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Installation and Setup Guide

Suntrademark Studio 8




Before You Begin

Typographic Conventions

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1. Preparing for Installation

Software Installation Overview

System Requirements

Adding Swap Space

Choosing Local Display or Remote Display of the Installer

Preparing to Install Using a Remote Display

Preparing to Install Using a Remote Display With an NFS-Mounted Filesystem

Locating the Product Serial Number

Installing from Electronic Download Files

Features Included in This Release

2. Installing Sun Studio 8 Software

Supporting Previous Sun ONE Studio and Forte Developer Releases

Upgrading From Try and Buy Software

Choosing an Installation Method

Using the Graphical User Interface Installer

Using the Command-Line Installer

Using the Batch Installer

Using the Solaris JumpStart Installer

Installing the J2SE Platform and Related Solaris Operating System Patches

Verifying a Successful Installation

Setting Up Access to the Developer Tools and Man Pages

3. Starting and Setting Up the Sun Studio 8 IDE

Starting the IDE

Using the Setup Wizard

Using the Registration Wizard

Note To System Administrators

4. Uninstalling Sun Studio 8 Software

Uninstalling When Previous Versions Of Sun ONE Studio Are Installed

Choosing Local Display or Remote Display of an Uninstaller

Preparing to Uninstall Using a Remote Display

Using the Batch Software Uninstaller

Using a Graphical User Interface Uninstaller

Using a Command-Line Uninstaller

Using the Solaris Product Registry Software Uninstaller

5. Troubleshooting

Installing in a Directory That Is Reached by a Symbolic Link

Product Registry Problems

How Do I Identify and Fix a Failed Installation?

How Do I Fix a Failed Uninstallation?

What Can I Do If the productregistry File Is Corrupted?

Log Files and Serial Number Files

How Can I View the Installation Log Files?

How Do I Find the Installed Serial Number?

What Can I Do If I Lose My Serial Number?

Installing With a Remote Display Installation

What If the Installation Fails on an NFS-Mounted Filesystem?

How Do I Initialize a ToolTalk Software Session During Remote Display Installation?

What Can I Do If the Batch Installer Stalls?

Workaround for Sun Studio Installation on the Solaris 7 OS

A. Sun Studio 8 Components and Packages

B. Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions

C. J2SE Technology Required Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions

D. Version Numbers of Sun Studio 8 Software Components

