Using Sun WorkShop

Sun WorkShop Main Window

The Sun WorkShop main window is your primary access to the programming operations that allow you to create, develop, debug, and fine-tune your applications. Figure 2-1 identifies the components of the window.

Figure 2-1 Sun WorkShop Main Window


Window header 

Identifies the WorkSet and directory of the process running in Sun WorkShop 

Menu bar 

Provides commands for all of the Sun WorkShop operations 

Tool bar 

Provides quick access to the most common program development operations: opening a file, starting a build, debugging a program, browsing source files, managing WorkSets, analyzing data, managing code and versions, and designing GUIs 

Window footer 

Displays error messages and provides tool bar button definitions when the pointer is positioned over a button 

Sun WorkShop Menus

The menu bar in the Sun WorkShop main window provides the following menus, which provide commands for all of the Sun WorkShop operations.

WorkShop menu 

Provides commands to manage Sun WorkShop windows, to change the current Sun WorkShop directory, to exit Sun WorkShop, and to manage WorkSets 

File menu 

Provides commands to start an editor and create a new file or open an existing file 

Build menu 

Provides commands to open the Building window and to specify a new target, or to edit an existing target 

Debug menu 

Provides commands to open the Debugging window and to run or debug a program 

Browse menu 

Provides commands to open the Browsing window and to browse source files or classes 

Options menu 

Allows you to select a default editor, debugging options, WorkSet options, and window layout options 

Tools menu 

Provides quick access to Sun WorkShop operations and to Sun WorkShop development tools available with the Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran and the Sun Visual WorkShop C++ 

Help menu 

Provides commands to get help on programming in Sun WorkShop and to view help on a selected item; also provides a way for you to send in your comments about Sun WorkShop 

Tool Bar

The tool bar in the Sun WorkShop main window, shown in Figure 2-2, provides quick access to windows where you can edit files, build a target, debug a program, browse for program symbols, and more.

Figure 2-2 Sun WorkShop Main Window Tool Bar


File button 

Opens the File to Open dialog box, where you can select a file to edit in the text editor of your choice--vi, GNU Emacs, and XEmacs. 

Building button 

Opens the Building window, then rebuilds the current targets. 

Debugging button 

Opens the Debugging window and loads the current program for debugging. If there is no current program, opens the Debug New Program dialog box, where you can select a program file and enter parameters for debugging. 

Browsing button 

Opens the Browsing window so you can perform queries using pattern searching or source browsing. 

WorkSets button 

Opens the WorkSets window and displays the current WorkSet. 

Analyzer button 

Opens the Sampling Analyzer window and the Analyzer Load Experiment dialog box allowing you to analyze application performance data. 

LoopTool button 


Opens the LoopTool window, where you can analyze multithreaded applications (available with Sun Visual WorkShop C++ and Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran) 

Merging button 

Opens the Merging window and a dialog box to select text files to compare and merge. 

TeamWare button 


Opens the Sun WorkShop TeamWare source code management tool, where you can access the TeamWare tools (available with Sun Visual WorkShop C++ and Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran) 

Visual button 

Opens the Visual window for you to design visual applications (available with the Sun Visual WorkShop C++)