Using Sun WorkShop

Sun WorkShop Picklists and WorkSets

Sun WorkShop provides a new method of organizing and accessing the files, targets, programs, experiments, and (if Sun(TM) WorkShop(TM) TeamWare is installed) workspaces associated with a given development project. Sun WorkShop remembers recent work completed on a given project and populates menu picklists with the files and operations used on that project. Whenever you start Sun WorkShop, it remembers the last set of operations performed and populates the appropriate menu picklist--whether it is five minutes or a week later. You do not have to remember long path names or argument sequences; Sun WorkShop remembers them for you.

Additionally, sets of picklists can be saved as WorkSets. WorkSets allow you to save sets of picklists associated with a given development project under a single name. By loading a WorkSet file, you can reload the files connected to a development project to the appropriate menu picklist.

For more information on using WorkSets, see: