Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Set Up SUNW.HAStorage Resource Type for New Resources

In the following example, the resource group resource-group-1 contains three data services.

To create a SUNW.HAStorage resource hastorage-1 for new resources in resource-group-1, read "Synchronizing the Startups Between Resource Groups and Disk Device Groups" and then perform the following steps.

  1. Become superuser on a cluster member.

  2. Create the resource group resource-group-1.

    # scrgadm -a -g resource-group-1

  3. Determine whether the resource type is registered.

    The following command prints a list of registered resource types.

    # scrgadm -p | egrep Type
  4. If you need to, register the resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStorage

  5. Create the SUNW.HAStorage resource hastorage-1, and define the service paths.

    # scrgadm -a -j hastorage-1 -g resource-group-1 -t SUNW.HAStorage \
    -x ServicePaths=/global/resource-group-1,/dev/global/dsk/d5s2,dsk/d6

    ServicePaths can contain the following values.

    • global device group names, such as nfs-dg

    • paths to global devices, such as /dev/global/dsk/d5s2 or dsk/d6

    • cluster file system mount points, such as /global/nfs

    Note -

    Global device groups might not be collocated with the resource groups that correspond to them if ServicePaths contains cluster file system paths.

  6. Enable the hastorage-1 resource.

    # scswitch -e -j hastorage-1

  7. Add the resources (iPlanet Web Server, Oracle, and NFS) to resource-group-1, and set their dependency to hastorage-1.

    For example, for iPlanet Web Server, run the following command.

    # scrgadm -a -j resource -g resource-group-1 -t SUNW.iws \
    -x Confdir_list=/global/iws/schost-1 -y Scalable=False \
    -y Network_resources_used=schost-1 -y Port_list=80/tcp \
    -y Resource_dependencies=hastorage-1

  8. Verify that you have correctly configured the resource dependencies.

    # scrgadm -pvv -j resource | egrep strong
  9. Set resource-group-1 to the managed state, and bring resource-group-1 online.

    # scswitch -Z -g resource-group-1

The SUNW.HAStorage resource type contains another extension property, AffinityOn, which is a Boolean that specifies whether SUNW.HAStorage must perform an affinity switchover for the global devices and cluster file systems that are defined in ServicePaths. See the SUNW.HAStorage(5) man page for details.

Note -

SUNW.HAStorage does not permit AffinityOn to be set to TRUE if the resource group is scalable. SUNW.HAStorage checks the AffinityOn value and internally resets the value to FALSE for a scalable resource group.