Sun Cluster 3.1 データサービス 10/03 ご使用にあたって

Message IDs 600000–699999

600398 validate - file $FILENAME does not exist


The parameter file of option -N of the start, stop or probe command does not exist.


Correct the filename and reregister the data service.

600552 validate: User is not set but it is required


The parameter User is not set in the parameter file


Set the variable User in the parameter file mentioned in option -N to a of the start, stop and probe command to valid contents.

601312 Validate - Winbind bin directory %s does not exist


The Winbind resource could not validate that winbind bin directory exists.


Check that the correct pathname for the Winbind bin directory was entered when registering the Winbind resource and that the bin directory really exists.

603913 last probe failed, Tomcat considered as unavailable


The last sanity check was unsuccessful, may be out of sessions


None required, it is recommended to observe Tomcats number of configured sessions

604642 Validate - winbind is not defined in %s in the passwd section


The Winbind resource could not validate that winbind is defined within the password section of /etc/nsswitch.conf.


Ensure that winbind is defined within the password section of /etc/nsswitch.conf.

608780 get_resource_dependencies - Resource_dependencies does not have a Queue Manager resource


The WebSphere Broker is dependent on the WebSphere MQ Broker Queue Manager resource, which is not available. So the WebSphere Broker will terminate.


Ensure that the WebSphere MQ Broker Queue Manager resource is defined within resource_dependencies when registering the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.

611103 get_resource_dependencies - Only one WebSphere MQ Broker Queue Manager resource dependency can be set


The WebSphere MQ Broker resource checks to see if the correct resource dependencies exists, however it appears that there already is a WebSphere MQ Broker Queue Manager defined in resource_dependencies when registering the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.


Check the resource_dependencies entry when you registered the WebSphere MQ Broker resource.

616858 WebSphere MQ Broker will be restarted


The WebSphere MQ Broker fault monitor has detected a condition that requires that the WebSphere MQ Broker is to be restarted.


None, the WebSphere MQ Broker will be restarted.

620125 WebSphere MQ Broker bipservice %s failed


The WebSphere MQ Broker fault monitor has detected that the WebSphere MQ Broker bipservice process has failed.


None, the WebSphere MQ Broker will be restarted.

620477 mqsistop - %s


The following output was generated from the mqsistop command.


None, if the command was successful, otherwise examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

622367 start_dhcp - %s %s failed


The DHCP resource has tried to start the DHCP server using in.dhcpd, however this has failed.


The DHCP server will be restarted. Examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

623488 Validate - winbind is not defined in %s in the group section


The Winbind resource could not validate that winbind is defined within the group section of /etc/nsswitch.conf.


Ensure that winbind is defined within the group section of /etc/nsswitch.conf.

632788 Validate - User root is not a member of group mqbrkrs


The WebSphere Broker resource requires that root mqbrkrs is a member of group mqbrkrs.


Ensure that root is a member of group mqbrkrs.

635839 first probe was unsuccessful, try again in 5 seconds


The first sanity check was unsuccessful, may be out of sessions


None required, it is recommended to observe Tomcats number of configured sessions

643722 ERROR: start_mysql Option -U not set


The -U option is missing for start_mysql command.


Add the -U option for start_mysql command.

644941 Probe failed, HTTP GET Response Code for %s is %d.


The status code of the response to a HTTP GET probe that indicates the HTTP server has failed. It will be restarted or failed over.


This message is informational; no user action is needed.

647559 Validate - Couldn't retrieve Samba version number


The Samba resource tries to validate that an acceptable version of Samba is being deployed, however it was unable to retrieve the Samba version number.


Check that Samba has been installed correctly

652173 start_samba - Could not start Samba server %s nmb


The Samba resource could not start the Samba server nmbd process.


The Samba resource will be restarted, however examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

657739 ERROR: start_mysql Option -G not set


The -G option is missing for start_mysql command.


Add the -G option for start_mysql command.

667613 start_mysql - myisamchk found errors in some index in %s, perform manual repairs


mysiamchk found errors in MyISAM based tables.


Consult MySQL documentation when repairing MyISAM tables.

668840 Validate - Couldn't retrieve faultmonitor-user <%s> from the nameservice


The Samba resource could not validate that the fault monitor userid exists.


Check that the correct fault monitor userid was used when registering the Samba resource and that the userid really exists.

672337 runmqlsr - %s


The following output was generated from the runmqlsr command.


None, if the command was successful, otherwise examine the other syslog messages occurring at the same time on the same node, to see if the cause of the problem can be identified.

693424 Waiting for WebSphere MQ UserNameServer Queue Manager


The WebSphere MQ UserNameServer is dependent on the WebSphere MQ UserNameServer Queue Manager, which is not available. So the WebSphere MQ UserNameServer will wait until it is available before it is started, or until Start_timeout for the resource occurs.



693579 stop_mysql - Failed to flush MySql logfiles for %s


mysqladmin command failed to flush MySQL logfiles.


Either was MySQL already down or the fault monitor user doesn't have the right permission to flush logfiles. The defined fault monitor should have Process-,Select-, Reload- and Shutdown-privileges and for MySQL 4.0.x also Super-privileges.