Using Sun WorkShop

Sun WorkShop TeamWare

Available only with Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran and Sun Visual WorkShop C++.

Sun WorkShop TeamWare provides services for source code management either visually, through a set of GUIs, or from a command line. TeamWare enables teams to work together more efficiently even when team members are distributed among multiple sites. TeamWare provides structure as well as automated functions that allow a team to work in parallel to coordinate, integrate, and build a product. The services include:


For managing and integrating source code configurations and releases 



For creating and tracking file version histories 



For baselining a software configuration or release for later retrieval 



For reducing the time required to build large projects by executing build jobs on multiple Solaris hosts 



For merging source files and coordinating source changes 

For more information about using TeamWare, see the Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide or start Sun WorkShop TeamWare and choose Help from the main window.