C H A P T E R   4

Monitoring Logical Domains

This chapter tells how to monitor logical domains by querying the LDoms MIB using tables and scalar MIB variables, and provides descriptions of the various types of output.

Note - Be sure that you have added the ldom prefix to table names, objects in the table, and scalar object names when using the SNMP commands to retrieve data from the LDoms MIB.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Setting Environmental Variables

Before you can query the LDoms MIB, you must set environmental variables depending on the UNIX shell you use:

procedure icon  To Set Environmental Variables for C Shell Users

procedure icon  To Set Environmental Variables for Bourne or Korn Shell Users

Querying the LDoms MIB

This section shows examples of how to query the LDoms MIB using SNMP commands.

procedure icon  To Retrieve a Single MIB Object

procedure icon  To Retrieve an Array of MIB Objects

Examples of Retrieving an Array of MIB Objects

Following are examples of using the snmpwalk(1M) and the snmptable(1M) commands to retrieve an array of MIB objects.

Example Using the snmpwalk(1M) Command for SNMP Version 1 (v1)

For example, using the following snmpwalk(1M) command on the ldomTable returns the values for all objects in the table:

% snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.1 = STRING: primary
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.2 = STRING: LdomMibTest_1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.1 = INTEGER: active(1)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.2 = INTEGER: inactive(3)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.1 = INTEGER: 32
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.2 = INTEGER: 2
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.1 = INTEGER: 3968
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.2 = INTEGER: 256
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.1 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.2 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.1 = INTEGER: 8
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.2 = INTEGER: 0

Examples Using the snmpwalk(1M) Command for SNMP Version 2 (v2c) and Version 3 (v3)

The following snmpwalk(1M) commands are used to retrieve the contents of ldomTable using snmpv2c and snmpv3.

% snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
% snmpwalk -v 3 -u test -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A testpassword localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable

Example Using the snmptable(1M) Command for SNMP Version 1 (v1)

The snmptable(1M) command displays the contents of a table in tabular form. For example:

% snmptable -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
       ldomName ldomAdminState ldomOperState ldomNumVCpu ldomMemSize ldomMemUnit ldomNumCrypto ldomNumIOBus
       primary               0        active          32        3968 megabytes               8            2
 LdomMibTest_1               0      inactive           2         256 megabytes               0            0

Example Using the snmptable(1M) Command for SNMP Version 2 (v2c)

The following snmptable(1M) command is used to display the contents of a table in tabular form using snmpv2c.

% snmptable -v2c -CB -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable

Note - For the v2c or v3 snmptable command, use the -CB option to use only GETNEXT, not GETBULK, requests to retrieve data.

Retrieving LDoms MIB Information

This section shows the information you can retrieve from the Logical Domains MIB. The information can come in the form of tables or scalar objects. Both are shown and identified in this section.

Logical Domains Table (ldomTable)

The following table summarizes each logical domain in the system, including the resource constraints for virtual CPUs, memory, cryptographic units, and I/O buses.

TABLE 4-1   Logical Domains (ldomTable) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
ldomIndex Integer Not accessible Integer used as an index of the table
ldomName Display string Read-only Name of the logical domain
ldomAdminState Integer Read/Write Write -

1 (Active) starts the domain

2 (Stopping) stops the domain

ldomOperState Integer Read-only Current actual state of the logical domain:








ldomNumVCPU Integer Read-only Number of virtual CPUs used. If the logical domain is in a inactive state, then this is the requested number of virtual CPUs.
ldomMemSize Integer Read-only Amount of virtual memory used. If the logical domain is in a inactive state, then this is the requested memory size.
ldomMemUnit Integer Read-only Memory unit:

1=KB (kilobytes)

2=MB (megabytes)

3=GB (gigabytes)


Default is bytes if the memory unit is missing.

ldomNumCrypto Integer Read-only Number of cryptographic (crypto) units used. If the logical domain is in a inactive state, then this is the requested number of crypto units.
ldomNumIOBus Integer Read-only Number of physical I/O devices used

LDoms Resource Pool and Scalar Variables

The following resources can be assigned to logical domains:

Following are the scalar MIB variables that are used to represent these resource pools and their properties.

TABLE 4-2   Scalar Variables for CPU Resource Pool 
Name Data Type Access Description
CpuRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool, in CpuRpCapacityUnit
CpuRpReserved Integer Read-only Quantity of resources from pool in CpuRpReservedUnit, which are currently reserved
CpuRpCapacityUnit and


Integer Read-only Various CPU allocation units:

1=MHz (megahertz)

2=GHz (gigahertz)

Set to 1(MHz)

TABLE 4-3   Scalar Variables for Memory Resource Pool
Name Data Type Access Description
MemRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool, in MemRpCapacityUnit
MemRpReserved Integer Read-only Quantity of resources from pool in MemRpReservedUnit, which are currently reserved
MemRpCapacityUnit and


Integer Read-only Various memory allocation units:

1=KB (kilobytes)

2=MB (megabytes)

3=GB (gigabytes)

4= (bytes)

Default set to 4 (bytes)

TABLE 4-4   Scalar Variables for Crypto Resource Pool
Name Data Type Access Description
CryptoRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool
CryptoRpReserved Integer Read-only Quantity of resources from the pool, which are currently reserved

TABLE 4-5   Scalar Variables for I/O Bus Resource Pool
Name Data Type Access Description
IOBusRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool
IOBusRpReserved Integer Read-only Quantity of resources from the pool that are currently reserved

Virtual CPU Table (VcpuTable)

This table describes virtual CPUs belonging to all logical domains.

TABLE 4-6   Virtual CPU (VcpuTable) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VcpuLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual CPU (vcpu)
VcpuIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index the vcpu in this table
VcpuDeviceID Display string Read-only Identifier of the virtual CPU
VcpuOperationalStatus Integer Read-only Various CPU statuses:






6=Predictive Failure


8=Nonrecoverable error




12=In service

13=No contact

14=Lost communication



17=Supporting entity in error


19=Power mode

Set to 1 (Unknown), because the Logical Domains Manager does not provide the CPU state.

VcpuPhysBind Display string Read-only Physical binding. Contains identifier of strand (hardware thread) that is assigned to this virtual CPU. This ID also uniquely identifies the core and chip.
VcpuPhysBindUsage Integer Read-only Indicates how many megahertz of the total capacity of the strand is used for this virtual CPU. For example, if a thread can run at a maximum of one gigahertz, and only half of that is allocated to this virtual CPU (that is, 50% of the strand), this field would have the value of 500.

Virtual Memory Tables

Memory space seen in a logical domain is referred to as real memory; that is, virtual memory. Host platform memory space seen by the hypervisor is referred to as physical memory. The hypervisor maps blocks of physical memory to form a block of real memory which is used by a logical domain. For example, a logical domain that asks for 521 megabytes of real memory can be assigned by two blocks of 256 megabytes in the host system as physical memory in the format {physical-address, real-address, size}:

{0x1000000, 0x1000000, 256}, {0x2000000, 0x2000000,256}

Because a logical domain can have up to 64 physical memory segments assigned to a guest, an auxiliary table is used to hold each memory segment instead of using the display string which has a 255-character limit.

Virtual Memory Table (VmemTable)

This table describes properties of virtual memory belonging to logical domains.

TABLE 4-7   Virtual Memory (VmemTable) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VmemLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual memory
VmemIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index virtual memory in this table
VmemNumberofBlocks Integer Read-only Number of blocks of virtual memory

Virtual Memory Physical Binding Table (VmemPhysBind)

This is an auxiliary table containing physical memory segments for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-8   Virtual Memory Physical Binding (VmemPhysBind) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VmemPhysBindLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing physical memory segments
VmemPhysBind Display string Read-only List of physical memory in the format {physical-address, real-address, size} that is mapped to this virtual memory block

Virtual Disk Tables

A virtual disk service (vds) and the physical device to which it maps (vdsdev) provides the virtual disk capability to the Logical Domains 1.0.1 technology. A virtual disk service exports a number of local volumes (physical disk or file system). When a virtual disk service is specified, included are the complete /dev path of the backing device (vdsdev) and a unique name (volume name) for the device being added to the service.

One or more disks (or disk slices) or file systems can be bound to a single disk service. Each disk has a unique name and volume name. This volume name is used when the disk is bound to the service. The Logical Domains Manager creates virtual disk clients (vdisk) from the virtual disk service and its logical volumes.

Virtual Disk Service (Vds) Table

This table describes virtual disk services for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-9   Virtual Disk Service (Vds) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VdsLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual disk service
VdsIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index vds in this table
VdsServiceName Display string Read-only Service name for the virtual disk service. This is the service_name of the ldm add-vds command.
VdsNumofAvailVolume Integer Read-only Number of logical volumes exported by this virtual disk service
VdsNumofUsedVolume Integer Read-only Number of logical volumes used (bound) to this virtual disk service

Virtual Disk Service Device (VdsDev) Table

This table describes virtual disk service devices belonging to all virtual disk services.

TABLE 4-10   Virtual Disk Service Device (VdsDev) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VdsdevVdsIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the Virtual Disk Service Table representing the virtual disk service containing the virtual disk device
VdsdevIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index the virtual disk service device in this table
VdsdevVolumeName Display string Read-only Volume name for the virtual disk service device. This is a unique name for the device being added to the virtual disk service. This name is exported by this virtual disk service to the clients for adding. This is the volume_name property in the ldm add-vdsdev command.
VdsdevDevPath Display string Read-only Path name of the disk device. This is the device property in the ldm add-vdsdev command.

Virtual Disk (Vdisk) Table

This table describes virtual disks for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-11   Virtual Disk (Vdisk) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VdiskLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable
VdiskVdsDevIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the Virtual Disk Service Device Table representing the virtual disk service device
VdiskIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index the virtual disk in this table
VdiskName Display string Read-only Name of the virtual disk. This is the disk-name property in the ldm add-vdisk command.

The following diagram shows an example of the relationships among the virtual disk tables and the Logical Domains Table.

FIGURE 4-1   Relationship Among Virtual Disk Tables and the Logical Domain Table

Virtual Network Tables

The virtual network support in Logical Domains software enables guest domains to communicate with each other and with external hosts through a physical Ethernet device. The virtual network contains two main components:

After you create a virtual switch on a service logical domain, you can bind a physical network device to the virtual switch. After that, you can create a virtual network device for a logical domain that uses the virtual switch service to communicate with other logical domains (connecting to the same virtual switch) and to the outside world (if a physical device is bound to the virtual switch).

Virtual Switch Service (Vsw) Table

This table describes virtual switch services for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-12   Virtual Switch Service (Vsw) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VswLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual switch service
VswIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index vsw in this table
VswServiceName Display string Read-only Virtual switch service name
VswMacAddress Display string Read-only MAC address used by the virtual switch
VswPhysDevPath Display string Read-only Physical device path for the virtual network switch. This is null when no physical device is bound to the virtual switch.
VswMode Integer Read-only Mode of how the switch operates:

1=Switched (same as Programmed)


3=SwitchedAndPromiscuous (same as Programmed/Promiscuous)


Virtual Network Device (Vnet) Table

This table describes the virtual network devices for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-13   Virtual Network Device (Vnet) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VnetLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual network
VnetVswIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the virtual switch service table
VnetIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index vnet in this table
VnetDevName Display string Read-only Virtual network device name. This is the net-dev property in the ldm add-vnet command.
VnetDevMacAddress Display string Read-only MAC address for this network device. This is the mac-addr property in the ldm add-vnet command.

Virtual Console Tables

The Logical Domains service domain provides a virtual network terminal service (vNTS). The virtual network terminal service provides a virtual console service, called a virtual console concentrator (vcc), with a range of port numbers. Each virtual console concentrator has multiple console groups (vcons), and each group is assigned a port number. Each group can contain multiple logical domains.

Virtual Console Concentrator (Vcc) Table

This table describes virtual console concentrators for all logical domains.

TABLE 4-14   Virtual Console Concentrator (Vcc) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VccLdomIndex Index Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the virtual console service
VccIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index vcc in this table
VccName Display string Read-only Virtual console concentrator name. This is the vcc_name property in the ldm add-vcc command.
VccPortRangeLow Integer Read-only Low number for the range of TCP ports to be used by the virtual console concentrator. This is the port-range x property in the ldm add-vcc command.
VccPortRangeHigh Integer Read-only High number for the range of TCP ports to be used by the virtual console concentrator. This is the port-range y property in the ldm add-vcc command.

Virtual Console Group (Vcons) Table

This table describes virtual console groups for all virtual console services.

TABLE 4-15   Virtual Console Group (Vcons) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VconsIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index a virtual group in this table
VconsGroupName Display string Read-only Group name to which to attach the virtual console. This is the group property in the ldm set-vcons command.
VconsPortNumber Integer Read-only Port number assigned to this group. This is the port property in the ldm set-vcons command.

Virtual Console Relationship (VconsVccRel) Table

This table contains index values to show the intertable relationships between a logical domain, a virtual console concentrator, and console groups.

TABLE 4-16   Virtual Console Relationship (VconsVccRel) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
VconsVccRelVconsIndex Integer Read-only Value of the ldomVconsIndex in the ldomVconsTable
VconsVccRelLdomIndex Integer Read-only Value of the ldomIndex in the ldomTable
VconsVccRelVccIndex Integer Read-only Value of the ldomVccIndex in the ldomVccTable

FIGURE 4-2 shows an example of the relationships among the virtual console tables and the Logical Domains Table.

FIGURE 4-2   Relationship Among Virtual Console Tables and the Logical Domains Table

Other Scalar Variables and Tables

This section describes the following other scalar variables and tables provided by the LDoms MIB:

Scalar Variables for Logical Domain Version Information

The Logical Domains Manager protocol supports logical domains versions. The version consists of both a major and minor number. The Logical Domain MIB has scalar variables to describe the logical domain version information.

TABLE 4-17   Scalar Variables for Logical Domain Version Information
Name Data Type Access Description
VersionMajor Integer Read-only Major version number
VersionMinor Integer Read-only Minor version number

Environment Variables (EnvVars) Table

This table contains the OpenBoottrademark PROM environment variables of all logical domains.

TABLE 4-18   Environmental Variables (EnvVars) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
EnvVarsLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the environmental variables
EnvVarsIndex Integer Not accessible Integer for an index of the table
EnvVarsName Display string Read-only Name of the OpenBoot PROM variable
EnvVarsValue Display string Read-only Value of the OpenBoot PROM variable

Cryptographic Units Table (CryptoTable)

This table describes the cryptographic (crypto) units belonging to all logical domains:

  • MAU - Modular Arithmetic Unit; cryptographic unit for Sun UltraSPARC T1–based platforms

  • CWQ - Control Word Queue; cryptographic unit for Sun UltraSPARC T2–based platforms

TABLE 4-19   Cryptographic Units (CryptoTable) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
CryptoLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the cryptographic unit
CryptoIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index the cryptographic unit in this table
CryptoCpuSet Display string Read-only List of CPUs that is mapped to MAU-unit cpuset. For example, {0, 1, 2, 3}

Input/Output Bus Table (IOBusTable)

This table describes physical I/O devices, PCI buses, belonging to all logical domains.

TABLE 4-20   Input/Output Bus (IOBusTable) Table
Name Data Type Access Description
IOBusLdomIndex Integer Read-only An integer used to index to the ldomTable representing the logical domain containing the I/O bus
IOBusIndex Integer Not accessible An integer used to index the I/O bus in this table
IOBusDevName Display string Read-only Physical I/O device name
IOBusDevPath Display string Read-only Physical I/O device path