Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Configure a Highly Available File System for Hitachi TrueCopy Replication

Before You Begin

Before you configure the file system on cluster-paris, ensure that the Sun Cluster entities you require, such as application resource groups, device groups, and mount points, have already been configured.

If you are using storage-based replication, do not configure a replicated volume as a quorum device. The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software does not support Hitachi TrueCopy S-VOL and Command Device as a Sun Cluster quorum device. See Using Storage-Based Data Replication in Sun Cluster 3.0-3.1 Hardware Administration Manual for Solaris OS for more information.

  1. Create the required file system on the vol1 volume at the command line.

  2. Add an entry to the /etc/vfstab file that contains information such as the mount location.

    Whether the file system is to be mounted locally or globally depends on various factors, such as your performance requirements, or the type of application resource group you are using.

    Note –

    You must set the mount at boot field in this file to no. This value prevents the file system from mounting on the secondary cluster at cluster startup. Instead, the Sun Cluster software and the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition framework handle mounting the file system by using the HAStoragePlus resource when the application is brought online on the primary cluster. Data must not be mounted on the secondary cluster or data on the primary will not be replicated to the secondary cluster. Otherwise, the data will not be replicated from the primary cluster to the secondary cluster.

  3. Add the HAStoragePlus resource to the application resource group, apprg1.

    Adding the resource to the application resource group ensures that the necessary file systems are remounted before the application is brought online.

    For more information about the HAStoragePlus resource type, refer to the Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service Planning and Administration Guide.

Example 9–1 Configuring a Highly Available Cluster Global File System

This example assumes that the apprg1 resource group already exists.

  1. Create a UNIX file system (UFS).

    # newfs dev/vx/dsk/oradg1/vol1
  2. An entry in the /etc/vfstab file is created as follows:

    # /dev/vs/dsk/oradg1/vol1 /dev/vx/rdsk/oradg1/vol1 /mounts/sample 
    ufs 2 no logging
  3. Add the HAStoragePlus resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -j rs-hasp -g apprg1 -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus 
    -x FilesystemMountPoints=/mounts/sample -x AffinityOn=TRUE 
    -x GlobalDevicePaths=oradg1