Calendar Scripts
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Calendar Scripts

This appendix contains full instructions for all scripts shipped with Netscape Calendar Server 3.5. Many of the scripts can be run through the Calendar Server Manager interface of the Administration Server.
Table G.1  Calendar Server Scripts 
Script  Function 
ctdb2ldif Export Calendar node directory to an LDIF file
ctxdirdiff Finds and deletes differences between a Calendar node and a Directory Server
ctxdirsynch Synchronizes a Calendar node with entries in a Directory Server


Extract sections of the Calendar Server log files


Produce a snapshot log of the Calendar Server system


List and change the administration rights of Calendar Server users


Back up the Calendar Server system


Verify the file attributes of the Calendar Server system


Remove transient files and set permissions


Clear IPC resources consumed by Calendar Server


Copy a resource from a file into Calendar Server 


Copy a user's agenda from a file into Calendar Server


Copy a resource's agenda from Calendar Server into a file


Copy a user's agenda from Calendar Server into a file


File format for the unicpinu and unicpoutu utilities


File format for the unicpinu and unicpoutu utilities


Edits Calendar databases


Check, repairs and defragments a Calendar Server node.


Rebuilds the keys of a Calendar node


Create Calendar users from an LDAP directory


Displays SYSOP-owned groups on a Calendar Server node


Display SIGNON/SIGNOFF-based statistics


A utility to import Meeting Maker data


Administration tool for a network of servers


Change password of the SYSOP or CWSOP on a Calendar Server node


Dump all queued requests to standard output


Maintain the directory of resources


Delete old events and tasks from a Calendar node


Compute size of the Calendar Server system


Start the Calendar Server server running


Produces a Calendar Server database report


A utility to display summary statistics.


Displays the current status of the Calendar Server system


Shut down the Calendar Server server


Print information about time zones


Modify or delete Calendar Server users


Check version consistency of Calendar Server


Check intended operating system of a Calendar Server package


List all users currently using the Calendar Server server



ctdb2ldif - exports a Calendar node directory to an LDIF file
ctdb2ldif -n node-ID [ -host hostname ] [ -p sysOpPwd ] [ -f filter ] [ -dnsuffix dn ]

ctdb2ldif -v

ctdb2ldif -h

The ctdb2ldif script exports the database of a specific Calendar node into an LDIF file which describes a series of modifications in the form of change records. This utility can be used to add new entries or to modify existing entries in a pre-populated directory server, or to populate a new directory server.

The created LDIF file can be used by the ldapmodify utility to apply the entry modification information to the directory server.

ctdb2ldif outputs two files, node<node-ID>.ldif and undo<node-ID>.ldif.



Node-ID of the node to export.



Specifies the host on which the database for the specified Node-ID can be found.  The default is localhost.



Specifies the password of the node's SYSOP.



Specifies the calendar item to export.  The filter has the following format: "key=value/.../key=value" where key is one of the key listed below (uppercase and lowercase both accepted) and value is a string that can contain wild cards (*).
Key  Directory Fields 


Given name 


Generation qualifier 


Organizational Unit 1 


Organizational Unit 2 


Organizational Unit 3 


Organizational Unit 4 



Administration domain

Private Domain 


Employee number 



Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run ctdb2ldif.

  1. The following command:
  2. % ctdb2ldif -n 10000

    exports the database of the Calendar node 10000 on host jupiter into an LDIF file.

  3. The following command:
  4. % ctdb2ldif -n 10000 -dnsuffix ""

    exports the database of the calendar node 10000 on localhost using an alternate distinguished name suffix instead of the basedn specified in /users/unison/misc/ctdb2ldif.ini into an LDIF file.



ldifdir = <directory>
Specifies the output directory for LDIF files. The default directory is /users/unison/tmp.

userfilterfmt = "(&(givenName=%gn)(surName=%sn))"
Specifies the LDAP search filter format to be used to match existing entries.

Supported format codes are :
%sn  SurName
%gn GivenName
%in Initials
%ge Generation
%u1 OrgUnit1
%u2 OrgUnit2
%u3 OrgUnit3
%u4 OrgUnit4
%co Country
%d1 AdminDomain
%d2 PrivmDomain
%ad Address
%en EmployeeNo
%ph Phone
%fa Fax
%ex  Extension
%jt JobTitle
%re ResourceName
%rn ResourceNo
%ca  Capacity
%no Node-ID
%id ItemId 


host = <hostname>
Specifies the host on which the LDAP directory server is running.  Should be specified when migrating to an  existing LDAP directory server installation.

port = <portnumber>
Specifies an alternate TCP port on which the LDAP directory server is running.  The default port is 389.

basedn = <dn>
Specifies the starting point for search operations on the Directory Information Tree.  This is also the base distinguished name used to create new directory entries, unless a -dnsuffix is specified.

binddn = <dn>
Specifies the distinguished name used to bind to the LDAP directory server.

bindpwd = <password>
Specifies the password used to bind to the LDAP directory server.

admin = <dncomponent>
Used in conjunction with the basedn to specify the location of Calendar administrators in the Directory Information Tree. The default value is "ou=Netscape Servers".

admingroup = <dncomponent>
Used in conjunction with the basedn to specify the location of the group Calendar administrators in the Directory  Information Tree.  The default value is "cn=Netscape Calendar Server Administrators,ou=Netscape Servers"

defaultpwd = <password>
Default user Password to use for Calendar items without a password. The default password is "sesame".

A log file of all related errors and warnings.

LDIF files describing a series of modifications in the form of change records.

A shell-accessible interface to the ldap_modify(3) and ldap_add(3) library calls.

Items with an empty SurName are exported with the "CalUser<node-ID>:<ItemId>" (eg. "CalUser
10000:00256") value as directory entries with the inetOrgPerson object class are required to have a surname.

Only the first eight characters of the original passwords are used to construct the encrypted value of the userPassword attribute; the rest are ignored.

Exit values are:
0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interupt


ctxdirdiff - Finds and deletes differences between a Calendar node and a Directory Server
ctxdirdiff [-d] [-n node-ID] [-host hostname] [-p password]

ctxdirdiff [-v]

ctxdirdiff [-h]

This script, when used without any parameters, will find all users in the specified Calendar node without a match in the Directory Server and vice versa. Any discrepancies found can be deleted using the -d parameter.

Delete differences; default is to list



Required if more than one node exists



Required if connecting to a remote host



SYSOP password


Display version


Display help message

Exit values are:

     0 Success

     1 Failure

     2 Usage error

     3 User interupt



ctxdirsynch - Synchronizes a Calendar node with entries in a Directory Server
ctxdirsynch [-n node-ID] [-host hostname] [-p password] [-v] [-h]

ctxdirsynch [-v]

ctxdirsynch [-h]

This script is used to synchronize a Calendar node with entries in a Directory Server.


Required if more than one node exists



Required if connecting to a remote host



SYSOP password


Display version


Display help message

Exit values are:

     0 Success

     1 Failure

     2 Usage error

     3 User interupt



slice - A shell script that takes a slice of a Calendar Server log file.


slice logFile(s) [-s starttime] [-e endtime].

slice -v

slice -h


slice performs part of the task performed by snapshot; it extracts sections from a log file between two arbitrary times. The output is sent to the standard output, where it can be redirected as desired. slice can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.



Sets the starting time of the log messages that will be copied to the slice file.



Sets the ending time of the log messages that will be copied to the slice file. The ending time is not inclusive; thus setting an ending time of January 01 will not print any messages logged on the1st.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run slice.


A date can be expressed either as "day month [year] [time]","day month [time] [year]", "month day [year] [time]" or "month day [time] [year]".The day is a number between 1 and 31 and the month is a string corresponding to one of the twelve months of the year (january - december).The year is optional (current year by default). A time of the form "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" can also be specified.


To copy the contents of the eng.log file:

slice eng.log

To copy all eng.log messages for February 7th 1995:

slice eng.log -s 7 feb 1995 -e feb 8 95.]

To copy all eng.log messages after 1 PM, July 7:

slice eng.log -s july 7 13:00.

To copy all eng.log messages before 9 AM, October 15, 1995:

slice eng.log -e oct 15 9:00 1995 .

To copy all eng.log messages logged in a 45-second period starting at 10 AM, January 30:

slice eng.log -s jan 30 10:00:00 -e jan 30 10:00:46.

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


snapshot - A shell script that takes a snapshot of Calendar Server.


snapshot [date]

snapshot [-s starttime] [-e endtime].

snapshot -v.

snapshot -h.


snapshot accumulates information that can be used by Netscape to diagnose most Calendar Server problem situations. The output is placed in the log file snapshot.log, in the /users/unison/log directory. In the rare event that a Calendar Server problem arises, only this file has to be sent to Netscape; thus, it will not be necessary to provide a copy of the entire Calendar system when reporting a problem.

In order to avoid including sections of the log files that are irrelevant to a given problem, the output can be limited to only the messages logged during a single day, or between two arbitrary times.

snapshot can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.



Sets the starting time of the log messages that will be copied to the snapshot file.



Sets the ending time of the log messages that will be copied to the snapshot file. The ending time is not inclusive; thus setting an ending time of January 01 will not print any messages logged on the1st.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run snapshot.


A date can be expressed either as "day month [year]" or "month day [year]". The day is a number between 1 and 31 and the month is a string corresponding to one of the twelve months of the year (january - december).The year is optional (current year by default).

With the -s and -e options, a time of the form "HH:MM" or"HH:MM:SS" can be inserted before or after the year.


To copy everything into the snapshot file:


To copy the messages for February 7th 1995:

snapshot 7 feb 95.

To copy all messages after 1 PM, July 7:

snapshot -s july 7 13:00.

To copy all messages before 9 AM, October 15, 1995:

snapshot -e oct 15 9:00 1995 .

To copy all messages logged in a 45-second period starting at 10 AM, January 30:

snapshot -s jan 30 10:00:00 -e jan 30 10:00:46

/users/unison/log/snapshot.log will be generated by this command, overwriting a previous snapshot file.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.

snapshot may take some time to complete.


uniadmrights - a utility for viewing and changing the administration rights of users.


uniadmrights [-ls] [[[-hday] [-pgrp] [-opgrp] [-resrc]] | -all] [-n node-ID] [-h hostname] [-p password]

uniadmrights -e entry[-add | -del] [[[-hday] [-pgrp] [-opgrp] [-resrc]] | [-all] [-n node-ID] [-host hostname] [-p password]

uniadmrights -v

uniadmrights -h


The SYSOP can grant individual users the right to administer certain aspects of the calendaring system. At present, these rights include: holiday administration, and resource administration. By using this utility, the SYSOP can add or delete from a user one or more of these rights. The SYSOP can also list the users with one or more of these rights.


Prints the current version

- h

Prints a document explaining how to run uniadmrights


Lists ALL SYSOP-granted rights (default)


Modify individual user rights, search filter


Set user rights on (-e only, default)


Set user rights off (-e only)


Holiday administration


resource administration


add or delete all of the above rights (-e option), or list users with one or more of the above rights (-ls option)


node-ID, required if more than one exists on a host


host to connect to, required if connecting to a remote host


SYSOP password, required if one is set. If no password is entered and if a password is required, the user will be prompted.

The options can appear in any order. When no option is entered, a list of users with any right will be displayed. If any other option is entered along with -h or -v, help and/or version information will be displayed and the rest of the options will be ignored.

USER DESCRIPTIONS (-e entry option)

A user is referenced by a string of the form "key=value,/key=value/...", where key is one of the fields listed below (lowercase and upper case both accepted), and value is any string not containing a slash (/). If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks, to prevent the shell from splitting the string into two pieces. The string value can be terminated with a wildcard symbol (*), which may have to be escaped to prevent the script from trying to match it.

Table G.2 
Key  Directory Fields 



Given name







Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administrative Domain


Private Domain


Telephone number


Telephone extension


Fax number


Employee number


Job title



To get the list of all users having any administration rights:


To get the list of users with holiday and resource administration rights from node 10000:

%uniadmrights -ls -hday -resrc -n 10000

To get the list of users with public group administration rights from remote node gravel:

%uniadmrights -pgrp -host gravel

To add holiday administration rights to Mr. Don Martin at node 10001:

%uniadmrights -e "S=Martin/G=Don" -hday -n 10001

To delete all rights of Joan Bean from the remote host montreal:

% uniadmrights -e "S=Bean/G=Joan" -del -all -host montreal

To get version:

%uniadmrights -v

To get help:

%uniadmrights -h


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error


uniarch - A shell script to create a tar archive of Calendar Server.


uniarch [-d] [-y] [-t | -f filename] [-v] [-h]


uniarch creates a backup of the Calendar Server system. By default the /users/unison directory is archived and the caller is prompted for both the archive destination file, and for verification that the command-line options were correct. This script can only be run if Calendar Server is down.


Forces a partial backup of only the contents of /users/unison/db/nodes, the Calendar Server database. Otherwise, the default directory is /users/unison, and the resulting archive will also contain copies of the Calendar Server system software and configuration files.


By default, uniarch prints a message containing the name of the directory that will be archived and the destination of the archive file, and asks the user to confirm that the settings are correct.The -y option disables the confirmation message, forcing uniarch to proceed with the archive creation.


Forces the tar default device of /dev/rmt/0m to be used for the archive destination file.



When this option is used, the archive destination filename is taken from the command line; otherwise, uniarch will prompt the user for a filename.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniarch.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt


unicheck - A shell script to verify the Calendar Server directory


unicheck [-nowarn] [-nodb] [-c] [-v] [-h].


It is a good idea to periodically check that the Calendar Server directory is as expected. unicheck verifies that all the necessary files and directories are present and that all the corresponding permission,owner and group information is correctly set. Any discrepancies are reported. Unless an entire file or directory is missing, any problems found can generally be fixed by running uniclean (8).


unicheck can be run when Calendar Server is up or down.


Don't print messages that are only warnings; error messages will still be printed.


Don't check database files. This is only used before doing the conversion from A.01.02 to A.02.50.


Computes a system independent checksum for each static file. If this option is used, you should probably redirect the output to a file for future use.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unicheck.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


uniclean - A shell script to clean up the Calendar Server directory.


uniclean [-v] [-h]


Under certain situations it may be necessary to clean up the Calendar Server directory by removing some transient files and by ensuring file/directory permissions and owner/group data are properly set. uniclean can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniclean.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.



uniclr_ipc - A shell script to clear IPC resources consumed by Calendar Server.


uniclr_ipc [-s] [-q] [-v] [-h]


uniclr_ipc clears IPC (Inter-Process Communication) resources consumed by the Calendar Server system. By default, all IPC resources are freed; command-line options are available to selectively clear only semaphore or message-queue resources.

uniclr_ipc can only be run if Calendar Server is down.


Only clear semaphore related resources.


Only clear message-queue related resources.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniclr_ipc.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unicpinr - copy a resource from a file into the Calendar Server.


unicpinr [-add] [-f filename] [-xm modifier][-start day month year][-endday

month year] [-host computername] node-ID [nodeAdminPsw].

unicpinr [filename(s)]

unicpinr -v

unicpinr -h


Copy a resource from a file created with the unicpoutr command, into a Calendar Server node. By default, the resource must already exist and have the matching resource name of the old resource as found in the file. However, the resource can be altered before the resource is copied. Also, there is an option to add a new resource if a matching one does not already exist.

The resource specific preferences and personal information are NOT copied in if the resource already exists. All events listed in the file will be created with the new resource as the owner. The description of these events will contain extra data, when appropriate, indicating the invitees to the event, their status as well as the original creator and owner. Recurring or repeating instances of an event are disconnected from each other and copied in as individual events.


unicpinr can only be run if the Calendar Server is started.


Adds the resource before copying the agenda. Do not specify this option if the resource already exists.



Specifies the input file name. The file must have been created with the unicpoutr command. By default, standard input is used.



Modifies the resource identification. The format has the following syntax: "key=value/key=value/...". The key is either R, N, CA, S, G, PHONE, EXT or FAX. Only those keys specified will be overwritten, all others remain unmodified.


day month year


day month year

Sets the starting and ending dates of the events to be processed. By default, all events in the file will be created; these options allow you to exclude certain events. Dates can only be expressed in the form "day month year". Some legal dates are "12 mar 95", "15 october 1994", "25 12 95" (for December 25,1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and will produce an error message.

Events are imported if the event's interval falls within the given range.



Specifies the computer on which the database for the specified node-ID can be found. The default is the local computer.


For each specified file name, the file name followed by the resource name. Files that have not been created with the unicpoutr command are not listed. If no file names are specified, the files of the current directory (.) are examined.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unicpinr.


To copy the resource "Kitchen", found in the file resource.dat, into the database with node-ID 10003, where the resource already exists, type:

C:\> unicpinr -ls resour*
resource.dat: Kitchen.
C:\> unicpinr -f resource.dat 10003 [nodeAdminPsw]
unicpinr: copied "Kitchen" agenda to node 10003

To copy the resource "Kitchen", found in the file resource.dat, into the database with node-ID 10003, where the resource does not exist and the capacity needs to be changed to "20", type:

C:\> unicpinr -ls resour*
resource.dat: Kitchen.
C:\> unicpinr -f resource.dat -add -xm "CA=20" 130 [nodeAdminPsw]
unicpinr: added "Kitchen" resource to node 10003
unicpinr: copied "Kitchen" agenda to node 10003

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt

Depending on the size of the agenda(s), unicpinr may take some time to complete. The unicp family of utilities have certain limitations that need to be considered before they are used. From the perspective of a moved resource, each of the moved events in the new agenda is a personal event with enough data in the description for the resource to determine who created the event and who the attendees are. When the new resource is created through a move to a new node, the old resource account is normally deleted. When moving a group of resources, it is important to first copy all resources in the group before any of the old resource accounts are deleted. When the old resource account is deleted, all traces of that resource are removed. Hence, the removed resource is no longer viewed as attending events created by users. Furthermore and most importantly, all events that were created by the removed resource are deleted. As a consequence, any resource that was not moved as part of the group, but who was invited to an event by users, will no longer be able to view the event.


unicpinu - copy a user's agenda from a file into the Calendar Server.


unicpinu [-add] [-f filename] [-xm modifier] [-xn name] [-xa address][-start

day month year][-end day month year] [-host computername] node-ID


unicpinu -ls [filename(s)]

unicpinu -v

unicpinu -h


Copies a user's agenda, from a file created with the unicpoutu command, into a Calendar Server node. By default, the user into which the agenda is copied must already exist and have the matching X.400 name and address of the old user as found in the file. However, this X.400 name and address can be altered, with the appropriate options, before the agenda is copied in. Also, there is an option to add a new user if a matching one does not already exist.

The user's password, agenda specific preferences and personal information are NOT copied in if the user already exists. The personal information includes the employee number, phone number, extension, fax number, job title and office mailing address.

All events listed in the file will be created with the new user as the owner. The description of these events will contain extra data, when appropriate, indicating the invitees to the event, their status as well as the original creator and owner. Recurring or repeating instances of an event are disconnected from each other and copied in as individual events.


unicpinu can only be run if the Calendar Engine is started.


Adds the user before copying the agenda. Do not specify this option if the user already exists.



Specifies the input file name. The file must have been created with the unicpoutu command.By default, standard input is used.



Modifies any X.400 data, using a standard X.400 format, for the user specified in the input file.The format has the following syntax: "key=value/key=value/...". Here key is either S, G, I, X, OU1, OU2, OU3, OU4, O, C, A or P. Only those keys specified will be overwritten; all others remain unmodified.



Sets a new X.400 name, using a standard X.400 format, for the user specified in the input file. The format has the following syntax: "key=value/key=value/...". Here key is either S, G, I or X.



Sets a new X.400 address, using a standard X.400 format, for the user specified in the input file. The format has the following syntax: "key=value/key=value/...". Here key is either OU1, OU2, OU3, OU4, O, C, A or P.


day month year


day month year

Sets the starting and ending dates of the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks in the file will be created; these options allow you to exclude certain events and tasks.

Dates can only be expressed in the form "day month year"; some legal dates are "12 mar 95", "15 october 1994", "25 12 95" (for December 25,1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and will produce an error message.

Events are imported if the event's interval falls within the given range. Incomplete tasks are always imported; completed tasks are only imported if their start and end times intersect with the range.



Specifies the computer on which the database for the specified node-ID can be found. The default is the local computer.


For each specified file name, the file name followed by the X.400 name and address of the agenda's owner is printed. Files that have not been created with the unicpoutu command are not listed. If no file names are specified, the files of the current directory (.) are examined.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unicpinu.


To copy the agenda of "Herman, Sarah", found in the file sherman.dat, into the database with node-ID 10003, where the user already exists and has the same X.400 name and address specified in the file, type:

C:\> unicpinu -ls sherm*
sherman.dat: S=Herman/G=Sarah/OU1=Dallas/OU2=Sales
C:\> unicpinu -f sherman.dat 10003 [nodeAdminPsw]
unicpinu: copied "Herman, Sarah" agenda to node 10003.

To copy the agenda of "Herman, Sarah", found in the file sherman.dat, into the database with node-ID 10003, where the user does not exist and the X.400 OU1 needs to be changed to "Chicago", type:

C:\> unicpinu -ls sherm*
sherman.dat: S=Herman/G=Sarah/OU1=Dallas/OU2=Sales
C:\> unicpinu -f sherman.dat -add -xm "OU1=Chicago" 10003 [nodeAdminPsw]
unicpinu: copied "Herman, Sarah" agenda to node 10003

To copy the agenda of "Herman, Sarah", found in the local database with node-ID 10008, directly into the database with node-ID 10003, on the computer "newton" where the user does not exist, but will have the same X.400 name and address specified in the local node, type:

C:\>unicpinu -add -host newton 10003 [nodeAdminPsw]
unicpinu: copied "Herman, Sarah" agenda to node 10003

To import users or resources from a file, use unicpinu.exe or unicpinr.exe respectively. These files are created by unicpoutu or unicpoutr shell scripts, which export user or resource data.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt

Depending on the size of the agenda(s), unicpinu may take some time to complete. The unicp family of utilities have certain limitations that need to be considered before they are used. From the perspective of a moved user, each of the moved events in his/her new agenda is a personal event with enough data in the description for the user to determine who created the event and who the attendees are. When the new user is created through a move to a new node, the old user account is normally deleted. When moving a group of users, it is important to first copy all users in the group before any of the old user accounts are deleted. When the old user account is deleted, all traces of that user are removed. Hence, the removed user is no longer viewed as attending events created by other users. Furthermore and most importantly, all events that were created by the removed user are deleted. As a consequence, any user that was not moved as part of the group, but who was invited to an event by the removed user, will no longer be able to view the event.


unicpoutr - copy a resource from the Calendar Server into a file.


unicpoutr <resource name> [-f filename] [-host computername] [-start day month year]

[-end day month year] [-holiday] <node-ID> <SYSOPpsw>

unicpoutr -v

unicpoutr -h


Copies a resource agenda into a file. The created file can be used by the unicpinr command to copy the resource into another Calendar Server database.


unicpoutr can only be run if the Calendar Server is up.

The <resource name>  is specified using the following syntax: "key=value/key=value...". Here key is R, N, CA, S, G, ID, PHONE, EXT or FAX (uppercase and lowercase both accepted), and value is a string that cannot contain the slash character (/). The string value can end with a wildcard (*). The following is a description of the permissible keys:
Table G.3 
Key  Field 


Resource name


Resource number




Contact's surname


Contact's given name




Phone number


Phone extension


Fax number

The resource description must uniquely identify the resource, otherwise an error will be reported.

The following information is copied into the file:

The following information is not copied to the file:



Specifies the output file name. The file must not exist. By default, the standard output is used.



Specifies the computer on which the database for the specified node-ID can be found. The default is the local computer.


day month year


day month year

Sets the starting and ending dates of the events to be processed. By default all events are output; these options allow you to exclude certain events. Dates can only be expressed in the "day month year" format. Some legal dates are "12 mar 95", "15 october 1994", "25 12 95" (for December 25, 1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and will produce an error message.

Events are exported if the attendance record for the item falls within the given range.


Extracts holiday events from the agenda.


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to run unicpoutr.


To copy the resource "Kitchen" (node-ID 120) to the file "resource.dat", type:

C:\> unicpoutr "R=Kitchen" -f resource.dat 120 [nodeAdminPsw]

To perform the same task, ignoring events before January 1, 1995, type:

C:\> unicpoutr "R=Kitchen" -f resource.dat 120 -start 1 jan 95 [nodeAdminPsw]

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage Error
3 User Interrupt


unicpoutu - copy a user's agenda from the Calendar Server into a file.


unicpoutu <user name> [-f filename] [-host computername] [-start day month year]

[-end day month year] [-holiday] <node-ID> [SYSOPpsw]

unicpoutu -v

unicpoutu -h


Copies a user's agenda to a file. The created file can be used by the unicpinu command to copy the agenda into another Calendar Server database.


The unicpoutu utility can only be run if the Calendar Server is up.

The status of the agenda is not altered; the user can continue using their original agenda after the unicpoutu command has been run.

The <user name> is specified using a standard X.400 search format of the following syntax: "key=value/key=value/...". Here key is either S, G, I, ID, X, OU1, OU2, OU3, OU4, O, C, A or P (uppercase and lowercase both accepted) and value is a string that cannot contain the slash character (/). The string value can be terminated with a wild card (*). The following is a description of the permissible keys:
Table G.4 
Key  X.400 Field 




Given Name








Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4


The user's X.400 




Administration Domain


Private domain

The user description must uniquely identify the user, otherwise an error will be reported. The following information is copied to the file:

The following information is NOT copied to the file:



Specifies the output file name. The file must not exist. By default, the standard output is used.



Specifies the computer on which the database for the specified node-ID can be found. The default is the local computer.


day month year


day month year

Sets the starting and ending dates of the events and tasks to be processed. By default, all events and tasks are output; these options allow you to exclude certain events and tasks.

Dates can only be expressed in the "day month year" form; some legal dates are "12 mar 95", "15 october 1994", "25 12 95" (for December 25,1995). Variations such as "mar 12 1995" or "12 dec" are illegal and will produce an error message.

Events are exported if the attendance record for the item falls within the given range.

Incomplete tasks are always exported; completed tasks are only exported if their start and end times intersect with the range.


Extracts holiday events from the user's agenda.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unicpoutu.


To copy the agenda of "Herman, Sarah" (node-ID 120) to the file sherman.dat, type:

C:\> unicpoutu "S=Herman/G=Sa*" -f sherman.dat 120 [nodeAdminPsw]

To perform the same task, ignoring tasks and events before January 1,1995, type:

C:\> unicpoutu "S=Herman/G=Sa*" -f sherman.dat -start 1 jan 95 120 [nodeAdminPsw]

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unicpr - File format for the unicpinr and unicpoutr utilities.


The unicpinr and unicpoutr utilities copy a resource's personal data and agenda into a file; this can be used to move resources from one node to another. The file is made up of ASCII text, which is not easily read or understood, but can be modified by using a text editor. This allows you to make simple changes in the course of moving a resource, or lets you use shell scripts to make widespread modifications to a database. The file format consists of multiple lines of text. Each line begins with a single character that defines the data stored on that line, followed by a space. The file is made up of two parts:


Identifies the resource whose agenda is stored in the file


Describes the events that were exported

Blank lines and lines beginning with unknown character codes are ignored. Codes are specific to a section; that is, some codes will only appear in the header, and others only in the event section, and the two sets of code do not intersect.

Legal codes in the header section are:


Beginning of section header (mandatory)

E boolean

File encryption flag; only False is currently available

F string

File type; currently this will be the string "Unison Export File"

I string

Resource's unencrypted password

N value

Number of events in the file

P 12 values

Resource's display and notification preferences

R a string

Resource's name

R b string

Resource's number

R c string

Resource's capacity

R d string

Resource's phone number

R e string

Resource's extension number

R f string

Resource's fax number

V string

Version number

X string

X string Contact's X.400 data


End of section header (mandatory)



# Mark Start of Header

Unison Export File

# File Type

V A.02.53

# Version Number


# File Encryption


# Contact's X.400 data

R a Kitchen

# Resource's name

R b 12

# Resource's number

R c 10

# Resource's capacity

R d (617) 694-7070

# Resource's phone number

R e 217

# Resource's extension

R f (617) 694-7075

# Resource's fax number

I Password

# Resource's Password

P 4 480 1140 1 15 127 2 0 15 0 0 0

#Display and Notif. preferences

# The 12 values in the preferences are:

# 4



StartDay at 8:00Am (in minutes)


EndDay at 7:00Pm (in minutes)

# 1

StartWeek Display on Sunday

# 15

Display in Time increments of 15 min

# 127

Display all days Sunday to Saturday

# 2 

Display time in Am/Pm format

# 0

Periodic Refresh disabled


Refresh frequency 15 minutes

# 0

Mail notification disabled

# 0

No reminders

# 0

No lead time before reminders

N 1

File describes 1 Event


Mark End of Header

K Events:

#Mark start of Information on events

S 2262975

#Event StartTime in (UNIAPI_TIME)

D 75

#Event Duration in minutes

T Lunch

#Event Title

I 0

#Event class (normal)

R N0

#Normal Event with importance level 0

M Kitchen

#Event Creator

W Kitchen

#Event Owner

A TRUE 1 5

#Attending; Visual Reminder; 5 min Leadtime

C Lunch time

#Event Description

C David Robinson

#...Include a list of....

C Kathy Bates



#Marks end of an event instance


unicpu - File format for the unicpinu and unicpoutu utilities.


The unicpinu and unicpoutu utilities copy a user's personal data and agenda into a file; this can be used to move users from one node to another. The file is made up of ASCII text, which is not easily read or understood, but can be modified using a text editor. This allows you to make simple changes in the course of moving a user, or lets you use shell scripts to make widespread modifications to a database. The file format consists of multiple lines of text. Each line begins with a single character that defines the data stored on that line, followed by a space. The file is made up of three parts:


Identifies the user whose agenda is stored in the file


Describes the events that were exported


Describes the tasks that were exported

Blank lines and lines beginning with unknown character codes are ignored. Codes are specific to a section; that is, some codes will only appear in the header, and others only in the event or task section, and the two sets of code do not intersect.

Legal codes in the header section are:


Beginning of section header (mandatory)

E boolean

File encryption flag; only False is currently available

F string

File type; currently this will be the string "Unison Export File"

I string

User's unencrypted password

N value value

Number of events, tasks in the file

P 12 values

User's display and notification preferences

U a string

User's address, multiple lines can be used

U b string

User's employee number

U c string

User's phone number

U d string

User's fax number

U e string

User's extension number

U f string

User's job title

V string

Version number

X string

User's X.400 data


End of section header (mandatory)



#Mark Start of Header

F Unison Export File

#File Type

V A.02.51

#Version Number


#File Encryption

X S=Baker/G=James/I=T/OU1=Labs/OU2=SysAdmin

#User's X.400 data

U a Acme Inc

#User's Address

U a 1234 Main St.

#which may span...

U a Boston

#over multiple...

U a Mass., 94132


U b 12

#User's employee number

U c (617) 444-1234

#User's Phone number

U d (617) 444-1235

#User's Fax number

U e 215

#User's Extension

U f System Administrator

#User's Job Title

I Password

#User's Password

P 4 480 1140 1 15 127 2 0 15 0 0 0

#Display and Notif. preferences

# The 12 values in the preferences are:

# 4


# 480

StartDay at 8:00Am (in minutes)

# 1140

EndDay at 7:00Pm (in minutes)


StartWeek Display on Sunday


Display in Time increments of 15 minutes


Display all days Sunday to Saturday


Display time in AM/PM format


Periodic refresh disabled


Refresh frequency 15 minutes


Mail notification disabled


No reminders


No lead time before reminders

N 2 1

#File describes 2 Events and 1 Task


#Mark End of Header


#Mark start of information on Events

S 2262975

#Event StartTime in


D 75

#Event Duration in minutes

T Friday R&D meeting

#Event title

I 0

#Event class (normal)

R N0

#Normal Event with importance level


M Baker James 

#Event Creator

W Baker James 

#Event Owner

A TRUE 1 5

#Attending; Visual Reminder; 5 min


C Discuss next week's activities

#Event Description which may span..

C James Baker

#Multiple lines and may... 

C David Robinson

#Include a list of...

C Kathy Bates


#Marks end of an event instance

S D=25/Y=1995/M=April/T=00:00/z=EST5EDT

#Event StartTime as a Date


D 1440

#Event Duration in minutes

T Company Holiday

#Event Title

I 1

#Event class (holiday)

R A2 

#Public event with importance level 2

M Robinson David

#Event Creator

W Robinson David

#Event Owner

A TRUE 0 0

#User attending; No reminder; No



#Mark end of an event instance

K Tasks:

#Mark start of Information on tasks.

S D=1/Y=1995/M=April/T=8:00/z=EST5EDT

#Task StartTime as a Date


D D=30/Y=1995/M=April/T=17:00/z=EST5EDT

#Task EndTime as a Date Specification

T System Overhaul

#Task Title

R 3

#Task Priority of 3

L 70

#Completion Level of 70%

M Baker James

#Task Creator

W Baker James

#Task Owner

C Upgrade OS version from A.02.50 to A.02.5 

#Task Description


#Mark end of a task instance


unidbedit - A script to edit Calendar databases.


unidbedit -f filename [-n node-ID].

unidbedit -v

unidbedit -h.


unidbedit permits editing Calendar databases in an automated fashion by reading commands from a file.

The format of editing commands is the same as that used in Raima's low-level database editor dbedit. No attempt at documenting the editing commands will be made here; for full details see the Raima Database Manager Reference Manual. However, this script is intended for use by Netscape's Technical Support staff, who will provide command files if database edits are required in order to solve a problem. Do not try to write command files yourself, even if you understand the Raima Database Manager's file structure; you could easily cause extensive damage to the Calendar database.

unidbedit can only be run if Calendar is down.



Read editing commands from the file filename.



Edit the database associated with node-ID. By default the node for which "name = N1", as found in the file /users/unison/misc/unison.ini, is used.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unidbedit.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unidbfix - a utility to check, repair and defragment a Calendar Server node


unidbfix [-h]

unidbfix [-v]

unidbfix [-k]

unidbfix [-f] [-pix] [-n node-ID] [-r] [-y]

unidbfix [-c] [-pix] [-n node-ID][-r]

unidbfix [-d] [-pix] [-n node-ID][-r] [-y]

unidbfix [-export] [-n node-ID][-r]

unidbfix [-import] [-n node-ID][-r] [-y]


The utility unidbfix should be used:

When first running unidbfix on a database, the remote node information should first be exported into the file remotenode.ini in the /users/unison/db/nodes/<node-ID>/perm directory. The reasons for this are:

The export is done with: unidbfix -export -n [node-ID | all]

The DBFIX package is run by executing unidbfix in one of seven modes:

    1. check [-c]

    2. fix [-f]

    3. defragment [-d]

    4. export [-export]

    5. import [-import]

    6. node information [-info]

    7. rebuild key files [-k]

Check mode reports all database corruptions. Fix mode repairs corruptions. Defragment mode frees space occupied by deleted records. Export mode writes remote node information from the database to the file remotenode.ini. Import, the opposite of export, writes remote node information from the remotenode.ini file to the database.

The keys of the database are rebuilt in all modes, excluding export and info mode. This ensures consistency of the key files, and is faster than checking them. Rebuilding the keys does not affect the data in the node. Thus, if unidbfix is interrupted, the key files may have been deleted. As a result, unidbfix should be run again after an interruption occurs in all but the export and info modes.

IMPORTANT: Before using this utility in fix, defragment or import mode, it is highly recommended that a backup be made of the database. A backup need only be made of the *.dat files. The unidbfix utility can only be run if the Calendar Server is down. Interrupting unidbfix during defragmentation can cause irreversible damage to a database. unidbfix can only be run if the Calendar Server is down.

To prevent someone from running multiple instances of unidbfix on the same node, at the same time, a file lock is used. If a system crash stops unidbfix before it completes, the file lock will remain. In this case delete the file unidbfix.lck from /users/unison/tmp.

Import and Export Modes

In general, each node contains both local and remote records. The local records relate to users found on the same node, and the remote records relate to users found on a remote node. Each node also maintains a list of the other nodes it is connected to. When unidbfix checks or fixes the database, it first verifies that the list remote nodes is correct by comparing it to a text copy of the list called remotenode.ini. If the information is different, (due to a change in the remote nodes or a corruption in the list) unidbfix stops with an error message indicating that it requires the remote node information to be correct to continue checking or fixing the database.

Remote node information is located in the file /users/unison/db/nodes/<node-ID>/perm/remotenode.ini. The unidbfix utility evaluates the consistency of the remote nodes in the database based on the information in this file. If the file does not exist, unidbfix stops with a message stating that it requires the file to be able to check the node. In this case, a default remotenode.ini file can be generated with unidbfix -export. The remote node records get exported from the node to the file.

The user can then verify if the information, in the file, is accurate. If not, the user can edit the file, making the required changes, then import the data from the file to the database. The command for this is unidbfix -import.

If the unidbfix utility reports remote node errors it stops in both fix and check modes. The only way for unidbfix to repair the files, is to first use the import mode to indicate to unidbfix the correct values for the remote nodes (the user should edit remotenode.ini, inserting the valid values). It should be noted that errors in the file can lead to unwanted deletion of many records, if the file is imported. Thus, it is important to backup the database before running unidbfix in import mode, and to make certain that the values in the file are correct. The file remotenode.ini lists non-null fields for each remote node. The remote node identification number must start a line and be enclosed in square brackets. The fields must follow after the node, although they need not be specified. Furthermore, the value each field can take has restrictions. Following is a list of the fields with restrictions:

RN_NUMCONNECT: Any number zero and above
RN_SERVICENAME: Must be "unieng"
RN_HOSTAME: The name of the remote computer

If any of the fields have invalid values, unidbfix will return an error message and will abort import mode.


Help. Prints a usage message, and a short description of each option.


Version. Reports the version of unidbfix.


Check mode. Check the node for data inconsistencies and corruptions


Fix mode. Fix and clean up database (fixes all errors detected in check mode).


Defragment mode. Space is saved by freeing space occupied by deleted data. Note that running unidbfix in fix mode also defragments and compresses the database, but defragmentation mode will run faster.


Rebuilds the key files


Import mode. Imports the remote node information from the file remotenode.ini to the node.


Export mode. Export the remote node information from the node to the file remotenode.ini


node-ID | all

Node directory to check/fix/defragment. A node ID must be given to scan a specific node. All nodes will be scanned using "-n all"


Clear and restart log file /users/unison/log/dbfix.log, rather than appending output to it.


Turn fix and defragmentation confirmation message off.


Scan foreign nodes.


Turns off the progress indicator.


The errors found and/or the fixes made will be appended to /users/unison/log/dbfix.log. Each error found is listed as a DATABASE ERROR, while each repair to the node is listed as a FIX. All database errors found by unidbfix will be repaired by the utility. Totals of all records scanned, errors found, fixes made, and records deleted during fixing appear at the end of the file.

NOTE: The total number of database errors and the total number of fixes need not be equal.


To check the consistency of node 10003

C:\> unidbfix -c -n 10003

To fix node 10008

C:\>  unidbfix -f -n 10008

To defragment and compress node 10001 while overwriting the log file

C:|>  unidbfix -d -n 10001 -r

A sample remotenode.ini file:

RN_HOSTNAME = "LosAngeles"

In this case the first remote node's identification number is 10007 and its name is "NewYork". The second has an identification number of 10006, and its name is "LosAngeles".

If a new remote node has been recently added, and the user runs unidbfix on a different node, unidbfix will report remote node errors if the remotenode.ini was not updated. In this case the new node will appear in the database, yet not in the remotenode.ini file, thus causing an error. Simply generate a new file, using unidbfix -export -n [node-ID], or edit the file, by adding the new node to it.

If a remote node has been deleted, it may show up in remotenode.ini, and not in the database. In this case either generate a new remotenode.ini file, or delete the node manually from the file. After the file has been edited or generated, use unidbfix -import -n [node-ID] to import the information into the database. Then run unidbfix in fix mode in order to be able to update the records.

If some remote node data was corrupted, the user can edit remotenode.ini adding the remote nodes that should be in the database, and removing the invalid node. After the file has been edited, import the information into the database.

Table G.5 



No errors found (check mode), or errors found but fixed (fix mode), successfully defragmented (defragmentation mode), or a successful import (import mode) or export (export mode). 


Errors Found

Errors were found (check mode). 


Usage Error

Unexpected arguments. 


User Interrupt

The user aborted the script. 



Another instance of unidbfix was currently running on the node. 



Errors were found in the remote node records while in fix or check mode, or the remotenode.ini file is missing. Stopped since unidbfix needs more information to be able to continue checking or fixing. 


unidbmkeys - A shell script to rebuild the keys of a Calendar Server database node.


unidbmkeys [-n node-ID] [-v] [-h].


unidbmkeys will rebuild the keys of a Calendar database, in the event the key indexes are accidentally corrupted or deleted. The default node that will have its keys regenerated is the one for which "NAME = N1" is found in /users/unison/misc/unison.ini. The results will be appended to /users/unison/log/dbmkeys.log.


unidbmkeys can only be run if the Calendar Server is down.



Instead of rebuilding the default node, the one given as node-ID will have its keys regenerated.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unidbmkeys.


The results of the rebuilding process will be appended to this file.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unidsattach - Attaches an LDAP directory entry to a Calendar Server database.
unidsattach -t type -dn d name [-f filename] [-s section] -n nodeid [-p password]

unidsattach -h

unidsattach -v

unidsattach attaches a LDAP Directory entry (for a user or a resource) to a Calendar Server database. The entry is attached in one of the following ways:
  1. If the entry is an "nsCalUser" or "nsCalResource", the utility gets an "xItemId" for that entry from the given nodeid and passes it to the Directory server. The utility then gets the item's value from the section of the filename and updates the item with those values.
  2. If the entry is not a "nsCalUser" or "nsCalResource", the utility creates a "nsCalUser" or "nsCalResource" with d name depending on the type and does (1) above.
Note: In both cases the item must exist in the Directory Server.

unidsattach can only be run if the Calendar Server is up.



Item type: u (user) or r (resource)


d name

Distinguished name, of the form "cn=Item_name,o=Organization,c=Country"



user/resource initiation file, default is: "/users/unison/misc/user.ini" when type is 'u'
"/users/unison/misc/resource.ini" when type is 'r'



Section within the file, default is "GEN"



Node-ID of item



SYSOP's password, required if one is set. If not entered, you will be prompted.


Display version


Display version

The "-f filename" must exist for the program to continue. If "-s section" is not found or the file is corrupted, some default values will be added. If you want these default values, please create an empty file with the same name.

To attach a user whose distinguished name is "cn=John Dali,o=Ace Industry,c=US" to node 10000 and get default values from the file "local/mydir/myuser.txt" section "USR":

unidsattach -t u -dn "cn=John Dali,o=Ace Industry,c=US" -f /local/mydir/myuser.txt -s USR -n 10001 -p <SYSOP password>

To attach a resource whose distinguished name is "cn=Projector,o=Ace Industry,c=US" to node 10001 and get default values from the default file and section:

unidsattach -t r -dn "cn=Projector,o=Ace Industry,c=US" -n 10001

Exit values are:


unigrpls - displays SYSOP-owned groups on a Calendar Server node.


unigrpls [-grp groupname] [-members] [-host hostname] [-n node-ID] [-p password]

unigrpls -v

unigrpls -h


unigrpls prints SYSOP-owned groups and their associated users (-members option) on a given node. By default, all groups will be displayed. unigrpls can only be run if Calendar Server is up.



Selects the specific group "groupname".


Prints all group members.


Specifies the host on which the operation is to be performed. The default is the local host.



Specifies the node on which the group is located. Required if more than one node is configured.


Specifies the SYSOP password.


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to use unigrpls.


To display all groups on the remote host "jupiter" (node 20)

unigrpls -host jupiter -n 20

To print all members of the group "MyGroup" on the local host (node 10)

unigrpls -grp "MyGroup" -members -n 10

To show all groups and all members with the SYSOPpassword "sysoppsw", where only one node is configured

unigrpls -members -p "sysoppsw"

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage Error
3 User Interrupt


unilogons - A utility to display SIGNON/SIGNOFF-based statistics.


unilogons [-s starttime] [-e endtime] [-i interval][-f filename]

unilogons -t -s starttime -e endtime -i interval [-f filename]

unilogons -t [time] [-f filename]

unilogons -v

unilogons -h


A utility to display SIGNON/SIGNOFF-based statistics using act.log, or any other file with the same format, as the raw data. This utility displays four types of statistics:

    1. the number of users logged on at a specific time;

    2. given a start time, and end time and an interval, the utility displays the number of users logged on at the start time, the end time, and each given interval between them.

    3. within the specified time period (from start time to end time), the number of users logged on and off, and their average and median connect times.

    4. given a start time, and end time and an interval, the utility displays the same information as listed n #3, for each time interval.


Displays the information for the given time; default is the current time. -t [time] must be used without -s, -e or -i; OR use -t time with all three (-s, -e and -i).



Start time of the statistics, default start time is the start of the current day.



The time interval for statistics. When used with [-t], [-s] and [-e] options, statistics of start time, end tim e and at each interval from the start time are displayed. When used without the [-t] option, statistics for each period starting from the start time to the end time, within each interval is displayed. The default time period is the end time minus the start time.


file name

The input file name. The default is /users/unison/log/act.log.


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to run unilogons.


A date can be expressed either as "day month [year][time]" or "[month day] time [year]" in any order. The day is a number between 1 and (30 or 31), depending on he month, except February, which is 28 or 29. The month is a case-insensitive string (whole name or 3 character abbreviation). The default day and month is the current day and month. The year is optional (the current year is the default). A year must be 1991 or higher and must be entered as a 4-digit number. A time in the format "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" can also be specified. The hour is a digit between 0 and 23, the minutes and seconds are between 0 and 59.

For example: A date of 22 February 1996 at 10 o'clock can be entered as:

Feb 22 1996 10:00:00
22 february 10:00:00
10:00:00 february 22 1996
1996 feb 22
feb 22

The default time is the current system time. Any missing time field will be replaced with the current value of that field. If the current date and time are March 12 1996 10:12:34:

-s, -e or -t 12:41 will then be March 12 1996 12:41:34.


-s feb 22 will be feb 22 1996 00:00:00
-e feb 22 will be feb 22 1996 23:59:59

An interval must be an integer greater than zero and can be input minutes, hours or days.

minutes: 1m, 2m, etc. up to 19999m
hours: 1h, 2h, etc. up to 199h
days: 1d, 2d, etc. up to 1d.

To get statistics for the current day:


To get statistics for the current time:

%unilogons -t

To get statistics for a specific time:

%unilogons -t jan 24 10:00

To get statistics for the period between two dates:

%unilogons -s Mar 2 1996 12:12:34 -3 mar 6 1996 08:21:00

To get statistics for the period of 1 day between two dates:

%unilogons -s Mar 2 1996 12:12:34 -3 mar 6 1996 08:21:00 -i 1d

To get statistics at specific time intervals between two dates:

%unilogons -t -s Mar 2 1996 12:12:34 -3 mar 6 1996 08:21:00 -i 1d

To get the version:

%unilogons -v

To get help:

%unilogons -h

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure.

unilogons may take some time to finish, depending on the size of the input file. The disk space required to run unilogons is one and a half times the input file. unilogons creates temporary files in the directory "/users/unison/tmp" to handle the input data. Therefore, the user must make sure that there is enough free disk space in that directory. For example, if the size of the input file is 8M, approximately 12M of free disk space will be required to run unilogons.


unimmimp - A utility to import a Meeting Maker user's list and agenda.


unimmimp [-cu uname | -au uname | -cr rname | -ar rname | -all] -f filename -n nodeid [-p SysOpPsw]

unimmimp -auto path -f filename -n nodeId [-p sysOpPsw]

unimmimp - v

unimmpimp -h


This utility imports Meeting Maker users, resources and their agendas into Calendar Server. In this document, a user is synonymous with a Meeting Maker Person. For convenience, "he" is used to refer to all users and resources.

There are four import methods:

  1. Create a user/resource and import his agenda.

  2. Import the agenda of a given user/resource (user/resource must exist in Calendar Server).

  3. Create one user/resource at a time from a user list and get that user's/ resource's agenda interactively and import it.

  4. Create one user/resource at a time from a user list and search for that user's/resource's agenda in a given directory.

unimmimp can only be run if the calendar server is up.



Creates and imports the agenda of user "uname"



Imports the agenda of user "uname"



Creates and imports the agenda of resource "rname"



Imports the agenda of resource "rname"


Creates one user/resource at a time from user's list, prompts for that user's/resource's agenda file and imports it.



Creates one user/resource at a time from user's list, searches for that user's/resource's agenda file in the directory specified by path and imports it.



An agenda file in case of -cu, -au, -cr, or -ar option; a user list file in case of -all or -auto option



Calendar Server Node-ID



The System Operator's password, required if one is set. If a password has not been set, you will be prompted to set one.


Displays the current version


Displays Help

The options -cu, -au, -cr, -ar, -all and -auto are mutually exclusive and the default option is -all. uname must be entered as "S=last_name/G=first_name", and rname must be entered as "R=sign_in_name", no other formats are allowed.


Here, we explain how to import an user/resource agenda from Meeting Maker into Calendar Server. To import the agenda of a single user or a resource, you need the agenda file. To create an import a group of users/resources, you need the users list and the agendas of all users/resources.

  1. Consult your Meeting Maker User's Manual on how to Create an Export file.

  2. Create an Export file in a text format, such as "MM XP Text Export".

  3. Give the export file a name that will be easy to remember, such as your sign-in name. Do not use the default file name (export.txt), it might get mixed up with other users.

For -auto option:

The export file name must be sign_in_name + maf. Use only lower case letters. In case of a multi word sign-in name, join each word with a '_'. The file name must contain only the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., -, and/or _. No other characters, such as, [, (, }, *, ", ', are allowed. If your sign-in name has other characters, replace them with '_'. The file name must not be more than 8 characters long.


File: smith.maf
Name: No. 7 Projector
File Name: no._7_pr.maf
Name: Jean hazal
File Name: jean_haz.maf
Name: A [209]
File Name: a__209_.maf
Name: Open *
File Name: open__.maf
  1. Create an agenda export file as described in (1).

  2. Check if the Calendar Server is up.

  3. Execute unimmimp with the -cr/-cu option.


a. User's, first name=John; last name=Dow; agenda file name=john_dow.maf: unimmimp -cu "S=Dow/G=John" -f john_dow.maf -n 300
b. Resource's, name=Room B11; agenda file name=room_b11.maf: unimmimp -cr "R=Room B11" -f room_b11.maf -n 300

User/resource must not already exist in Calendar Server.

  1. Create an agenda export file as described in (1).

  2. Check if the calendar server is up.

  3. Execute unimmimp with the -ar/-au option.


a. User's, first name=John; last name=Dow; agenda file name=john_dow.maf: unimmimp -au "S=Dow/G=John" -f john_dow.maf -n 300
b. Resource's, name=Room B11; agenda file name=room_b11.maf: unimmimp -ar "R=Room B11" -f room_b11.maf -n 300

User/resource must already exist in Calendar Server.

  1. Create agenda export files for all users and resources one by one as described in (1).

  2. Create a user list file as mentioned in (2).

  3. Check that the calendar server is up.

  4. Execute unimmimp with the -all option.

  5. The utility will read each name and prompt for the corresponding agenda files.

  6. Enter the name of the agenda file and it will be imported.

  7. You can decide which users you create and whose agendas you import; just follow the instructions the utility gives you.


User's list file name = users.txt unimmimp -all -f users.txt -n

User/resource must not exist in Calendar Server.

  1. Create agenda export files for all users and resources one by one as mentioned in (1). Be very careful in naming files, see 1.3 for -auto option.

  2. Put all users' and resources' agenda files in a directory. Type the name of this directory after '-auto' option (path).

  3. Create a user list file as mentioned in (2).

  4. Check that the calendar server is up.

  5. Execute unimmimp with the -auto option.

  6. The utility will verify all the input parameters and look for agenda files in the specified directory. The utility will automatically create each user and import his agenda. It will not create a user whose agenda file is not found in the directory. The progress of the utility will be displayed on the screen.

DO NOT REDIRECT your screen output to a file as you will be prompted to verify the parameters.


User's list file name = users.txt; path = "/users/unison/tmp"
unimmimp -auto "/users/unison/tmp" -f users.txt -n 300

User/resource must not exist in Calendar Server.


Meeting Maker does not export all the information about a person/resource and his agenda. unimmimp only imports the data that is compatible with Calendar Server. Therefore it is very likely that some information will be lost while exporting a person, resource or agenda from Meeting maker into Calendar Server.


The space requirement is twice the size of the input agenda file. For example, if the agenda file is 1 megabyte, you need approximately 2 megabyte of free disk space. When using the -auto option, consider only the size of the biggest agenda file.

The time required to import an agenda file will depend on the size of the agenda file and the speed of the cpu.

When using the -auto option, you can group the agenda files to control the length of time unimmimp will run at any one session.

For example, if you estimate that it will take approximately 12 hours to import 100 agenda files and you want to run unimmimp for approximately 3 hours at each session, just divide all agenda files into 4 groups of 25 files each and put them in 4 separate directories. Then execute unimmimp with 'path' to one of 4 groups at each session.


Meeting Maker is a registered trademark of ON Technology Corp. The following versions are Calendar compatible:

  1. Meeting Maker version 3.0

  2. Meeting Maker version 3.5 XP

The compatibility of other versions should be verified.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 Interrupt


uninode - A centralized administration tool for a network of Calendar Server nodes.


uninode -add hostname.

uninode -apply [-y | -n] node-ID | hostname | group[sysOpPsw]

uninode -cws node-ID | hostname | group.

uninode -edit [-e editor] [sysOpPsw]

uninode -import node-ID | hostname | group[sysOpPsw].

uninode -init [sysOpPsw].

uninode -reset node-ID | hostname | group [sysOpPsw].

uninode -retry node-ID | hostname | group [sysOpPsw].

uninode -snc node-ID | hostname | group

uninode -test node-ID | hostname | group

uninode -v

uninode -h


uninode serves as a centralized administration tool for a network of Calendar Server nodes. It can add and delete both nodes and the connections between them, and report on the network configuration and on the status of remote connections. uninode can only be run if Calendar Server is up.



Adds a line to the nodes.ini file. The node is added as an excluded member of the network. uninode then connects to the specified host, prompts for the password for the "unison" user, reads the configured node-ID, and then retrieves the X.400 address of the user named "unison,unison".


Applies the expected configuration in nodes.ini to a node or group of nodes. Usually the expected configuration is identical to the effective configuration; they will only differ if the nodes.ini file has been modified without using uninode, or if uninode -edit is used when the node involved is not accessible. Also, the -apply checks for directory inconsistency. When one is found the user is prompted to confirm the update. The[-y | -n] option can be used to automatically send a response.


Prints information on the Corporate-Wide-Services configuration. The following information is printed for each remote node connection.


Expected connection configuration: the number of TCP/IP connections, or "M" for a mail connection, or "NO" if no connection is expected.


Effective connection configuration: the number of TCP/IP connections, or "M" for a mail connection or "NO" if no connection is expected.


The number of CWS transactions currently waiting in the CWS queue.


The number of CWS transactions processed.


The number of items (users and resources) in the local copy of the remote directory.




Allows the user to safely edit a temporary copy of the nodes.ini file by running the provided program editor. Once the editor is exited, the temporary file is parsed, and, if no errors are found, the original nodes.ini file is updated. Otherwise the user is informed of any errors and is offered the choice of again editing the file, or aborting the operation.


Same as -apply except that the remote directory of items is imported automatically.


Constructs the initial nodes.ini file from the current network configuration. The local node-ID is used as an entry point to the existing UNISON-X network.


Resets the statistics of an SNC daemon. It is recommended that all nodes be reset at the same time by running uninode -reset all. Resetting the statistics will allow the administrator to compare the statistics for different nodes at a later time.


Restarts the retry mechanism of an SNC daemon. When there are fewer connections than expected, the SNC daemon attempts to reconnect at specific time intervals. It will progressively retry at intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8 ... minutes up to a maximum of 64 minutes. The -retry option resets this interval to 1 minute. For example, you would run uninode -retry all after a network-related problem is solved, or after a UNISON-X server has been restarted.


Prints information on the TCP/IP connection to remote nodes. The following information is printed for each remote node connection.


Expected connection configuration: the number of TCP/IP connections or "NO" if no connection is expected.


Effective connection configuration: the number of TCP/IP connections, or "NO" if no connection is expected.


The number of connections currently available.


The number of connections currently in use.


The number of times the SNC daemon lost a connection to the remote node.


If a connection is currently lost, RETRY is the time (expressed in "mm:ss" format) before the next attempt to reconnect.


The number of requests currently waiting in the queue. 


The number of cancelled requests. A request is cancelled when it takes too much time to borrow a connection.


The number of checks for queued requests. Checks are performed when a connection is waiting in the queue.


The number of connections that have been granted.



Verifies if it is currently possible to connect to a node or group of nodes. This option should always be used before the -edit or - commands to determine if the given node is accessible. The following items are tested:

·          whether the syntax of the nodes.ini file is correct.

·          if the host and node-ID are valid.

·          if the uniengd and unisncd servers are up.

·          if the SNC daemon supports the "unieng" service.

·          if the version of uniengd is greater than A.01.15.

·          if the nodes.ini file exists only on the host currently running uninode


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uninode


/users/unison/misc/nodes.ini contains the list of nodes and the rules that describe the network configuration.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unipasswd - Change password on a Calendar Server node.


unipasswd [-e entry] [-sysop | -cwsop] [-n node-ID][-host hostname][-p password]

unipasswd [-v]

unipasswd [-h]


The -e, -sysop and -cwsop options are mutually exclusive.


unipasswd changes the password of the SYSOP or the CWSOP on a given node. By default, the SYSOP password will be changed.


unipasswd can only be run if Calendar Server is up.



Change a user password (search filter).


Changes the password of the SYSOP.


Changes the password of the CWSOP.



Specifies the node on which the password is to be changed. Required if more than one node is configured.



Specifies the host on which the operation is to be performed.The default is the local host.



Specifies the SysOp password. Required if the -e option is used and a SysOp password is set.


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to run unipasswd.


A user is referenced by a string of the form "key=value,/key=value/...", where key is one of the fields listed below (lowercase and upper case both accepted), and value is any string not containing a slash (/). If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks, to prevent the shell from splitting the string into two pieces. The string value can be terminated with a wildcard symbol (*), which may have to be escaped to prevent the shell from trying to match it.
Table G.6 
Key  X.400 Field 




Given name







Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administrative Domain


Private Domain


Telephone number


Telephone extension


Fax number


Employee number


Job title


To change the SysOp password on the remote host "jupiter" (node 20):

unipasswd -host jupiter -n 20

To change the password of the local user "Jean Leblanc" (node 10):

unipasswd -e "S=Leblanc/G=Jean" -n 10

To change the local CWSOP password where only one node is configured:

unipasswd -cwsop

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unireqdump - View and optionally delete requests in the CWS queue.


unireqdump [-chunk n] [-delete] [-excl filter] [-incl filter] [-item itemnum] [-node node-ID][-prompt] [-reqid ID] [-trcode code] [-locnode node-ID] [node-ID] [-password cwsOpPsw] [cwsOpPsw].

unireqdump -v

unireqdump -h


unireqdump selects a set of requests on the given server. The default is to select all requests; there are various options available to select only a subset of the waiting requests. The options are applied successively, so if two selection criteria are set, any selected requests will meet both criteria. Once a set of requests has been selected, the default action is to print them to the standard output. Adding the -delete option will cause unireqdump to prompt the user after each request is printed; if the user answers in the affirmative, the request will be deleted. If, in addition to -delete, the -prompt option is given, unireqdump will automatically delete all of the selected requests without prompting the user. unireqdump can only be run if Calendar Server is up.

Numeric arguments can be decimal or hexadecimal values; hexadecimal values should be prefixed by "0x". Thus, "unireqdump 0x7c" is equivalent to "unireqdump 123". The single exception is the -reqid option, which always assumes a hexadecimal value even when the "0x" prefix is not present.



The selected requests are transferred from the server in chunks containing at most n requests; as the value is increased, fewer network transactions are required, but more memory is used on both the server and the machine running unireqdump. The default value is 50, and should not need to be changed.


Enables the deletion option; after each selected request is printed, unireqdump will ask the user if it should be deleted, unless the -prompt option is also used to disable the prompting.



Sets the exclusion filter to be applied to the request queue; requests matching this filter are automatically excluded from the resulting set. The default is to simply ignore this filtering option. The possible filters are listed below:


Requests that have already been serviced.

not serviced

Requests that have not been serviced.


Synonym for "not serviced".


Requests that cannot be serviced.




Sets the inclusion filter to be applied to the request queue; requests matching this filter are automatically included in the resulting set, if no other option forces them to be excluded. The possible filters are listed above, under the -excl option.



Selects only requests for which the source item matches the given item. itemnum is the numeric ID of the item, which can be obtained by using a client to log onto the Calendar Server server as the given item, and then displaying the `About Connection' box.



Selects only requests destined for the given node.


Disables prompting for confirmation when performing deletions. If - is not also supplied on the command line, this option effectively does nothing. If - is also present, unireqdump will automatically delete all of the selected requests. Use this option with great care...



Selects only the request with the given ID. ID is a numeric value assumed to be in hexadecimal; it's not necessary to prefix the value with"0x", though doing so causes no harm.



Selects only requests with the given transaction code. The transaction code may be expressed numerically (the numeric values are available in the documentation for the Calendar Server programming interface), or as one of the following strings:



Connects to the given node (same as [node-ID]).



Used to enter the correct password for the Corporate-Wide Sysop item (same as [cwsOpPsw]).


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to run unireqdump.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unires - A script to maintain a Calendar Server resource directory.


unires -ls [resource [-format format]] node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -format format node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -info

unires -add resource [-s sections] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

unires -del resource node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -desdel resource node-ID [sysOpPsw]

unires -grpdel resource node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -mod resource -s sections| modifier node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -edit [resource] [-s sections] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

unires -ex filename [-b sections] node-ID [sysOpPsw].

unires -s [sections node-ID [sysOpPsw]].

unires -v

unires -h


This script can delete, modify or list the resources in a Calendar Server directory. Resources are identified by their names. Therefore, it is not possible to add more than one resource with the same name. unires can only be run if the Calendar Server is up.

unires configures resources using the information from the resource.ini file. The configuration process sets the resource preferences, security, personal group, the admin groups to be granted membership to, and the list of persons that can work as a designate for the resource.

The fields that can be modified are listed in the following table:
Table G.7 
Key  Directory Fields  Format. 

Resource name 


Resource number 





Contact's surname 


Contact's given name 






Phone number 



Phone extension 



Fax phone number 


A resource is referenced by a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", where key is one of the field keys listed above (lowercase and uppercase both accepted), and value is any string not containing a slash (/). If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks to prevent the script from splitting the string into two pieces. The string value can be terminated by a wildcard symbol (*), which may have to be escaped in order to prevent the script from trying to match it.

Only one operation can be carried out per invocation of unires; -ls, -add, -del, and -mod are all mutually exclusive. You must be logged in as the users root or unison to use unires; in general, the specified operations can be performed only if the correct system operator password is supplied.


resource node-ID

Lists the referenced resource on the given node. Each line printed contains a period (`.') character, a space, the resource description, and the item-ID of the resource.


format node-ID

Lists the referenced resource with a particular format (see table)


Lists format options


resource node-ID password

Add the described resource to the given node. If such a resource already exists, an error is reported. The resource is configured using the GEN section of the resource.ini file unless one or more sections are specified; in this case the sections "GEN/sections" are used. Sections are separated by slashes (/) and keyword search in the ini file is done from the right-most section of "GEN/sections" to the left-most one.


resource node-ID password

Deletes the referenced resource on the given node. unires will prompt for confirmation before actually performing the deletion.



Delete the list of designates for the given resource.


[resource] [-s sections]

Creates a file that contains the resources referenced by resource and then invokes an editor, allowing the user to make changes to the resource directory; the default editor is vi(1) for UNIX. The file has the same format as the input file of unires -f and the output file of unires -ls. After the user has saved the modifications to the file and exited the editor, the changes are processed by unires -ex.


filename [-s sections]

Performs the directory transactions specified in the file filename. Any specified sections will be used to configure resources at creation and modification. Each line of the file must begin with one of the characters '.', '#', 'D', 'd', 'M', or 'm'; this character must be followed by a space and are source description. For each line of the file, an action is taken depending on the first character of the line:

'.' or '#'|The line is ignored.
'D' or 'd'|The resource is deleted.
'M' or 'm'|The resource is modified.

Any fields following the resource name are ignored; thus, you can create a transaction file by saving the output of unires -ls to a file,editing it, and then running unires -ex to process the modified file.You could also use the -edit option to perform all three steps automatically. For backwards compatibility, -f is a synonym for this option.



Delete the resource from all admin groups.


resource -s sections | modifier

Modifies the resource configuration using the specified section(s) of the resource.ini file. If multiple resources are matched, unires will report an error. Only the information found in the sections will be updated. Sections are separated by slashes (/) and keyword search in the ini file is done from the rightmost section to the left most one. If modifier is present, it must be a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", listing the directory names of the fields to be altered.


[sections\ node-ID\ [sysOpPsw]]

Lists and checks the contents of the resource.ini file. uniuser -s lists the section names and information, while uniuser -s sections ... evaluates the content of the specified sections and prints the result to stdout, including any detected errors.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unires.

% unires -s.
GEN General configuration.
DES Set Robert as a designate for the resource.
% unires -add "R=Local A-300" -s DES 100 [sysOpPsw]
unires: added "Local A-300".

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt


unirmold - deletes old events and tasks from a Calendar Server database


unirmold [item] [-event | -task] [-n numOfDays] [-y] node-ID nodeAdminPsw]

unirmold -v

unirmold -h


The utility unirmold deletes events and tasks that are more than the specified numOfDaysdays old from the Calendar Server node identified by the node-ID. The Calendar Server must be up to run unirmold. This utility unirmold accepts items in a X.400 format (see following table).
Table G.8 
Key  X.400 Field 




Given Name








Organizational Unit 1


Organizational Unit 2


Organizational Unit 3


Organizational Unit 4






Administration Domain


Private domain

An item is referenced by a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...",where key is one of the field keys listed above (lowercase and uppercase both accepted), and value is any string not containing a slash (/). If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks to prevent the shell from splitting the string into two pieces. The string value can be terminated by a wild card symbol (*), which may have to be escaped in order to prevent the shell from trying to match it.


Deletes only old events. The default action is to delete both events and tasks.


Deletes only old tasks. The default action is to delete both events and tasks.

-n numOfDays

Deletes events and tasks that are more than numOfDays days old.The default value is 90 days; the minimum value allowed is 30 days.


Doesn't prompt for confirmation.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unirmold.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt


unisizeof - a shell script to compute the size of the Calendar Server installation.


unisizeof [-db | -n node-ID] [-v] [-h].


unisizeof computes the size of a Calendar Server installation. The default action is to determine the size of the contents of the /users/unison directory, including all database nodes and the complete Calendar system (executables, *.ini files, etc.); the -db and -n options allow restricting the measurement to a single database node. unisizeof can be run if Calendar Server is up or down.


Compute the size for the default database, which is the node for which "name = N1" is found in the file /users/unison/misc/unison.ini.



Computes the size of the given database specified by node-ID.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to invoke unisizeof.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt


unistart - A shell script to start up Calendar Server.


unistart [-nocws | -cws] [-nosnc | -snc] [-r] [-w secs] [-v] [-h]


unistart will start up Calendar Server. The default action is to start all 5 Calendar Server daemons: uniengd, unilckd, unicwsd, unisncd and unidasd. If Kerberos authentication is enabled, only the super-user may execute this script; otherwise, it can also be executed by the UNIX user named "unison".


By default, unicwsd is started depending on the setting of the enable keyword in the [CWS] section of the unison.ini file. Adding this option prevents unicwsd from being started, overriding the value of the enable keyword.


Starts only unicwsd, the corporate-wide services daemon, provided the other two daemons, unilckd and uniengd are already up.


By default, unisncd is started depending on the setting of the enable keyword in the [SNC] section of the unison.ini file. Adding this option prevents unisncd from being started, overriding the value of the enable keyword.


Starts only unisncd, provided the two daemons, unilckd and uniengd are already up.


Removes the old log files act.log, cws.log, dbv.log, eng.log, lck.log, and snc.log from the /users/unison/log directory.



When a process is started there is a short delay period during which the ps (1) command will not acknowledge the existence of the process. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep for some period of time before a ps (1) is issued that will verify that the process is actually running. The default period is 2 seconds. This default can be overridden with the -w option where the secs parameter specifies the number of seconds to sleep.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unistart.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unistat - A shell script to produce a Calendar Server database report.


unistat [-l | -p] [-s | -g] [-m] [-sn] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

unistat -v

unistat -h

Note: The -l and -p options, as well as the -s and -g options, are mutually exclusive.


unistat produces a database report for the node specified by node-ID. To enable the generation of the log file upon which this report is based (stats.log), the parameter [ENG] stats=TRUE must be set in the unison.ini file. For each user the following information is printed: the X.400 Name and Organizational Units, the number of events, instances, and attendees owned by the user, the size (in bytes) of any attached files, the size (in bytes) of any event descriptions, and the size (in bytes) of the user's agenda. The first part of the report shows a list of public groups and their owners, as well as the size (in bytes) of the database and the number users, events, instances, and attendees in the database. By default the report is sent to the standard output assuming there are 80 characters per line. To use unistat you must be able to supply the Calendar Server system operator password, and the Calendar Server system must be up and running.


Prints the report in 133 characters per line mode.


Creates a PostScript report


Prints database serial numbers.


Prints the list of public groups.


Prints public group members.


Prints only serial numbers.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unistat.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unistats - A utility to display summary statistics.


unistats [-s starttime] [-e starttime] [-f filename] [-server version]

[-client entry] [-n node-ID] [-user name | -res resource | -ruser] [-all]

unistats -v

unistats -h


A utility to display summary statistics of the data given in a Calendar Server stat file. Using the filter, the user may specify that statistics be compiled for a subset of the file data. By default, the summary statistics are based on the Calendar Server client name and the version, that is, one summary will be displayed for all the clients having the same name and version. The -all option will display one combined summary for all client types.



Start time of the statistics. The default start time is "Jan 1 1991 00:00:00".



End time of the statistics. The default end time is the current time.



Input file name. The default is /users/unison/log/stats.log.



A filter, to get the summary statistics of any server. The version corresponds to the version of a Calendar Server server.



A filter, to get the summary statistics of any specific client. The entry corresponds to the name and the version of any Calendar client.



A filter, to get the summary statistics of any specific node. The node-ID corresponds to the Calendar Server node-ID.



A filter, to get the summary statistics of any specific user. The name corresponds to the surname and given name of any user.



A filter, to get the summary statistics of any specific resource. The resource corresponds to the name and identification number of any resource.


A filter, to get the summary statistics of all the RESERVED USERS (ex., SYSOP).


Displays only one combined summary for all client types.


Prints the current version.


Prints a message explaining how to run unistats.

The options can appear in any order. When no option is given, a summary of the statistics of all the data in the default file will be displayed. If any other option is entered along with -h or -v, help and/or version will be displayed; all other options will be ignored.


The filter argument entry, name, or resource is a string in the form "key=value/key=value/...", where key is one of the fields listed below, and value is any string which does not contain a slash (/). Both the key and the value are case insensitive. If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks to prevent the shell from splitting the string in two pieces. The string value can be terminated by a wild card (*)., which may have to be escaped in order to prevent the shell from trying to match it.
Table G.9 
Option  Key  Value 



Client name



Client version






Given name



Resource name



resource ID


A date can be expressed as either "day month [year] [time]" or "[month day] time [year]", in any order. The day is a number between 1 and 30 (or 31, depending on the month), except February, which is 28 (or 29). The month is a case insensitive string (whole name or 3-character abbreviation), corresponding to the twelve months of the year (January - December). The default day and month is today's day and month. The year is optional (current year by default). A year must be 1991 or higher, and must be entered as a 4-digit number. A time in the format "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" can also be specified. The hour is a number from 0 to 23, a minute is a number from 0 to 59, and a second is a number from 0 to 59.

For example: The date 22 February 1996 at 10 o'clock can be entered as follows:

Feb 22 1996 10:00:00
22 feb 10:00:00
10:00:00 feb 22 1996
1996 feb 22
feb 22

The default time is the current time. Any missing time field will be replaced by the current value of that field. If the current date and time are March 12 1996 10:12:34:

-s or -e 12:41 will be March 12 1996 12:41:34


-s feb 22 will be feb 22 1996 00:00:00
-e feb 22 will be feb 22 1996 23:59:59

To get the summary of statistics for the data from the default file, type:


To get the summary of statistics for all "windows" clients from the file myfile.log, type:

%unistats -client "N=window*" -f myfile.log

To get the summary of statistics for the to user "Don Martin", only from server "A.02.53", type:

%unistats -user "S=martin/G=don" -server "A.02.53"

To get the summary of statistics for the resource "projector", only from "motif" clients, type:

%unistats -res "R=projector" -client "N=motif"

To get the summary of statistics for July 19, type:

%unistats -s Jul 19 -e Jul 19

To get the summary of statistics for all the users of all clients, type:

%unistats -all -user "S=*"

To get the summary of statistics for all the RESERVEDUSERS from node 701, type:

%unistats -ruser -n 701

To get the version, type:

%unistats -v

To get help, type:

%unistats -h

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 System error

All of the output fields displayed by unistats are explained here, in the order in which they will appear:

The following fields correspond to a CLIENT:
Table G.10 


Name and version of the Calendar client


Name of the system on which the Calendar Server server is running


Calendar Server version


Number of records used for the summary statistics of this client


Average session time


Total cpu time for all SIGNONS


Median cpu time


Average cpu time "usr" stands for "user"; "sys" stands for "system"


Total number of bytes exchanged between the client and the Calendar Server server over the network


Median of the NETWORKTOTAL


Average of the NETWORKTOTAL "snd" stands for "send: "rcv" stands for "receive"


Total number of function calls

The following fields correspond to a FUNCTIONNAME:


Percentage of calls for this function


Worst time taken by this function to process once call


Average processing time for this function


Percentage of cpu taken by this function


The worst cpu time taken by this function to process one call


The average cpu time taken by this function to process one call


Percentage of networking used by this function



The summary output of unistats is displayed in 122 columns.


unistatus - A shell script to determine the status of Calendar Server.


unistatus [-f] [-d] [-s] [-q] [-n] [-e] [-v] [-h]


The default action for unistatus is to determine which of the Calendar Server daemons are running, and to print a message explaining their current state on the standard output. The full output option produces a ps-like report that takes into account the distinction between daemons and servers. Under normal conditions, Calendar Server always has 2 active daemons (uniengd and unlckd) and as many servers (uniengd) as there are active users. If corporate-wide services are enabled the unicwsd will also be running; in addition, unisncd will be present if remote-node services are enabled.


Enables the full output version of the command, which produces an aps-like report that takes into account the distinction between daemons and servers. Under normal conditions, Calendar Server always has 2 active daemons (uniengd and unlckd) and as many servers (uniengd) as there are active users. If Corporate-Wide Services are enabled the unicwsd will also be running; in addition, unisncd is present if remote-node services are enabled and unidasd if your data is stored on the Netscape Directory Server.


Produces a report for daemon processes only


Produces a report for server processes only


Forces the quiet version of the command which does not produce the usual status message.


If the unilckd and uniengd daemons are running but unicwsd or unisncd is not, the default action is to report that "CORPORATE-WIDE SERVICES are down" or "REMOTE-NODE SERVICES are down", as appropriate; this option suppresses the printing of this message.


This option alters the default exit status as follows:

0..31 success, see table below.
254 usage error.
255 failure.

Prints the current version


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unistatus.


The default exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.

If the -e option is used, the exit status will encode the status of the Calendar Server system, as shown in the following table. A status value of 254 will be returned in the event of a usage error, and a value of 255 will signify that the command failed to complete.


unistop - A script to shut down Calendar Server.


unistop [-y] [-ser] [-cws] [-snc] [-w secs] [-l level] [-cl level] [-v] [-h].


unistop will shut down all or part of a running Calendar server.The default action is to shut down if there are no running uniengd servers; the unicwsd, unilckd, and the uniengd processes will be stopped. If Kerberos authentication is enabled, only the super-user may run this script effectively; otherwise, either the super-user or the user named "unison" can run this script. Obviously, unistop can only be run if Calendar Server is at least partially up


By default, if there are any uniengd servers running, indicating that users are signed onto the Calendar Server, a prompt is issued to confirm whether a shutdown is really desired. This option forces an automatic shutdown. With this option, all active uniengd servers are shut down in such a way that the integrity of the database is insured. This option cannot corrupt the database.


By default, both daemons and servers are shut down. Each server is associated with an active Calendar user, while daemons are always present whenever Calendar is running. This option can be used to shut down only the active uniengd servers, provided the unilckd and uniengd daemons are up.


With this option, the corporate-wide daemon unicwsd alone can be shut down provided the daemons unilckd and uniengd are up.


With this option, only the unisncd daemon is shut down, provided the daemons unilckd and uniengd are still up.



When a process is stopped there is a short delay period during which the ps (1) command will continue to acknowledge the existence of the process, even though it has stopped. Therefore it is necessary to sleep for some period of time before a ps is issued that checks that the process is no longer running. The default delay period is 4 seconds. This default can be overridden with the -s option where the secs parameter specifies the number of seconds to sleep.



The normal level of shutdown is 0, which is the default; the available levels are 0, 1, 2 and 3. As the level increases, so does the severity of the shutdown. You should always begin with 0 and then, in the rare event that the normal shutdown fails, proceed to 1, then 2 and finally 3 if there are multiple failures. A level 3 shutdown is drastic, but guaranteed to succeed.


Level 3 must only be used as the final alternative since it may corrupt the Calendar database. You will be prompted for confirmation.



This option allows for cycling of shutdown levels from 0 up to the specified level when the current level fails. Thus, levels 0, 1, 2, & 3 are tried until either the specified level is reached or the shutdown is successful. The user is NOT prompted for any confirmation.


See description of "-l" option for more information.


a shutdown at level 3 may corrupt the Calendar database.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unistop.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


unitzinfo - print information about a time zone defined in /users/unison/misc/timezone.ini.


unitzinfo [-c] [-l] [-t timezone] [-node node-ID] [-y year] [-v] [-h].


Extracts information from the Calendar Server time zone table, /users/unison/misc/timezone.ini. By default, only the information for the time zone currently used by Calendar Server and for the current year is printed, formatted for an 80-column screen.

unitzinfo can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.


Lists the time zone information by country. The printed fields are:


Country name


Time zone name


The difference (in hours) from GMT.


The difference (in hours) from GMT during Daylight Savings Time (DST).


The period when DST is in force.



Large output format; formats the display for a 132-column screen or printer.



Specifies the name of the time zone to print, or "all" to print all time zones. The default is the time zone currently used by Calendar Server.



Specifies the node-ID (print associated time zone)



Specifies the year to print. The default year is the current one.


Prints the current version


Prints a usage message explaining how to run unitzinfo.


/users/unison/misc/timezone.ini contains the time zone descriptions used by Calendar Server.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.


uniuser - A shell script to modify Calendar user information.


uniuser -ls [item [-format format]] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -format format node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -info

uniuser -desdel item node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -grpdel item node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -mod item -s sections | modifier node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -edit [item] [-s sections] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -ex filename [-s sections] node-ID [sysOpPsw]

uniuser -s [sections node-ID [sysOpPsw]]

uniuser -v

uniuser -h


uniuser modifies, and deletes Calendar Server users. It configures users using the information from the user.ini file. The configuration process sets the user preferences, security, administrative rights, directory address, personal group, membership in admin groups and the list of persons that can work as a designate for the user (see uniuser.ini (4)). Resources cannot be updated using uniuser. The Calendar Server must be up to run uniuser. The fields that can be modified are listed in the following table:
Table G.11 
Key  Directory Fields  Format 



Given name 










Organizational Unit 1 



Organizational Unit 2 



Organizational Unit 3 



Organizational Unit 4 






Administration domain


Private Domain 



Phone number 



Phone extension 



Fax phone number 



Employee number 



Job title 





An item is referenced by a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...",where key is one of the field keys listed above (lowercase and uppercase both accepted), and value is any string not containing a slash (/). If spaces are to be included in one of the strings, the whole argument should be enclosed in quotation marks to prevent the script from splitting the string into two pieces. The string value can be terminated by a wild card symbol (*), which may have to be escaped in order to prevent the script from trying to match it.

Only one operation can be carried out per invocation of uniuser; -ls and -mod are mutually exclusive.


item node-ID

Lists the referenced item on the given node


format node-ID

Lists the referenced item with a particular format (see table)


Lists format options



Deletes the list of designates for the given item



Deletes the item from all admin groups


[item] [-s sections]

Creates a file that contains the users referenced by user and then invokes an editor, allowing the user to make changes to the user directory; the default editor is vi(1) for UNIX. The file has the same format as the input file of uniuser -f and the output file of uniuser -ls. The specified section(s) will be used to configure users at the creation time and to modify the user configuration.After the user has saved the modifications to the file and exited the editor, the changes are processed by uniuser -ex.

The editor used can be changed by setting the value of "editor" in a section entitled "UNIUSER", of the unison.ini file, to the name of the editing program to execute.


filename [-s sections]

Performs the directory transactions specified in the file filename. Each line of the file must begin with one of the characters '.', '#', 'D', 'd', 'M', or 'm'; this character must be followed by a space and a user description. For each line of the file, an action is taken depending on the first character of the line:
Table G.12 

'.' or '#' 

| The line is ignored.

'D' or 'd' 

| The user is deleted.

'M' or 'm' 

| The user is modified.

Any fields following the user name are ignored; thus, you can create a transaction file by saving the output of uniuser -ls to a file, editing it, and then running uniuser -ex to process the modified file.You could also use the -edit option to perform all three steps automatically.

For backwards compatibility, the -f option is a synonym for -ex.


item -s sections | modifier

Modifies the user's configuration using the specified section(s) of the user.ini file. Only the information found in the "sections" will be updated. Sections are separated by slashes (/) and keyword search in the ini file is done from the rightmost section of "sections" to the left most one. If multiple items are matched, uniuser will report an error. The modifier field, like the item field, is also a string of the form "key=value/key=value/...", except it lists the directory names of the fields to be altered. See the example below, for instance.


[sections node-ID [sysOpPsw]]

Lists and checks the contents of the user.ini file. uniuser -s lists the section names and information, while uniuser -s sections... evaluates the content of the specified sections and prints the result to stdout, including any detected errors


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniuser


A sample session with uniuser might resemble the following:

% uniuser -ls "S=Pe*" 100.
. S=Pearson/G=Bob
. S=Perron/G=Brigitte.
% uniuser -mod "S=Pe*/G=Bob" "G=Robert/O=CS&T" 100 [SysOpPsw]
uniuser: modified "Pearson,Bob"
% uniuser -ls "S=Pea*" 100. S=Pearson/G=Robert/O=CS&T

Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt


universion - A shell script to verify the version of Calendar Server.


universion [-nowarn] [-v] [-h].


universion displays the current version and checks all scripts and binaries to see if their versions are up to date. universion can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.


Suppress warning messages.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run universion.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 Warning error
4 Severe error
5 Critical error
6 User interrupt.


uniwhatos - A shell script to check intended OS of a Calendar Server package.


uniwhatos [-v] [-h]


uniwhatos checks if the Calendar Server package is intended for the appropriate operating system. uniwhatos can be run whether Calendar Server is up or down.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniwhatos.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 Warning error
4 Severe error
5 Critical error
6 User interrupt.


uniwho - A shell script to check on the current Calendar Server users.


uniwho [-a] [-t] [-j] [-x] [-f][-p pattern] [-v] [-h]


The primary function of this script is to display combinations of process-ID, network addressing and user information. Given this information, the system manager can determine who is using Calendar Server, where they are logged on from and the process-ID associated with each session. Consider a simple scenario in which this information would be essential: if a user does an abnormal shutdown of a client (for example, by doing a power down while their client is active), the corresponding server will remain active for some fixed period of time. If Calendar Server had been configured, via the "max_user logons" parameter of the [ENG] section, to limit the number of sessions per user to 1, then this user would not be able to log on until the server had terminated. By invoking uniwho, the system manager can find the process-ID associated with the session and kill the session.

uniwho can only be run if Calendar Server is up.


Rather than display the default network addressing information, which is the network address, display the alias associated with the network address.


Displays telephone information when available.


Displays job-title information when available.


Displays X.400-address information when available.


Displays telephone, job-title and X.400-address information when available.



Displays the information only for those sessions whose output contains pattern. For example, if the pattern was "" then only session information for those logged on from this internet address would be displayed. Note that the pattern is searched for in the text of the full output format, even if only a part of the data will be printed. Thus, if items are printed that don't seem to match the pattern when using a partial output format, the reason is that the pattern appears in a field that isn't being printed.


Prints the current version.


Prints a usage message explaining how to run uniwho.


Exit values are:

0 Success
1 Failure
2 Usage error
3 User interrupt.

uniwho starts a Calendar Server server; therefore, its start-up and shutdown will be logged if activity logging has been enabled via the "activity" parameter of the [ENG] section.

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