Using Sun WorkShop

Chapter 1 About Sun WorkShop

Sun WorkShop makes complex development tasks much easier by providing a tightly integrated development environment for building, editing, source browsing, and debugging. It provides an integrated set of tools and services, including the Visual GUI builder, which can help you to quickly create new GUIs. Integrated editors make it easier to perform common development tasks, and Sun WorkShop WorkSets help you keep track of the files, programs, directories, and targets associated with your development projects. This chapter presents a general introduction to the features of this release including the following topics:

Integrated Development Tools

Sun WorkShop provides an integrated environment for the development and evolution of C++, C, Fortran 90, and FORTRAN 77 applications. It provides a high level of integration of core development functions such as editing, source browsing, building, and debugging.

The most common development operations are obvious and easy to perform because the vi, XEmacs, and GNU Emacs editors are the center of an integrated development tool set that includes Building, Debugging, and Browsing. The integrated editors also provide access to common development tasks such as evaluating expressions, setting breakpoints, and stepping through functions, as well as powerful new features such as Fix and Continue. This integration allows you to spend most of your programming time in your editors and makes code development quicker and more efficient.

Three Integrated Editors

To increase ease of use and improve developer productivity, Sun WorkShop uses a new architecture that makes most development tasks accessible from your editor of choice (XEmacs, GNU Emacs, or vi). This "edit server" architecture means that you always view, edit, and operate on source code from a single view--your preferred editor. These editors are really your editors, not emulations. They have the familiar look and feel of your editor, including your existing keyboard shortcuts. The editors can perform many development functions and share task information with the other integrated development tools.

This means that most common tasks, such as evaluating expressions, setting breakpoints, and stepping through functions are available from several different windows, including your editor of choice (vi, XEmacs, or GNU Emacs). Complex application development becomes easier and more efficient.

For more information on using the Sun WorkShop editors, see:

Sun WorkShop Picklists and WorkSets

Sun WorkShop provides a new method of organizing and accessing the files, targets, programs, experiments, and (if Sun(TM) WorkShop(TM) TeamWare is installed) workspaces associated with a given development project. Sun WorkShop remembers recent work completed on a given project and populates menu picklists with the files and operations used on that project. Whenever you start Sun WorkShop, it remembers the last set of operations performed and populates the appropriate menu picklist--whether it is five minutes or a week later. You do not have to remember long path names or argument sequences; Sun WorkShop remembers them for you.

Additionally, sets of picklists can be saved as WorkSets. WorkSets allow you to save sets of picklists associated with a given development project under a single name. By loading a WorkSet file, you can reload the files connected to a development project to the appropriate menu picklist.

For more information on using WorkSets, see:

Performance, Debugging, and File Management Tools

Sun WorkShop uses a Tools menu (and button bar) to provide easy access to performance and debugging tools and their object files. The individual tools in the Tools menu contain picklists for the objects specific to the tool. You can build a list of objects or files used by a particular tool, thus making it easier to bring up the tool with the object loaded. For example, after you have loaded a design file into Visual once, start Visual with that design file loaded again by choosing the file from the Visual picklist on the main Sun WorkShop Tools menu.

By default, the Sun WorkShop main window includes button bar or menu access to the Analyzer and Merging. If you have Sun(TM) Performance WorkShop(TM) Fortran, the Tools menu or button bar also provides access to the Sun WorkShop TeamWare file management tools, and the multithreaded tool, LoopTool. If you have Sun(TM) Visual WorkShop(TM) C++, you have access to Visual..

For more information about using the tools, or about picklists, see:

Sun WorkShop Visual

Available only with Sun Visual WorkShop C++.

Visual helps developers quickly and easily design GUIs, generate portable object-oriented code, and develop Motif or Microsoft Foundation Class GUIs.

A large percentage of your application's source code base can be GUI code. Visual is an interactive tool that allows you to see what the interface looks like and how it behaves while it is being built. Visual automatically generates the code when the design is complete.

For more information about this release of Visual, see Sun WorkShop Visual User's Guide.

Sun WorkShop TeamWare

Available only with Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran and Sun Visual WorkShop C++.

Sun WorkShop TeamWare provides services for source code management either visually, through a set of GUIs, or from a command line. TeamWare enables teams to work together more efficiently even when team members are distributed among multiple sites. TeamWare provides structure as well as automated functions that allow a team to work in parallel to coordinate, integrate, and build a product. The services include:


For managing and integrating source code configurations and releases 



For creating and tracking file version histories 



For baselining a software configuration or release for later retrieval 



For reducing the time required to build large projects by executing build jobs on multiple Solaris hosts 



For merging source files and coordinating source changes 

For more information about using TeamWare, see the Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide or start Sun WorkShop TeamWare and choose Help from the main window.

Multithreaded Development Tools

The Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran and Sun Visual WorkShop C++ include tools for developing multithreaded applications. Sun WorkShop Debugging supports dynamic analysis and control of multithreaded programs. LockLint analyzes source code for potential synchronization errors, such as deadlock and data race conditions. LoopTool displays a graph of loop runtimes and shows which loops were parallelized. Together they provide powerful support for multithreaded program development.

For more information on using the multithreaded tool set, see:

Sun WorkShop Compilers

This release of Sun WorkShop supports the following compilers.

Compiler C++

Available only with Sun Visual WorkShop C++.

This release implements the complete feature set found in The Annotated C++ Reference Manual. [Stroustrop, Bjarne, and Margaret Ellis, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, Addison-Wesley, 1990.] It includes support for exception handling, an incremental linker, a fast template instantiation scheme, and an enhanced version of the commercially available Tools.h++ class library. As an optimizing, native C++ compiler, the version offers significant boosts in both compilation and execution speed.

The C++ language features in this release offer improved support for the ISO C++ standard, including:

For more information about the C++ compiler, including a list of the C++ documentation, see C++ User's Guide.

Fortran 90 Compiler

Available only with Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran.

This release is a complete implementation of the Fortran 90 ANSI X3.198-1992 standard. This standard has added many powerful features, such as an improved ability to express mathematical formulas more directly in the programming language. In addition, the Fortran 90 compiler works with the rest of Sun WorkShop to automatically parallelize your code.

For more information about the Fortran 90 compiler, including a list of the Fortran documentation, see the Fortran User's Guide or Fortran Programming Guide.

FORTRAN 77 Compiler

Available only with the Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran.

This compiler is a complete implementation of the FORTRAN 77 ANSI X3.9-1978, ISO 1539-1980 standards. It has an improved ability to express mathematical formulas more directly in the programming language, as well as extensions that provide compatibility with VAX VMS Fortran and Cray Fortran.

For more information about the FORTRAN 77 compiler, including a list of the Fortran documentation, see the Fortran User's Guide or Fortran Programming Guide.

C Compiler

This compiler is fully compliant with the ANSI C language and environment standard, and it also supports traditional K&R C. The C optimizer provides significant performance increases over nonoptimized code. The code optimizer removes redundancies, efficiently allocates registers, and schedules instructions. Also featured is an incremental linker to reduce link time during the debugging phase.

For more information about the C compiler, including a list of the C documentation, see C User's Guide.

Sun WorkShop Debugger

Sun WorkShop uses a window-based source code debugging service that provides the ability to run a program in a controlled fashion and to inspect the state of a stopped program. Sun WorkShop provides complete integration with three text editors to allow you to edit a program's source code while using full debugging functionality. You have complete control of the dynamic execution of a program, including the collection of performance data. A line-oriented, source-level debugger called dbx is included.

You perform most debugging operations from the Debugging window and the windows accessed from it. You can also perform basic debugging operations from a text editor window containing the source code, which opens automatically when you load a program for debugging.

Web Updates

The Web Updates Dialog Box lets you display updated information on Sun WorkShop using your Web browser. To open the Web Updates dialog box, choose Web Updates from the Help menu in any Sun WorkShop window. For more information, see "Web Updates Dialog Box" in the Sun WorkShop online help.