Sun Cluster Data Service for WebSphere MQ Integrator Guide for Solaris OS

Planning the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator Installation and Configuration

This section contains the information you need to plan your Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator installation and configuration.

Configuration Restrictions

This section provides a list of software and hardware configuration restrictions that apply to Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator only.

Caution – Caution –

Your data service configuration might not be supported if you do not observe these restrictions.

For restrictions that apply to all data services, see the Sun Cluster Release Notes.

Configuration Requirements

Use the requirements in this section to apply to Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator only. You must meet these requirements before you proceed with your Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator installation and configuration.

Caution – Caution –

Your data service configuration might not be supported if you do not adhere to these requirements.

Sun Cluster components and their dependencies – You can configure the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator data service to protect a Sun Cluster Broker and UserNameServer. These components and their dependencies are described in Table 3.

Table 3 Sun Cluster components and their dependencies (via -> symbol)




-> SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource

-> WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and Listener resources

-> RDBMS resource

The SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource manages the Sun Cluster File System Mount point, i.e. /global/mqsi.

Dependency on the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager resource ensures that the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager is available.

Dependency on the WebSphere MQ Listener resource is required only if runmqlsr is used instead of inetd.

Dependency on the RDBMS resource ensures that the RDBMS is available.

All these dependencies ensure that Sun Cluster is not started until these services are available. 


-> SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource

-> WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and Listener resources

The SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource manages the Sun Cluster File System Mount point, i.e. /global/mqsi.

Dependency on the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager resource ensures that the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager is available.

Dependency on the WebSphere MQ Listener resource is required only if runmqlsr is used instead of inetd.

The Sun Cluster Broker component and its dependencies must all reside within the same Resource Group. Likewise the Sun Cluster UserNameServer and its dependencies must also all reside with the same Resource Group.

However, the Sun Cluster Broker and UserNameServer do not have to reside within the same Resource Group, they can reside in separate Resource Groups. Likewise, multiple instances of the Sun Cluster Broker can reside in separate Resource Groups. However, only one instance of the Sun Cluster UserNameServer is allowed.

Example 1 shows two Sun Cluster Brokers (XXX and YYY) and a Sun Cluster UserNameServer within different Resource Groups and shows that all Sun Cluster components (Broker and UserNameServer) use the same Global File System /global/mqsi.

Example 1 Multiple Sun Cluster Brokers and UserNameServer .

Note –

For detailed information about these Sun Cluster components, refer to IBM's Sun Cluster Introduction and Planning manual.

Each Sun Cluster component has a configuration and registration file in /opt/SUNWscmqi/xxx/util, where xxx is a three-character abbreviation for the Sun Cluster component. These files allow you to register the Sun Cluster components with Sun Cluster.

Within these files, the appropriate dependencies have been applied.

Example 2 Sun Cluster configuration and registration file for Sun Cluster

# cd /opt/SUNWscmqi
# ls -l sib/util
total 6
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     sys         1032 Dec 20 14:44 sib_config
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     sys          720 Dec 20 14:44 sib_register
# ls -l siu/util
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     sys          733 Dec 20 14:44 siu_config
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     sys          554 Dec 20 14:44 siu_register 
# more sib/util/*
# Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This file will be sourced in by sib_register and the parameters
# listed below will be used.
# These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
#        RS - name of the resource for the application
#        RG - name of the resource group containing RS
#      QMGR - name of the Queue Manager
#      PORT - name of the Queue Manager port number
#        LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource
#    HAS_RS - name of the Queue Manager HAStoragePlus SC resource
#    SC3_IN - name of the Test Message Flow (Inbound)
#   SC3_OUT - name of the Test Message Flow (Outbound)
#   MQSI_ID - name of the WebSphere MQI userid
#    BROKER - name of the WebSphere MQI Broker
#  RDBMS_ID - name of the WebSphere MQI RDBMS userid
#   QMGR_RS - name of the Queue Manager SC resource
#  RDBMS_RS - name of the RDBMS SC resource and listener (if Oracle)
#             e.g. RDBMS_RS=<ora-rs>,<lsr-rs>
#       +++ Optional parameters +++
# START_CMD - pathname and name of the renamed strmqm program
#  STOP_CMD - pathname and name of the renamed endmqm program
# Note 1: Optional parameters
#       Null entries for optional parameters are allowed if not used.
# Note 2: Renamed strmqm/endmqm programs
#       This is only recommended if WebSphere MQ is deployed onto 
#       Global File Systems for qmgr/log files. You should specify 
#       the full pathname/program, i.e. /opt/mqm/bin/<renamed_strmqm>


# Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

. `dirname $0`/sib_config

scrgadm -a -j $RS -g $RG -t SUNW.gds \
-x Start_command="/opt/SUNWscmqi/sib/bin/start-broker \
-R $RS -G $RG -Q $QMGR -I $SC3_IN -O $SC3_OUT \
-S '$START_CMD' -E '$STOP_CMD' " \
-x Stop_command="/opt/SUNWscmqi/sib/bin/stop-broker \
-R $RS -G $RG -Q $QMGR -I $SC3_IN -O $SC3_OUT \
-S '$START_CMD' -E '$STOP_CMD' " \
-x Probe_command="/opt/SUNWscmqi/sib/bin/test-broker \
-R $RS -G $RG -Q $QMGR -I $SC3_IN -O $SC3_OUT \
-S '$START_CMD' -E '$STOP_CMD' " \
-y Port_list=$PORT/tcp -y Network_resources_used=$LH \
-x Stop_signal=9 \
-y Resource_dependencies=$HAS_RS,$QMGR_RS,$RDBMS_RS