Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

Start Command Arguments

The arguments to the start script will vary according to the type of resource. Check the customized man page or run the start script without any argument to get a usage statement.

# /opt/NETapp/util/startapp 
The resource name of LogicalHostname or SharedAddress must be specified.

For failover services: 
Usage: startapp -h <logical host name>
-p <port and protocol list> 
[-n <nafogroup/adapter list>] 

For scalable services: 
Usage: startapp
-h <shared address name>
-p <port and protocol list>
[-l <load balancing policy>] 
[-n <nafogroup/adapter list>] 
[-w <load balancing weights>] [-v]

For stand-alone (non-network aware applications):
Usage: startapp [-v]