Sun Cluster 3.1 データサービス 10/03 ご使用にあたって

Message IDs 400000–499999

404190 Validate - 32|64-bit mode invalid in %s


The bit mode value for MODE is invalid.


Ensure that the bit mode value for MODE equals 32 or 64 when registering the resource.

404259 ERROR: probe_mysql Option -H not set


The -H option is missing for probe_mysql command.


Add the -H option for probe_mysql command.

404388 Failed to retrieve ip number for host %s


The DHCP resource tries to get the hostname ip address based on the cluster node id but failed.


Check that the correct NETWORK parameter was used when registering the DHCP resource and that the correct cluster node id was used.

404924 validate: there are syntactical errors in the parameterfile $Filename


The parameter file $Filename of option -N of the start, stop or probe command is not a valid ksh script.


Correct the file until ksh -n filename exits with 0.

405519 check_samba - Couldn't retrieve faultmonitor-user <%s> from the nameservice


The Samba resource could not validate that the fault monitor userid exists.


Check that the correct fault monitor userid was used when registering the Samba resource and that the userid really exists.

405649 validate: User $Username does not exist but it is required


The user with the name $Username does not exist or was not returned by the name service.


Set the variable User in the parameter file mentioned in option -N to a of the start, stop and probe command to valid contents.

410272 Validate - ORACLE_HOME directory %s does not exist


The Oracle E-Business Suite ORACLE_HOME directory does not exist.


Check that the correct pathname was entered for the Oracle Home directory when registering the resource and that the directory exists.

419384 stop dced failed rc<>


Stop of dce subcomponent failed.


Verify configuration.

425328 validate: Return String is not set but it is required


The parameter ReturnString is not set in the parameter file


Set the variable ReturnString in the parameter file mentioned in option -N to a of the start, stop and probe command to valid contents.

425366 check_cmg - FUNDRUN = %s, FNDMAX = %s


While probing the Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent manager, the actual percentage of processes running is below the user defined acceptable limit set by CON_LIMIT when the resource was registered.


Determine why the number of actual processes for the concurrent manager is below the limit set by CON_LIMIT. The concurrent manager resource will be restarted.

430357 endmqm - %s


The following output was generated from the endmqm command.


None, if the command was successful, otherwise examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

437837 get_resource_dependencies - WebSphere MQ Broker Queue Manager resource %s already set


The WebSphere MQ Broker resource checks to see if the correct resource dependencies exists, however it appears that there already is a WebSphere MQ Broker Queue manager defined in resource_dependencies when registering the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.


Check the resource_dependencies entry when you registered the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.

438199 Validate - Samba configuration directory %s does not exist


The Samba resource could not validate that the Samba configuration directory exists.


Check that the correct pathname for the Samba configuration directory was entered when registering the Samba resource and that the configuration directory really exists.

450308 check_broker - Main Queue Manager processes not found


The WebSphere MQ Broker checks to see if the main WebSphere MQ processes are available before it performs a simple message flow test. If these processes are not present, the WebSphere MQ Broker fault monitor requests a restart of the broker, as the WebSphere MQ Broker is probably restarting. Furthermore this helps to avoid AMQ8041 messages when the WebSphere MQ Broker is restarting.


None, the WebSphere MQ Broker will be restarted.

454449 ERROR: stop_mysql Option -L not set


The -L option is missing for stop_mysql command.


Add the -L option for stop_mysql command.

456015 Validate - mysqladmin %s non-existent or non-executable


The mysqladmin command doesn't exist or is not executable.


Make sure that MySQL is installed correctly or right base directory is defined.

459848 WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS available


The WebSphere MQ Broker is dependent on the WebSphere MQ Broker DBMS. This message simple informs that the WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS is available.



461872 check_cmg - Actual (%s) FND processes running is below limit (%s)


While probing the Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent manager, the actual percentage of processes running is below the user defined acceptable limit set by CON_LIMIT when the resource was registered.


Determine why the number of actual processes for the concurrent manager is below the limit set by CON_LIMIT. The concurrent manager resource will be restarted.

469892 ERROR: start_mysql Option -B not set


The -B option is missing for start_mysql command.


Add the -B option for start_mysql command.

474576 check_dhcp - The DHCP has died


The DHCP resource's fault monitor has found that the DHCP process has died.


None, the DHCP resource's fault monitor will request a restart of the DHCP server.

476023 Validate - DHCP is not enabled (DAEMON_ENABLED)


The DHCP resource requires that that the /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf file has DAEMON_ENABLED=TRUE.


Ensure that /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf has DAEMON_ENABLED=TRUE by configuring DHCP appropriately, i.e. as defined within the Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Service for DHCP.

479015 Validate - DHCP directory %s does not exist


The DHCP resource could not validate that the DHCP directory defined in the /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf file for the PATH variable exists.


Ensure that /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf has the correct entry for the PATH variable by configuring DHCP appropriately, i.e. as defined within the Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Service for DHCP.

496553 Validate - DHCP config file %s does not exist


The DHCP resource could not validate that /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf exists.


Ensure that /etc/inet/dhcpsvc.conf exists.

497093 WebSphere MQ Check Broker failed - see reason above


The WebSphere MQ Broker fault monitor has detected a problem, this message is provided simple to highlight that fact.


Examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified