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Sun Performance Library User's Guide

Suntrademark Studio 9




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1. Introduction

Libraries Included With Sun Performance Library


Sun Performance Library Features

Mathematical Routines

Compatibility With Previous LAPACK Versions

Getting Started With Sun Performance Library

Enabling Trap 6

2. Using Sun Performance Library

Improving Application Performance

Replacing Routines With Sun Performance Library Routines

Improving Performance of Other Libraries

Using Tools to Restructure Code

Fortran Interfaces

Fortran SUNPERF Module for Use With Fortran 95

Optional Arguments

Fortran Examples

C Interfaces

C Examples

3. SPARC Optimization and Parallel Processing

Using Sun Performance Library on SPARC Platforms

Compiling for SPARC Platforms

Compiling Code for a 64-Bit Enabled Solaris Operating Environment

64-Bit Integer Arguments

Parallel Processing on SPARC Platforms

Run-Time Issues

Degree of Parallelism

Synchronization Mechanisms

Parallel Processing Examples

4. Sun Performance Library for x86

Compiling for x86 Platforms

5. Working With Matrices

Matrix Storage Schemes

Banded Storage

Packed Storage

Matrix Types

General Matrices

Triangular Matrices

Symmetric Matrices

Tridiagonal Matrices

Sparse Matrices

Sparse Solver Matrix Data Formats

Sun Performance Library Sparse BLAS

Naming Conventions

Sparse Solver Routines

Routine Calling Order

Sparse Solver Examples


6. Using Sun Performance Library Signal Processing Routines

Forward and Inverse FFT Routines

Linear FFT Routines

Two-Dimensional FFT Routines

Three-Dimensional FFT Routines


Cosine and Sine Transforms

Fast Cosine and Sine Transform Routines

Fast Cosine Transforms

Fast Sine Transforms

Discrete Fast Cosine and Sine Transforms and Their Inverse

Fast Cosine Transform Examples

Fast Sine Transform Examples

Convolution and Correlation



Sun Performance Library Convolution and Correlation Routines

Arguments for Convolution and Correlation Routines

Work Array WORK for Convolution and Correlation Routines

Sample Program: Convolution


7. Interval BLAS Routines



IBLAS Routine Names

Naming Conventions

Fortran Interface

Binding Format

Language Bindings


A. Sun Performance Library Routines

LAPACK Routines

BLAS1 Routines

BLAS2 Routines

BLAS3 Routines

Sparse BLAS Routines

Sparse Solver Routines

Signal Processing Library Routines

Miscellaneous Signal Processing Routines

Interval BLAS (IBLAS) Routines

Sort Routines
