Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS

How to Upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 Software (Rolling)

Perform this procedure to upgrade a node to Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software while the remaining cluster nodes are in cluster mode.

Note –

Do not use any new features provided in the Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software until all nodes of the cluster are upgraded.

  1. Ensure that all steps in How to Prepare the Cluster for Upgrade (Rolling) are completed.

    If you upgraded the Solaris operating environment to a Maintenance Update release, also ensure that all steps in How to Upgrade to a Solaris Maintenance Update Release (Rolling) are completed.

  2. Upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software.

    1. Insert the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 2 of 2 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the node.

      If the volume management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, the daemon automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory.

    2. From the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory, change to the Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_ver/Tools directory, where ver is 8 (for Solaris 8) or 9 (for Solaris 9) .

      The following example uses the path to the Solaris 8 version of Sun Cluster software.

      # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Tools

    3. Install the Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software.

      Note –

      Do not use the /usr/cluster/bin/scinstall command that is already installed on the node. You must use the scinstall command on the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 2 of 2 CD-ROM.

      ./scinstall -u update -M patchdir=dirname
      -M patchdir=dirname[[,patchlistfile=filename]]

      Specifies the path to patch information so that the specified patches can be installed using the scinstall command. If you do not specify a patch-list file, the scinstall command installs all the patches in the directory dirname, including tarred, jarred, and zipped patches.

      The -M option is not required. You can use any method you prefer for installing patches.

      Upgrade processing is finished when the system displays the message Completed Sun Cluster framework upgrade and the path to the upgrade log.

      See “Patches and Required Firmware Levels” in Sun Cluster 3.1 Release Notes for the location of patches and installation instructions.

      See the scinstall(1M) man page for more information.

      Note –

      Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software requires at least version 3.5.1 of Sun Explorer software. Upgrade to Sun Cluster software includes installing Sun Explorer data collector software, to be used in conjunction with the sccheck utility. If another version of Sun Explorer software was already installed before Sun Cluster upgrade, it is replaced by the version that is provided with Sun Cluster software. Options such as user identity and data delivery are preserved, but crontab entries must be manually recreated.

    4. Change to the CD-ROM root directory and eject the CD-ROM.

    5. Install any Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software patches.

  3. Do you intend to upgrade any data services?

  4. Upgrade applications as needed.

    Note –

    Do not upgrade an application if the newer version cannot coexist in the cluster with the older version.

    Follow the instructions that are provided in your third-party documentation.

  5. (Optional) For each node on which data services are installed, upgrade to the Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 data-service update software.

    Note –

    You must upgrade the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle 3.0 64–bit for Solaris 9 data service to the Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 version. Otherwise, you can continue to use Sun Cluster 3.0 data services after upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software.

    1. Insert the Java Enterprise System Accessory CD 3 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the node.

    2. Install the Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 data-service–update patches.

      Use one of the following methods:

      • To upgrade one or more specified data services, type the following command.

        # scinstall -u update -s srvc[,srvc,…] -d cdrom-image
        -u update

        Upgrades a cluster node to a later Sun Cluster software release

        -s srvc

        Upgrades the specified data service

        -d cdrom-image

        Specifies an alternate directory location for the CD-ROM image

      • To upgrade all data services present on the node, type the following command.

        # scinstall -u update -s all -d cdrom-image

        -s all

        Upgrades all data services

        This command assumes that updates for all installed data services exist on the update release. If an update for a particular data service does not exist in the update release, that data service is not upgraded.

      Upgrade processing is finished when the system displays the message Completed upgrade of Sun Cluster data services agents and the path to the upgrade log.

    3. Change to the CD-ROM root directory and eject the CD-ROM.

    4. Install any Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 data-service software patches.

    5. Verify that each data-service update patch is installed successfully.

      View the upgrade log file that is referenced at the end of the upgrade output messages.

  6. Reboot the node into the cluster.

    # reboot

  7. Run the following command on the upgraded node to verify that Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 software is installed successfully.

    # scinstall -pv

  8. From any node, verify the status of the cluster configuration.

    % scstat
    % scrgadm -pv[v]

    Output should be the same as for Step 4 in How to Prepare the Cluster for Upgrade (Rolling).

  9. Do you have another node to upgrade?