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Numerical Computation Guide

Suntrademark Studio 10





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1. Introduction

1.1 Floating-Point Environment

2. IEEE Arithmetic

2.1 IEEE Arithmetic Model

2.1.1 What Is IEEE Arithmetic?

2.2 IEEE Formats

2.2.1 Storage Formats

2.2.2 Single Format

2.2.3 Double Format

2.2.4 Double-Extended Format (SPARC)

2.2.5 Double-Extended Format (x86)

2.2.6 Ranges and Precisions in Decimal Representation

2.2.7 Base Conversion in the Solaris Environment

2.3 Underflow

2.3.1 Underflow Thresholds

2.3.2 How Does IEEE Arithmetic Treat Underflow?

2.3.3 Why Gradual Underflow?

2.3.4 Error Properties of Gradual Underflow

2.3.5 Two Examples of Gradual Underflow Versus Store 0

2.3.6 Does Underflow Matter?

3. The Math Libraries

3.1 Solaris Math Libraries

3.1.1 Standard Math Library

3.1.2 Vector Math Library

3.2 Sun Studio Math Libraries

3.2.1 Sun Math Library

3.2.2 Optimized Libraries

3.2.3 Vector Math Library (SPARC only)

3.2.4 libm9x Math Library

3.3 Single, Double, and Extended/Quadruple Precision

3.4 IEEE Support Functions

3.4.1 ieee_functions(3m) and ieee_sun(3m)

3.4.2 ieee_values(3m)

3.4.3 ieee_flags(3m)

3.4.4 ieee_retrospective(3m)

3.4.5 nonstandard_arithmetic(3m)

3.5 C99 Floating Point Environment Functions

3.5.1 Exception Flag Functions

3.5.2 Rounding Control

3.5.3 Environment Functions

3.6 Implementation Features of libm and libsunmath

3.6.1 About the Algorithms

3.6.2 Argument Reduction for Trigonometric Functions

3.6.3 Data Conversion Routines

3.6.4 Random Number Facilities

4. Exceptions and Exception Handling

4.1 What Is an Exception?

4.1.1 Notes for Table 4-1

4.2 Detecting Exceptions

4.2.1 ieee_flags(3m)

4.2.2 C99 Exception Flag Functions

4.3 Locating an Exception

4.3.1 Using the Debugger to Locate an Exception

4.3.2 Using a Signal Handler to Locate an Exception

4.3.3 Using libm Exception Handling Extensions to Locate an Exception

4.4 Handling Exceptions

A. Examples

A.1 IEEE Arithmetic

A.2 The Math Libraries

A.2.1 Random Number Generator

A.2.2 IEEE Recommended Functions

A.2.3 IEEE Special Values

A.2.4 ieee_flags -- Rounding Direction

A.2.5 C99 Floating Point Environment Functions

A.3 Exceptions and Exception Handling

A.3.1 ieee_flags -- Accrued Exceptions

A.3.2 ieee_handler -- Trapping Exceptions

A.3.3 ieee_handler -- Abort on Exceptions

A.3.4 libm Exception Handling Features

A.3.5 Using libm Exception Handling With Fortran Programs

A.4 Miscellaneous

A.4.1 sigfpe -- Trapping Integer Exceptions

A.4.2 Calling Fortran From C

A.4.3 Useful Debugging Commands

B. SPARC Behavior and Implementation

B.1 Floating-Point Hardware

B.1.1 Floating-Point Status Register and Queue

B.1.2 Special Cases Requiring Software Support

B.2 fpversion(1) Function -- Finding Information About the FPU

C. x86 Behavior and Implementation

D. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

D.1 Abstract

D.2 Introduction

D.3 Rounding Error

D.3.1 Floating-point Formats

D.3.2 Relative Error and Ulps

D.3.3 Guard Digits

D.3.4 Cancellation

D.3.5 Exactly Rounded Operations

D.4 The IEEE Standard

D.4.1 Formats and Operations

D.4.2 Special Quantities

D.4.3 NaNs

D.4.4 Exceptions, Flags and Trap Handlers

D.5 Systems Aspects

D.5.1 Instruction Sets

D.5.2 Languages and Compilers

D.5.3 Exception Handling

D.6 The Details

D.6.1 Rounding Error

D.6.2 Binary to Decimal Conversion

D.6.3 Errors In Summation

D.7 Summary

D.8 Acknowledgments

D.9 References

D.10 Theorem 14 and Theorem 8

D.10.1 Theorem 14

D.10.2 Proof

D.11 Differences Among IEEE 754 Implementations

D.11.1 Current IEEE 754 Implementations

D.11.2 Pitfalls in Computations on Extended-Based Systems

D.11.3 Programming Language Support for Extended Precision

D.11.4 Conclusion

E. Standards Compliance

E.1 libm Special Cases

E.1.1 Other Compiler Flags Affecting Standard Conformance

E.1.2 Additional Notes on C99 Conformance

E.2 LIA-1 Conformance

F. References

F.1 Chapter 2: "IEEE Arithmetic"

F.2 Chapter 3: "The Math Libraries"

F.3 Chapter 4: "Exceptions and Exception Handling"

F.4 Appendix B: "SPARC Behavior and Implementation"

F.5 Standards

F.6 Test Programs

