Sun Cluster 3.1 データサービス 10/03 ご使用にあたって

Message IDs 500000–599999

510280 check_mysql - MySQL slave instance %s is not connected to master %s with MySql error (%s)


The fault monitor has detected that the MySQL slave instance is not connected to the specified master.


Check MySQL logfiles to determine why the slave has been disconnected to the master.

524300 get_server_ip - pntadm failed rc<%s>


The DHCP resource gets the server ip from the DHCP network table using the pntadm command, however this command has failed.


Please refer to the pntadm(1M) man page.

527700 stop_chi - WebSphere MQ Channel Initiator %s stopped


The WebSphere MQ Channel Initiator has been stopped.



532557 Validate - This version of samba <%s> is not supported with this dataservice


The Samba resource check to see that an appropriate version of Samba is being deployed. Versions below v2.2.2 will generate this message.


Ensure that the Samba version is equal to or above v2.2.2

538835 ERROR: probe_mysql Option -B not set


The -B option is missing for probe_mysql command.


Add the -B option for probe_mysql command.

549875 check_mysql - Couldn't get SHOW SLAVE STATUS for instance %s (%s)


The fault monitor can't retrieve the MySQL slave status for the specified instance.


Either was MySQL already down or the fault monitor user doesn't have the right permission. The defined fault monitor should have Process-,Select-, Reload- and Shutdown-privileges and for MySQL 4.0.x also Super-privileges. Check also the MySQL logfiles for any other errors.

558184 Validate - MySQL logdirectory for mysqld does not exist


The defined (-L option) logdirectory doesn't exist.


Make sure that the defined logdirectory exists.

567783 %s - %s


The first %s refers to the calling program, whereas the second %s represents the output produced by that program. Typically, these messages are produced by programs such as strmqm, endmqm rumqtrm etc.


None, if the command was successful, otherwise examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

574421 MQSeriesIntegrator2%s file deleted


The WebSphere Broker fault monitor checks to see if MQSeriesIntegrator2BrokerResourceTableLockSempahore or MQSeriesIntegrator2RetainedPubsTableLockSemaphore exists within /var/mqsi/locks and that their respective semaphore id exists.


None, if either MQSeriesIntegrator2%s file exists without an IPC semaphore entry, then the MQSeriesIntegrator2%s file is deleted. This prevents (a) Execution Group termination on startup with BIP2123 and (b) bipbroker termination on startup with BIP2088.

578055 stop_mysql - Failed to flush MySQL tables for %s


mysqladmin command failed to flush MySQL tables.


Either was MySQL already down or the fault monitor user doesn't have the right permission to flush tables. The defined fault monitor should have Process-,Select-, Reload- and Shutdown-privileges and for MySQL 4.0.x also Super-privileges.

589025 ERROR: stop_mysql Option -F not set


The -F option is missing for stop_mysql command.


stop_mysql コマンドの -F オプションを追加します。

589689 get_resource_dependencies - Only one WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS resource dependency can be set


The WebSphere MQ Broker resource checks to see if the correct resource dependencies exists, however it appears that there already is a WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS defined in resource_dependencies when registering the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.


Check the resource_dependencies entry when you registered the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.

592738 Validate - smbclient %s non-existent executable


The Samba resource tries to validate that the smbclient exists and is executable.


Check the correct pathname for the Samba bin directory was entered when registering the resource and that the program exists and is executable.

595448 Validate - mysqld %s non-existent executable


The mysqld command doesn't exist or is not executable.


Make sure that MySQL is installed correctly or right base directory is defined.

598483 Waiting for WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS


The WebSphere MQ Broker is dependent on the WebSphere MQ Broker RDBMS, which is not available. So the WebSphere MQ Broker will wait until it is available before it is started, or until Start_timeout for the resource occurs.

