C H A P T E R  1

Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 Release Notes

These release notes contain support information and general issues about this release of Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 software.

Support Information

Community Discussion and Support

After successfully downloading this software, please participate in this community discussion and receive community-based support. To obtain community-based support, go to the Logical Domains OpenSolaristrademark community site at:


Supported OS on LDoms Guest Domains

For Logical Domains software, the guest domain must run an operating system that understands the sun4v platform and the virtual devices presented by the hypervisor. Currently, this is the Solaris 10 11/06 OS plus patches at a minimum. For more information, refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.0.1 Release Notes.

For the virt-install script, only the Solaris OS installation is supported and tested. The LDoms guest domain might run the latest Ubuntu Linux distribution. However, installing Linux using the virt-install script has not been tested.

LDoms Software Supports Paravirtualization Only

Sun’s intersection of virtualization and management (xVM) technology supports two levels of virtualization. In the first level, paravirtualization, the operating system is aware that it is running under xVM software. In the second level, fully virtualized, the guest operating system is not aware that it is running under xVM software.

Unlike xVM software, LDoms software runs only in paravirtualization mode. Therefore, even if you do not specify the -p (--paravirt) option for the virt-install script, the LDoms guest is paravirtualized.

General Issues

Must Be Superuser to Run virsh and virt-install

You must have superuser privileges to run the virtual shell (virsh) commands and the virt-install script.

Insufficient Memory Error

When you change a domain’s memory allocation using the virsh(1M) setmem command, you must specify the amount of memory as greater than 4000 kilobytes. If you do not, you receive this message:

libvir: Domain error domain: invalid argument in virDomainSetMemory

Recovery: Increase the memory to more than 4000 kilobytes.

MAC Address Format

Using the -m (--mac) option for the virt-install script, you can supply a fixed MAC address for the guest domain’s virtual network devices. The MAC address format must be similar to:


The following MAC address format causes an invalid MAC address error:


For more information about using MAC addresses with Logical Domains software, refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.0.1 Administration Guide.

Indentation Error in libxml2.py File

The libxml2.py file, which is used by the virt-install script, can give the following indentation error.

# virt-install --connect=ldoms:///default
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File “/usr/sbin/virt-install”, line 24, in ?
    import libxml2
  File “/usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/libxml2.py”, line 215
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

If you receive the indentation error, edit line 215 of the following file to use the spaces instead of tabs:


The libxml2.py file is not part of the virt-install code.