Using Sun WorkShop

Performance, Debugging, and File Management Tools

Sun WorkShop uses a Tools menu (and button bar) to provide easy access to performance and debugging tools and their object files. The individual tools in the Tools menu contain picklists for the objects specific to the tool. You can build a list of objects or files used by a particular tool, thus making it easier to bring up the tool with the object loaded. For example, after you have loaded a design file into Visual once, start Visual with that design file loaded again by choosing the file from the Visual picklist on the main Sun WorkShop Tools menu.

By default, the Sun WorkShop main window includes button bar or menu access to the Analyzer and Merging. If you have Sun(TM) Performance WorkShop(TM) Fortran, the Tools menu or button bar also provides access to the Sun WorkShop TeamWare file management tools, and the multithreaded tool, LoopTool. If you have Sun(TM) Visual WorkShop(TM) C++, you have access to Visual..

For more information about using the tools, or about picklists, see: