C H A P T E R  9

Other Information and Tasks

This chapter contains information and tasks about using the Logical Domains software that are not described in the preceding chapters.

Using CPU Power Management With LDoms 1.1 Software

To use CPU Power Management (PM) with LDoms 1.1 software, you first need to set the power management policy in ILOM 3.0 firmware. This section summarizes the information that you need to use power management with LDoms software. Refer to “Monitoring Power Consumption” in the Sun Integration Lights Out Management (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide for more details.

The power policy is the setting that governs system power usage at any point in time. The Logical Domains Manager, version 1.1, supports two power policies, assuming that the underlying platform has implemented Power Management features:

For instructions on configuring the power policy using the ILOM 3.0 firmware CLI, refer to “Monitoring Power Consumption” in the Sun Integration Lights Out Management (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide.

Showing CPU Power-Managed Strands in LDoms 1.1 Software

This section shows how to list power-managed strands and virtual CPUs using LDoms 1.1 software.

procedure icon  List CPU Power-Managed Strands

  •   List power-managed strands by doing one of the following.

    1. Use the list -l subcommand.

      A dash (---) in the UTIL column of the CPU means the strand is power-managed.

      # ldm list -l primary
      primary      active  -n-cv  SP    8    4G      4.3%  7d 19h 43m
      Solaris running
          VID    PID    UTIL STRAND
          0      0      0.0%   100%
          1      1      ---    100%
          2      2      ---    100%
          3      3      ---    100%
          4      4      ---    100%
          5      5      ---    100%
          6      6      ---    100%
          7      7      ---    100%

    2. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list -l subcommand.

      A blank after util= means the strand is power-managed.

      # ldm ls -l -p

procedure icon  List Power-Managed CPUs

  •   List power-managed CPUs by doing one of the following.

    1. Use the list-devices -a cpu subcommand.

      In the power management (PM) column, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the dash (---) under PM.

      # ldm list-devices -a cpu
         PID     %FREE      PM
         0       0          no
         1       0          yes
         2       0          yes
         3       0          yes
         4       100        ---
         5       100        ---
         6       100        ---
         7       100        ---

    2. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list-devices -a cpu subcommand.

      In the power management (pm=) field, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the blank in that field.

      # ldm list-devices -a -p cpu
      VERSION 1.4

Entering Names in the CLI

The following sections describe the restrictions on entering names in the Logical Domains Manager CLI.

File Names (file) and Variable Names (var_name)

Virtual Disk Server backend and Virtual Switch Device Names

Configuration Name (config_name)

The logical domain configuration name (config_name) that you assign to a configuration stored on the system controller must have no more than 64 characters.

All Other Names

The remainder of the names, such as the logical domain name (ldom), service names (vswitch_name, service_name, vdpcs_service_name, and vcc_name), virtual network name (if_name), and virtual disk name (disk_name), must be in the following format:

Listing Logical Domains Resources

This section shows the syntax usage for the ldm subcommands, defines some output terms, such as flags and utilization statistics, and provides examples that are similar to what you actually see as output.

Machine-Readable Output

If you are creating scripts that use ldm list command output, always use the -p option to produce the machine-readable form of the output. See Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p) for more information.

procedure icon   Show Syntax Usage for ldm Subcommands

  •   Look at syntax usage for all ldm subcommands.

EXAMPLE 9-1   Syntax Usage for All ldm Subcommands  
primary# ldm --help
     ldm [--help] command [options] [properties] operands
     ldm -V
     -V         Display version information
Command(s) for each resource (aliases in parens):
         list-bindings [-e] [-p] [<ldom>...]
         list-services [-e] [-p] [<ldom>...]
         list-constraints ([-x] | [-e] [-p]) [<ldom>...]
         list-devices [-a] [-p] [cpu] [crypto|mau] [memory] [io]
     domain      ( dom )
         add-domain (-i <file> | mac-addr=<num] [hostid=<num>] <ldom> |              <ldom>...)
         remove-domain (-a | <ldom>...)
         list-domain [-e] [-l] [-o <format>] [-p] [<ldom>...]
            ’format’ is one or more of:
         start-domain (-a | -i <file> | <ldom>...)
         stop-domain [-f] (-a | <ldom>...)
         bind-domain (-i <file> | <ldom>)
         unbind-domain <ldom>
         panic-domain <ldom>
         migrate-domain [-n|--dry-run] <source_ldom>              [<user>@]<target_host>[:<target_ldom>]
         add-io [bypass=on] <bus> <ldom>
         remove-io <bus> <ldom>
     crypto       ( mau )
         add-crypto <number> <ldom>
         set-crypto <number> <ldom>
         remove-crypto <number> <ldom>
     memory       ( mem )
         add-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom>
         set-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom>
         remove-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom>
         cancel-operation (migration | reconf) <ldom>
         cancel-reconf <ldom>
     spconfig      ( config )
         add-spconfig <config_name>
         set-spconfig <config_name>
         remove-spconfig <config_name>
     variable    ( var ) 
         add-variable <var_name>=<value>... <ldom>
         set-variable <var_name>=<value>... <ldom>
         remove-variable <var_name>... <ldom>
         list-variable [<var_name>...] <ldom>
     vconscon    ( vcc )
         add-vconscon port-range=<x>-<y> <vcc_name> <ldom>
         set-vconscon port-range=<x>-<y> <vcc_name>
         remove-vconscon [-f] <vcc_name>
     vconsole    ( vcons ) 
         set-vcons [port=[<port-num>]] [group=<group>] [service=<vcc_server>]              <ldom>
         add-vcpu <number> <ldom>
         set-vcpu <number> <ldom>
         remove-vcpu <number> <ldom>
         add-vdisk [timeout=<seconds>] <disk_name>               <volume_name>@<service_name> <ldom>
         set-vdisk [timeout=<seconds>] [volume=<volume_name>@<service_name>]              <disk_name> <ldom>
         remove-vdisk [-f] <disk_name> <ldom>
     vdiskserver ( vds )
         add-vdiskserver <service_name> <ldom>
         remove-vdiskserver [-f] <service_name>
     vdpcc       ( ndpsldcc )
         add-vdpcc <vdpcc_name> <service_name> <ldom>
         remove-vdpcc [-f] <vdpcc_name> <ldom>
     vdpcs       ( ndpsldcs )
         add-vdpcs <vdpcs_name> <ldom>
         remove-vdpcs [-f] <vdpcs_name>
     vdiskserverdevice   ( vdsdev )
         add-vdiskserverdevice [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=<mpgroup>]              <backend>  <volume_name>@<service_name>
         set-vdiskserverdevice options=[{ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=<mpgroup>]              <volume_name>@<service_name>
         remove-vdiskserverdevice [-f] <volume_name>@<service_name>
         add-vnet [mac-addr=<num>] [mode=hybrid] [pvid=<pvid>]             [vid=<vid1,vid2,...>] <if_name> <vswitch_name> <ldom>
         set-vnet [mac-addr=<num>] [mode=[hybrid]] [pvid=[<pvid>]]
             [vid=[<vid1,vid2,...>]] [vswitch=<vswitch_name>] <if_name>  <ldom>
         remove-vnet [-f] <if_name> <ldom>
     vswitch     ( vsw )
         add-vswitch [default-vlan-id=<vid>] [pvid=<pvid>]
              [vid=<vid1,vid2,...>] [mac-addr=<num>] [net-dev=<device>]
              [mode=<mode>] <vswitch_name> <ldom>
         set-vswitch [pvid=[<pvid>]] [vid=[<vid1,vid2,...>]] [mac-addr=<num>]               [net-dev=<device>] [mode=<mode>] <vswitch_name>
         remove-vswitch [-f] <vswitch_name>
Verb aliases:
         Alias          Verb
         -----          -------
         rm             remove
         ls             list
Command aliases:
         Alias          Command
         -----          -------
         cancel-op      cancel-operation
         create         add-domain
         destroy        remove-domain
         remove-reconf  cancel-reconf
         start          start-domain
         stop           stop-domain
         bind           bind-domain
         unbind         unbind-domain
         panic          panic-domain
         migrate        migrate-domain

Flag Definitions

The following flags can be shown in the output for a domain (ldm list). If you use the long, parseable options (-l -p) for the command, the flags are spelled out; for example, flags=normal,control,vio-service. If not, you see the letter abbreviation; for example -n-cv-. The list flag values are position dependent. Following are the values that can appear in each of the six columns from left to right.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Column 6

Utilization Statistic Definition

The per virtual CPU utilization statistic (UTIL) is shown on the long (-l) option of the ldm list command. The statistic is the percentage of time that the virtual CPU spent executing on behalf of the guest operating system. A virtual CPU is considered to be executing on behalf of the guest operating system except when it has been yielded to the hypervisor. If the guest operating system does not yield virtual CPUs to the hypervisor, the utilization of CPUs in the guest operating system will always show as 100%.

The utilization statistic reported for a logical domain is the average of the virtual CPU utilizations for the virtual CPUs in the domain. A dash (---) in the UTIL column means that the strand is power-managed.

Examples of Various Lists

Note - The actual output might vary slightly from what is shown here.

procedure icon   Show Software Versions (-V)

  •   View the current software versions installed, and you receive a listing similar to the following.

EXAMPLE 9-2   Software Versions Installed 
primary$ ldm -V
Logical Domain Manager (v 1.1)
   Hypervisor control protocol v 1.3
   Using Hypervisor MD v 0.1
System PROM:
   Hypervisor  v. 1.7.0.    @(#)Hypervisor 1.7.0. 2008/11/19 10:20
   OpenBoot    v. 4.30.0.   @(#)OBP 4.30.0. 2008/11/18 13:44

procedure icon   Generate a Short List

  •   Generate a short list for all domains.

EXAMPLE 9-3   Short List for All Domains 
primary$ ldm list
primary          active   -t-cv           4     1G       0.5%  3d 21h 7m
ldg1             active   -t---   5000    8     1G        23%  2m

procedure icon   Generate a Long List (-l)

  •   Generate a long list for all domains.

EXAMPLE 9-4   Long List for All Domains  
primary$ ldm list -l
primary          active   -t-cv           1     768M     0.0%  0s
    0      0      0.0%   100%
    RA               PA               SIZE
    0x4000000        0x4000000        768M
    DEVICE           PSEUDONYM        OPTIONS
    pci@780          bus_a
    pci@7c0          bus_b            bypass=on
    NAME             PORT-RANGE
    vcc0             5000-5100
    NAME             MAC               NET-DEV   DEVICE    MODE
    vsw0             08:00:20:aa:bb:e0 e1000g0   switch@0  prog,promisc
    vsw1             08:00:20:aa:bb:e1                     routed
    NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS          DEVICE
    vds0             myvol-a        slice            /disk/a
                     myvol-b                         /disk/b
                     myvol-c        ro,slice,excl    /disk/c
    vds1             myvol-d                         /disk/d
ldg1             bound    -----   5000    1     512M 
    0      1             100%
    RA               PA               SIZE
    0x4000000        0x34000000       512M
    NAME         SERVICE                     DEVICE       MAC
    mynet-b      vsw0@primary                network@0    08:00:20:ab:9a:12
    mynet-a      vsw0@primary                network@1    08:00:20:ab:9a:11
    NAME             VOLUME                      DEVICE     SERVER
    mydisk-a         myvol-a@vds0                disk@0     primary
    mydisk-b         myvol-b@vds0                disk@1     primary
    NAME             SERVICE
    myvdpcc-a        vdpcs0@primary
    myvdpcc-b        vdpcs0@primary
    NAME             SERVICE                     PORT
    mygroup          vcc0@primary                5000 

procedure icon   Generate an Extended List (-e)

  •   Generate an extended list of all domains.

EXAMPLE 9-5   Extended List for all Domains
primary$ ldm list -e
primary          active   -t-cv           1     768M     0.0%  0s
    0      0      0.0%   100%
    RA               PA               SIZE
    0x4000000        0x4000000        768M
    DEVICE           PSEUDONYM        OPTIONS
    pci@780          bus_a
    pci@7c0          bus_b            bypass=on
    NAME             PORT-RANGE
    vcc0             5000-5100
    NAME             MAC               NET-DEV   DEVICE    MODE
    vsw0             08:00:20:aa:bb:e0 e1000g0   switch@0  prog,promisc
    vsw1             08:00:20:aa:bb:e1                     routed
    NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS          DEVICE
    vds0             myvol-a        slice            /disk/a
                     myvol-b                         /disk/b
                     myvol-c        ro,slice,excl    /disk/c
    vds1             myvol-d                         /disk/d
    NAME             SERVICE                     DESC
    hvctl            primary@primary             hvctl 
    vldcc0           primary@primary             ds 
ldg1             bound    -----   5000    1     512M 
    0      1             100%
    RA               PA               SIZE 
    0x4000000        0x34000000       512M
 NAME             SERVICE                     DESC
 vldcc0           primary@primary             ds 
    NAME         SERVICE                     DEVICE       MAC
    mynet-b      vsw0@primary                network@0    08:00:20:ab:9a:12
    mynet-a      vsw0@primary                network@1    08:00:20:ab:9a:11
    NAME             VOLUME                      DEVICE     SERVER 
    mydisk-a         myvol-a@vds0                disk@0     primary 
    mydisk-b         myvol-b@vds0                disk@1     primary 
    NAME             SERVICE 
    myvdpcc-a        vdpcs0@primary 
    myvdpcc-b        vdpcs0@primary 
    NAME             SERVICE                     PORT
    mygroup          vcc0@primary                5000

procedure icon   Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p)

  •   Generate a parseable, machine-readable list of all domains.

EXAMPLE 9-6   Machine-Readable List 
primary$ ldm list -p

procedure icon  Generate a Subset of a Long List (-o format)

  •   Generate output as a subset of resources by entering one or more of the following format options. If you specify more than one format, delimit the items by a comma with no spaces.

    • console - output contains virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator (vcc) service

    • cpu - output contains virtual CPU (vcpu) and physical CPU (pcpu)

    • crypto - cryptographic unit output contains Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any other LDoms-supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ)

    • disk - output contains virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds)

    • domain - output contains variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags, and software state

    • memory - output contains memory

    • network - output contains media access control (mac) address , virtual network switch (vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device

    • physio - physical input/output contains peripheral component interconnect (pci) and network interface unit (niu)

    • serial - output contains virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs)

    • status - output contains status about a domain migration in progress.

    The following examples show various subsets of output that you can specify.

EXAMPLE 9-7   List CPU Information for the Control Domain
# ldm ls -o cpu primary
   0      0      1.0%   100%
   1      1      0.6%   100%
   2      2      0.2%   100%
   3      3      0.5%   100%

EXAMPLE 9-8   List Domain Information for a Guest Domain
# ldm ls -o domain ldm2
NAME             STATE    FLAGS
ldm2             active   -t---
Openboot initializing

EXAMPLE 9-9   Lists Memory and Network Information for a Guest Domain
# ldm ls -o network,memory ldm1
   RA               PA               SIZE
   0x6800000        0x46800000       1500M
NAME           SERVICE               DEVICE     MAC               MODE PVID VID
ldm1-network0  primary-vsw0@primary network@0  00:14:4f:fb:21:0f    1

procedure icon   List a Variable

  •   List a variable (for example, boot-device) for a domain (for example, ldg1).

EXAMPLE 9-10   Variable List for a Domain 
primary$ ldm list-variable boot-device ldg1

procedure icon   List Bindings

  •   List resources that are bound for a domain (for example, ldg1).

EXAMPLE 9-11   Bindings List for a Domain  
primary$ ldm list-bindings ldg1
ldg1             bound    -----   5000    1     512M 
    0      1             100%
    RA               PA               SIZE
    0x4000000        0x34000000       512M
    NAME             SERVICE                   DEVICE     MAC
    mynet-b          vsw0@primary              network@0  08:00:20:ab:9a:12
        PEER                        MAC
        vsw0@primary                08:00:20:aa:bb:e0
        mynet-a@ldg1                08:00:20:ab:9a:11
        mynet-c@ldg2                08:00:20:ab:9a:22
    NAME             SERVICE                   DEVICE     MAC
    mynet-a          vsw0@primary              network@1  08:00:20:ab:9a:11
        PEER                        MAC
        vsw0@primary                08:00:20:aa:bb:e0
        mynet-b@ldg1                08:00:20:ab:9a:12
        mynet-c@ldg2                08:00:20:ab:9a:22
    NAME             VOLUME                      DEVICE     SERVER
    mydisk-a         myvol-a@vds0                disk@0     primary
    mydisk-b         myvol-b@vds0                disk@1     primary
    NAME             SERVICE
    myvdpcc-a        vdpcs0@primary
    myvdpcc-b        vdpcs0@primary
    NAME             SERVICE                     PORT
    mygroup          vcc0@primary                5000

procedure icon   List Configurations

  •   List logical domain configurations that have been stored on the SC.

EXAMPLE 9-12   Configurations List 
primary$ ldm list-config
foo [next poweron]

Meaning of Labels

The labels to the right of the configuration name mean the following:

  • [current] - last booted configuration, only as long as it matches the currently running configuration; that is, until you initiate a reconfiguration. After the reconfiguration, the annotation changes to [next poweron].

  • [next poweron] - configuration to be used at the next power cycle.

procedure icon   List Devices

  •   List all server resources, bound and unbound.

EXAMPLE 9-13   List of All Server Resources  
primary$ ldm list-devices -a
    PID  %FREE     PM
    0       0      NO
    1       0      YES
    2       0      YES
    3       0      YES
    4       100    ---
    5       100    ---
    6       100    ---
    7       100    ---
    8       100    ---
    9       100    ---
    10      100    ---
    11      100    ---
    12      100    ---
    13      100    ---
    14      100    ---
    15      100    ---
    16      100    ---
    17      100    ---
    18      100    ---
    19      100    ---
    20      100    ---
    21      100    ---
    22      100    ---
    23      100    ---
    24      100    ---
    25      100    ---
    26      100    ---
    27      100    ---
    28      100    ---
    29      100    ---
    30      100    ---
    31      100    ---
    CPUSET                                  BOUND
    (0, 1, 2, 3)                            ldg2
    (4, 5, 6, 7)
    (8, 9, 10, 11)
    (12, 13, 14, 15)
    (16, 17, 18, 19)
    (20, 21, 22, 23)
    (24, 25, 26, 27)
    (28, 29, 30, 31)
    PA                   SIZE            BOUND
    0x0                  512K            _sys_
    0x80000              1536K           _sys_
    0x200000             62M             _sys_
    0x4000000            768M            primary
    0x34000000           512M            ldg1
    0x54000000           8M              _sys_
    0x54800000           2G              ldg2
    0xd4800000           29368M
    pci@780          bus_a            yes 
    pci@7c0          bus_b            yes     bypass=on

procedure icon  List Available Memory

  •   List the amount of memory available to be allocated.

    primary$ ldm list-devices mem
        PA                   SIZE
        0x14e000000          2848M

procedure icon   List Services

  •   List the services that are available.

EXAMPLE 9-14   Services List
primary$ ldm list-services
    NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS          DEVICE
    NAME             PORT-RANGE
    primary-vcc0     5000-5100
   NAME         MAC               NET-DEV  DEVICE   MODE        
   primary-vsw0 00:14:4f:f9:68:d0 e1000g0  switch@0 prog,promisc

Listing Constraints

To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have assigned to a particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a domain or you get none of them, depending upon the available resources. The list-constraints subcommand lists those resources you requested assigned to the domain.

procedure icon   List Constraints for One Domain

  •   List constraints for one domain (for example, ldg1).

EXAMPLE 9-15   Constraints List for One Domain 
primary$ ldm list-constraints ldg1
    NAME         SERVICE                     DEVICE       MAC
    mynet-b      vsw0                        network@0    08:00:20:ab:9a:12
    mynet-b      vsw0                        network@0    08:00:20:ab:9a:12
    NAME             VOLUME
    mydisk-a         myvol-a@vds0
    mydisk-b         myvol-b@vds0
    NAME             SERVICE
    myvdpcc-a        vdpcs0@primary
    myvdpcc-b        vdpcs0@primary
    NAME             SERVICE
    mygroup          vcc0

procedure icon   List Constraints in XML Format

  •   List constraints in XML format for a particular domain (for example, ldg1).

EXAMPLE 9-16   Constraints for a Domain in XML Format  
primary$ ldm list-constraints -x ldg1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<LDM_interface version="1.0">
  <data version="2.0">
        <value>devalias vnet0 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/
      </var>      <var>

procedure icon   List Constraints in a Machine-Readable Format

  •   List constraints for all domains in a parseable format.

EXAMPLE 9-17   Constraints for All Domains in a Machine-Readable Format  
primary$ ldm list-constraints -p
|nvramrc=devalias vnet0 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0

Connecting to a Guest Console Over a Network

You can connect to a guest console over a network if the listen_addr property is set to the IP address of the control domain in the vntsd(1M) SMF manifest. For example:

$ telnet host-name 5001

Note - Enabling network access to a console has security implications. Any user can connect to a console and for this reason it is disabled by default.

A Service Management Facility manifest is an XML file that describes a service. For more information about creating an SMF manifest, refer to the Solaris 10 System Administrator Collection.

Note - To access a non-English OS in a guest domain through the console, the terminal for the console must be in the locale required by the OS.

Stopping a Heavily-Loaded Domain Can Time Out

An ldm stop-domain command can time out before the domain completes shutting down. When this happens, an error similar to the following is returned by the Logical Domains Manager.

LDom ldg8 stop notification failed

However, the domain could still be processing the shutdown request. Use the ldm list-domain command to verify the status of the domain. For example:

# ldm list-domain ldg8
ldg8         active  s----  5000   22   3328M   0.3% 1d 14h 31m

The preceding list shows the domain as active, but the s flag indicates that the domain is in the process of stopping. This should be a transitory state.

The following example shows the domain has now stopped.

# ldm list-domain ldg8
ldg8         bound   -----  5000   22   3328M

Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses

The Solaris Fault Management Architecture (FMA) reports CPU errors in terms of physical CPU numbers and memory errors in terms of physical memory addresses.

If you want to determine within which logical domain an error occurred and the corresponding virtual CPU number or real memory address within the domain, then you must perform a mapping.

CPU Mapping

The domain and the virtual CPU number within the domain, which correspond to a given physical CPU number, can be determined with the following procedures.

procedure icon   Determine the CPU Number

  1. Generate a long parseable list for all domains.

    primary$ ldm ls -l -p

  2. Look for the entry in the list’s VCPU sections that has a pid field equal to the physical CPU number.

    • If you find such an entry, the CPU is in the domain the entry is listed under, and the virtual CPU number within the domain is given by the entry’s vid field.

    • If you do not find such an entry, the CPU is not in any domain.

Memory Mapping

The domain and the real memory address within the domain, which correspond to a given physical memory address (PA), can be determined as follows.

procedure icon   Determine the Real Memory Address

  1. Generate a long parseable list for all domains.

    primary$ ldm ls -l -p

  2. Look for the line in the list’s MEMORY sections where the PA falls within the inclusive range pa to (pa + size - 1); that is, pa <= PA < (pa + size - 1).

    Here pa and size refer to the values in the corresponding fields of the line.

    • If you find such an entry, the PA is in the domain the entry is listed under and the corresponding real address within the domain is given by ra + (PA - pa).

    • If you do not find such an entry, the PA is not in any domain.

Examples of CPU and Memory Mapping

Suppose you have a logical domain configuration as shown in EXAMPLE 9-18, and you want to determine the domain and the virtual CPU corresponding to physical CPU number 5, and the domain and the real address corresponding to physical address 0x7e816000.

Looking through the VCPU entries in the list for the one with the pid field equal to 5, you can find the following entry under logical domain ldg1.


Hence, the physical CPU number 5 is in domain ldg1 and within the domain it has virtual CPU number 1.

Looking through the MEMORY entries in the list, you can find the following entry under domain ldg2.


Where 0x78000000 <= 0x7e816000 <= (0x78000000 + 1073741824 - 1); that is, pa <= PA <= (pa + size - 1).Hence, the PA is in domain ldg2 and the corresponding real address is 0x8000000 + (0x7e816000 - 0x78000000) = 0xe816000.

EXAMPLE 9-18   Long Parseable List of Logical Domains Configurations 
primary$ ldm ls -l -p
DOMAIN|name=primary|state=active|flags=normal,control,vio-service|cons=SP|ncpu=4|mem=1073741824|util=0.6|uptime=64801|softstate=Solaris running
DOMAIN|name=ldg1|state=active|flags=normal|cons=5000|ncpu=2|mem=805306368|util=29|uptime=903|softstate=Solaris running
DOMAIN|name=ldg2|state=active|flags=normal|cons=5001|ncpu=3|mem=1073741824|util=35|uptime=775|softstate=Solaris running

Using Console Groups

The virtual network terminal server daemon, vntsd(1M), enables you to provide access for multiple domain consoles using a single TCP port. At the time of domain creation, the Logical Domains Manager assigns a unique TCP port to each console by creating a new default group for that domain’s console. The TCP port is then assigned to the console group as opposed to the console itself. The console can be bound to an existing group using the set-vcons subcommand.

procedure icon   Combine Multiple Consoles Into One Group

  1. Bind the consoles for the domains into one group.

    The following example shows binding the console for three different domains (ldg1, ldg2, and ldg3) to the same console group (group1).

    primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg1
    primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg2
    primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg3

  2. Connect to the associated TCP port (localhost at port 5000 in this example).

    # telnet localhost 5000
    primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q:

    You are prompted to select one of the domain consoles.

  3. List the domains within the group by selecting l (list).

    primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q: l
    DOMAIN ID           DOMAIN NAME                   DOMAIN STATE
    0                   ldg1                          online
    1                   ldg2                          online
    2                   ldg3                          online

    Note - To re-assign the console to a different group or vcc instance, the domain must be unbound; that is, it has to be in the inactive state. Refer to the Solaris 10 OS vntsd(1M) man page for more information on configuring and using SMF to manage vntsd and using console groups.

Operating the Solaris OS With Logical Domains

This section describes the changes in behavior in using the Solaris OS that occur once a configuration created by the Logical Domains Manager is instantiated; that is, domaining is enabled.

Note - Any discussion about whether domaining is enabled pertains only to Sun UltraSPARC T1–based platforms. Otherwise, domaining is always enabled.

OpenBoot Firmware Not Available After Solaris OS Has Started If Domaining Is Enabled

Domaining is enabled once a logical domains configuration created by the Logical Domains Manager is instantiated. If domaining is enabled, the OpenBoottrademark firmware is not available after the Solaris OS has started, because it is removed from memory.

To reach the ok prompt from the Solaris OS, you must halt the domain. You can use the Solaris OS halt command to halt the domain.

Power-Cycling a Server

Whenever performing any maintenance on a system running LDoms software that requires power-cycling the server, you must save your current logical domain configurations to the SC first.

procedure icon   Save Your Current Logical Domain Configurations to the SC

  •   Use the following command.

    # ldm add-config config_name

Do Not Use the psradm(1M) Command on Active CPUs in a Power-Managed Domain

Do not attempt to change an active CPU’s operational status in a power-managed domain by using the psradm(1M) command. This only applies if your platform supports power management.

Result of Solaris OS Breaks

If domaining is not enabled, the Solaris OS normally goes to the OpenBoot prompt after a break is issued. The behavior described in this section is seen in two situations:

  1. You press the L1-A key sequence when the input device is set to keyboard.

  2. You enter the send break command when the virtual console is at the telnet prompt.

If domaining is enabled, you receive the following prompt after these types of breaks.

c)ontinue, s)ync, r)eboot, h)alt?

Type the letter that represents what you want the system to do after these types of breaks.

Results From Halting or Rebooting the Control Domain

The following table shows the expected behavior of halting or rebooting the control (primary) domain.

Note - The question in TABLE 9-1 regarding whether domaining is enabled pertains only to the Sun UltraSPARC T1 processors. Otherwise, domaining is always enabled.

TABLE 9-1   Expected Behavior of Halting or Rebooting the Control (primary) Domain  
Command Domaining Enabled? Other Domain Configured? Behavior
halt Disabled N/A For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

Drops to the ok prompt.

  Enabled No For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

System either resets and goes to the OpenBoot ok prompt or goes to the following prompt:

r)eboot, o)k prompt, or h)alt?

For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors:

Host powered off and stays off until powered on at the SC.

  Enabled Yes Soft resets and boots up if the variable auto-boot?=true. Soft resets and halts at ok prompt if the variable auto-boot?=false.
reboot Disabled N/A For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

Powers off and powers on the host.

  Enabled No For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

Powers off and powers on the host.

For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors:

Reboots the host, no power off.

  Enabled Yes For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

Powers off and powers on the host.

For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors:

Reboots the host, no power off.

shutdown -i 5 Disabled N/A For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors:

Powers off the host.

  Enabled No Host powered off, stays off until powered on at the SC.
  Enabled Yes Soft resets and reboots.

Using LDoms With ALOM CMT

The section describes information to be aware of in using Advanced Lights Out Manager (ALOM) chip multithreading (CMT) with the Logical Domains Manager. For more information about using the ALOM CMT software, refer to the Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) CMT v1.3 Guide.

caution icon

Caution - The ALOM CMT documentation refers to only one domain, so you must be aware that the Logical Domains Manager is introducing multiple domains. If a logical domain is restarted, I/O services for guest domains might be unavailable until the control domain has restarted. This is because the control domain functions as a service domain in the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software. Guest domains appear to freeze during the reboot process. Once the control domain has fully restarted, the guest domains resume normal operations. It is only necessary to shut down guest domains when power is going to be removed from the entire server.

An additional option is available to the existing ALOM CMT command.

bootmode [normal|reset_nvram|bootscript=strong|config=”config-name”]

The config=”config-name option enables you to set the configuration on the next power on to another configuration, including the factory-default shipping configuration.

You can invoke the command whether the host is powered on or off. It takes effect on the next host reset or power on.

procedure icon   Reset the Logical Domain Configuration to the Default or Another Configuration

Enabling and Using BSM Auditing

The Logical Domains Manager uses the Solaris OS Basic Security module (BSM) auditing capability. BSM auditing provides the means to examine the history of actions and events on your control domain to determine what happened. The history is kept in a log of what was done, when it was done, by whom, and what was affected.

If you want to use this auditing capability, this section describes how to enable, verify, disable, print output, and rotate audit logs. You can find further information about BSM auditing in the Solaris 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services.

You can enable BSM auditing in one of two ways. When you want to disable auditing, be sure you use the same method that you used in enabling. The two methods are:

Here are the procedures for both methods.

procedure icon   Use the enable-bsm.fin Finish Script

  1. Copy the ldm_control-secure.driver to my-ldm.driver, where my-ldm.driver is the name for your copy of the ldm_control-secure.driver.

  2. Copy the ldm_control-config.driver to my-ldm-config.driver, where my-ldm-config.driver is the name for your copy of the ldm_control-config.driver.

  3. Copy the ldm_control-hardening.driver to my-ldm-hardening.driver, where my-ldm-hardening.driver is the name for your copy of the ldm_control-hardening.driver.

  4. Edit my-ldm.driver to refer to the new configuration and hardening drivers, my-ldm-control.driver and my-ldm-hardening.driver, respectively.

  5. Edit my-ldm-hardening.driver, and remove the pound sign (#) from in front of the following line in the driver.


  6. Execute my-ldm.driver.

    # /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -d my-ldm.driver

  7. Reboot the Solaris OS for auditing to take effect.

procedure icon   Use the Solaris OS bsmconv(1M) Command

  1. Add vs in the flags: line of the /etc/security/audit_control file.

  2. Run the bsmconv(1M) command.

    # /etc/security/bsmconv

    For more information about this command, refer to the Solaris 10 Reference Manual Collection or the man page.

  3. Reboot the Solaris Operating System for auditing to take effect.

procedure icon   Verify that BSM Auditing is Enabled

  1. Type the following command.

    # auditconfig -getcond

  2. Check that audit condition = auditing appears in the output.

procedure icon   Disable Auditing

You can disable auditing in one of two ways, depending on how you enabled it. See Enabling and Using BSM Auditing.

  1. Do one of the following.

    • Undo the Solaris Security Toolkit hardening run which enabled BSM auditing.

      # /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u

    • Use the Solaris OS bsmunconv(1M) command.

      # /etc/security/bsmunconv

  2. Reboot the Solaris OS for the disabling of auditing to take effect.

procedure icon   Print Audit Output

procedure icon   Rotate Audit Logs