
TABLE P-1 small spaceTypeface Conventions

TABLE P-2 small spaceCode Conventions

TABLE 2-1 small spaceFile Name Suffixes Recognized by the C++ Compiler

TABLE 2-2 small spaceComponents of the C++ Compilation System

TABLE 3-1 small spaceOption Syntax Format Examples

TABLE 3-2 small spaceCode Generation Options

TABLE 3-3 small spaceCompile-Time Performance Options

TABLE 3-4 small spaceDebugging Options

TABLE 3-5 small spaceFloating-Point Options

TABLE 3-6 small spaceLanguage Options

TABLE 3-7 small spaceLibrary Options

TABLE 3-8 small spaceLicensing Options

TABLE 3-9 small spaceObsolete Options

TABLE 3-10 small spaceOutput Options

TABLE 3-11 small spaceRun-Time Performance Options

TABLE 3-12 small spacePreprocessor Options

TABLE 3-13 small spaceProfiling Options

TABLE 3-14 small spaceReference Options

TABLE 3-15 small spaceSource Options

TABLE 3-16 small spaceTemplate Options

TABLE 3-17 small spaceThread Options

TABLE 4-1 small spaceDeclaration Specifiers

TABLE 10-1 small spacePassing of Structs and Unions by Architecture

TABLE 11-1 small space iostream Original Core Classes

TABLE 11-2 small spaceMT-Safe Reentrant Public Functions

TABLE 12-1 small spaceLibraries Shipped With the C++ Compiler

TABLE 12-2 small spaceCompiler Options for Linking C++ Libraries

TABLE 12-3 small spaceHeader Search Examples

TABLE 13-1 small spaceC++ Standard Library Header Files

TABLE 13-2 small spaceMan Pages for C++ Standard Library

TABLE 14-1 small space iostream Routine Header Files

TABLE 14-2 small space iostream Predefined Manipulators

TABLE 14-3 small space iostream Man Pages Overview

TABLE 14-4 small space iostream Terminology

TABLE 15-1 small spaceComplex Arithmetic Library Functions

TABLE 15-2 small spaceComplex Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions

TABLE 15-3 small spaceComplex Arithmetic Library Functions Default Error Handling

TABLE 15-4 small spaceMan Pages for Type complex

TABLE A-1 small spaceOption Syntax Format Examples

TABLE A-2 small spaceOption Subsections

TABLE A-3 small spacePredefined Macros

TABLE A-4 small spaceThe -erroff Values

TABLE A-5 small spaceThe -errwarn Values

TABLE A-6 small spaceThe -fast Expansion

TABLE A-7 small spaceThe -features Values for Compatibility Mode and Standard Mode

TABLE A-8 small spaceThe -features Values for Standard Mode Only

TABLE A-9 small spaceThe -features Values for Compatibility Mode Only

TABLE A-10 small spaceThe -filt Values

TABLE A-11 small spaceThe -fns Values

TABLE A-12 small spaceThe -fprecision Values

TABLE A-13 small spaceThe -fround Values

TABLE A-14 small spaceThe -fsimple Values

TABLE A-15 small spaceThe -ftrap Values

TABLE A-16 small spaceThe -instances Values

TABLE A-17 small spaceThe -library Values for Compatibility Mode

TABLE A-18 small spaceThe -library Values for Standard Mode

TABLE A-19 small spaceThe -Qoption Values

TABLE A-20 small spaceThe -Qproduce Values

TABLE A-21 small spaceThe -staticlib Values

TABLE A-22 small spaceThe -template Values

TABLE A-23 small spaceThe -verbose Values

TABLE A-24 small spaceThe -xarch Values for SPARC Platforms

TABLE A-25 small spaceThe -xarch Values for IA Platforms

TABLE A-26 small spaceThe -xcache Values

TABLE A-27 small spaceThe -xchar Values

TABLE A-28 small spaceThe -xcheck Values

TABLE A-29 small spaceThe -xchip Values

TABLE A-30 small spaceThe -xcode Values

TABLE A-31 small spaceThe -xcrossfile Values

TABLE A-32 small spaceThe -xdumpmacros Values

TABLE A-33 small spaceThe -xF Values

TABLE A-34 small spaceThe -xinline Values

TABLE A-35 small spaceThe -xipo Values

TABLE A-36 small spaceThe -xldscope Values

TABLE A-37 small spaceThe -xlinkopt Values

TABLE A-38 small spaceThe -xmemalign Alignment and Behavior Values

TABLE A-39 small spaceExamples of -xmemalign

TABLE A-40 small spaceThe -xnativeconnect Values

TABLE A-41 small spaceThe -xopenmp Values

TABLE A-42 small spaceThe -xport64 Values

TABLE A-43 small spaceThe -xprefetch Values

TABLE A-44 small spaceThe -xprefecth_level Values

TABLE A-45 small spaceThe -xregs Values

TABLE A-46 small space -xtarget Values for SPARC Platforms

TABLE A-47 small spaceSPARC Platform Names for -xtarget

TABLE A-48 small space -xtarget Values for IA Platforms

TABLE A-49 small space -xtarget Expansions on Intel Architecture

TABLE 0-1 small spaceThe -xthreadvar Values

TABLE A-50 small spaceThe -xtrigraphs Values

TABLE B-1 small spaceStrictest Alignment by Platform

TABLE B-2 small spaceStorage Sizes and Default Alignments in Bytes