See "How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group That Contains Shared Address Resources" for details.

  3. (Optional) Update the Load_balancing_weights property of the scalable resource to remove the weight of the node that you want to remove from the resource group.

    See the scrgadm(1M) man page for more information.

How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group

Perform the following steps to remove a node from a failover resource group.

Caution - Caution -

If you plan to remove a node from all of the resource groups, and you use a scalable services configuration, first remove the node from the scalable resource group(s). Then, use this procedure to remove the node from the failover group(s).

Note -

If the failover resource group contains shared address resources that scalable services use, see "How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group That Contains Shared Address Resources".

  1. Update the node list to include all of the nodes that can now master this resource group.

    This step removes the node and overwrites the previous value of the node list. Be sure to include all of the nodes that can master the resource group here.

    # scrgadm -c -g failover-resource-group -h nodelist


    Changes a resource group.

    -g failover-resource-group

    Specifies the name of the resource group from which the node is being removed.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes that can master this resource group.

  2. Display the current list of NAFO groups that are configured for each resource in the resource group.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g failover-resource-group | grep -i netiflist

    Note -

    The output of the preceding command line identifies the nodes by node ID.

  3. Update netiflist for network resources that the removal of the node affects.

    This step overwrites the previous value of netiflist. Be sure to include all of the NAFO groups here. Also, you must input nodes to netiflist by node ID. Run the command line scconf -pv | grep "Node ID" to find the node ID.

    # scrgadm -c -j network-resource -x netiflist=netiflist


    Changes a network resource.

    -j network-resource

    Specifies the name of the network resource that is hosted on the netiflist entries.

    -x netiflist=netiflist

    Specifies a comma-separated list that identifies the NAFO groups on each node. Each element in netiflist must be in the form of NAFO-group-name@nodeid.

  4. Verify the updated information.

    # scrgadm -pvv -g failover-resource-group | grep -i nodelist
    # scrgadm -pvv -g failover-resource-group | grep -i netiflist

How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group That Contains Shared Address Resources

In a failover resource group that contains shared address resources that scalable services use, a node can appear in the following locations.

To remove the node from the node list of the failover resource group, follow the procedure "How to Remove a Node From a Failover Resource Group".

To modify the auxnodelist of the shared address resource, you must remove and recreate the shared address resource.

If you remove the node from the failover group's node list, you can continue to use the shared address resource on that node to provide scalable services. To do so, you must add the node to the auxnodelist of the shared address resource. To add the node to the auxnodelist, perform the following steps.

Note -

You can also use the following procedure to remove the node from the auxnodelist of the shared address resource. To remove the node from the auxnodelist, you must delete and recreate the shared address resource.

  1. Switch the scalable service resource offline.

  2. Remove the shared address resource from the failover resource group.

  3. Create the shared address resource.

    Add the node ID or node name of the node that you removed from the failover resource group to the auxnodelist.

    # scrgadm -a -S -g failover-resource-group -l shared-address -X new-auxnodelist

    The name of the failover resource group that used to contain the shared address resource.


    The name of the shared address.


    The new, modified auxnodelist with the desired node added or removed.

Example - Removing a Node From a Resource Group

This example shows how to remove a node (phys-schost-3) from a resource group (resource-group-1), which contains a logical hostname resource (schost-1).

# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i nodelist
(resource-group-1) Res Group Nodelist:       phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 
# scrgadm -c -g resource-group-1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i netiflist
(resource-group-1:schost-1) Res property name: NetIfList
(resource-group-1:schost-1:NetIfList) Res property class: extension
(resource-group-1:schost-1:NetIfList) List of NAFO interfaces on each node
(resource-group-1:schost-1:NetIfList) Res property type: stringarray
(resource-group-1:schost-1:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@2

(nafo0@3 is the NAFO group to be removed.)

# scrgadm -c -j schost-1 -x netiflist=nafo0@1,nafo0@2
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i nodelist
(resource-group-1) Res Group Nodelist:       phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2
# scrgadm -pvv -g resource-group-1 | grep -i netiflist
(resource-group-1:schost-1:NetIfList) Res property value: nafo0@1 nafo0@2