Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

Command Line Equivalent of the SunPlex Agent Builder

You can use the command line interface to create a service that uses DGS that is the equivalent of using the SunPlex Agent Builder.

Creating A Service that Uses GDS Using the Command Line Equivalent of the SunPlex Agent Builder
  1. Create the service.

    For a failover service, use the following command:

    # scdscreate -g -V NET -T app -d /usr/local/wdir

    For a scalable service, use the following command:

    # scdscreate -g -s -V NET -T app -d /usr/local/wdir

    Note -

    The -d parameters are optional. If it is not specified, the working directory defaults to the current directory.

  2. Configure the service.

    # scdsconfig -s "/usr/local/app/bin/start' \
    -t "/usr/local/app/bin/stop" \
    -m "/usr/local/app/bin/probe" \
    -d /usr/local/wdir

    Note -

    Only the start command is required. All other parameters are optional.

  3. Install the completed package on both nodes of the cluster.

    # cd /usr/local/wdir/NETapp/pkg
    # pkgadd -d . NETapp

  4. The following files will be installed during the pkgadd:


    Note -

    The man pages and script names will correspond to the Application Name you entered above preceded by the script name; for example, startappname.

    To view the man pages, you need to specify the path to the man page. For example, to view the startapp man pages, use the following command:

    % man -M /opt/NETapp/man startapp
  5. On one node of the cluster, configure the resources and start the application.

    # /opt/NETapp/util/startapp -h logichostname \
    -p port-and-protocol-list

    The arguments to the start script will vary according to the type of resource: failover or scalable. Check the customized man page or run the start script without any argument to get a usage statement.

    # /opt/NETapp/util/startapp
    The resource name of LogicalHostname or SharedAddress must be specified.
    For failover services: 
    Usage: startapp -h <logical host name>
          -p <port and protocol list>
          [-n <nafogroup/adapter list>]
    For scalable services: 
    Usage: startapp 
          -h <shared address name>
          -p <port and protocol list>
          [-l <load balancing policy>] 
          [-n <nafogroup/adapter list>]
          [-w <load balancing weights>] [-v] 
    For stand-alone (non-network aware applications):
    Usage: startapp [-v]