Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 System Administration Guide

How to Log In to Sun Cluster Remotely

The Cluster Control Panel (CCP) provides a launch pad for cconsole(1M), crlogin(1M), and ctelnet(1M) tools. All three tools start a multiple window connection to a set of specified nodes. The multiple-window connection consists of a host window for each of the specified nodes and a common window. Input to the common window is sent to each of the host windows, allowing you to run commands simultaneously on all nodes of the cluster. See the ccp(1M) and cconsole(1M) man pages for more information.

  1. Verify that the following prerequisites are met before starting the CCP.

    • Install the SUNWccon package on the administrative console.

    • Make sure the PATH variable on the administrative console includes the Sun Cluster tools directory, /opt/SUNWcluster/bin, and /usr/cluster/bin. You can specify an alternate location for the tools directory by setting the $CLUSTER_HOME environment variable.

    • Configure the clusters file, the serialports file, and the nsswitch.conf file if using a terminal concentrator. The files can be either /etc files or NIS/NIS+ databases. See clusters(4) and serialports(4) for more information.

  2. Determine if you have a Sun Enterprise 10000 server platform.

    • If yes, log into the System Service Processor (SSP) and connect by using the netcon command. After the connection is made, type Shift~@ to unlock the console and gain write access.

  3. Start the CCP launch pad.

    From the administrative console, type the following command.

    # ccp clustername

    The CCP launch pad is displayed.

  4. To start a remote session with the cluster, click either the cconsole, crlogin, or ctelnet icon in the CCP launch pad.

Where to Go From Here

You can also start cconsole, crlogin, or ctelnet sessions from the command line.