Using Sun WorkShop

Starting Merging

To start Merging from the WorkShop main window, choose Tools > Merging.

Loading Files

To load files into Merging:

  1. Choose File > Open.

  2. In the Directory text box, select a working directory.

    This is the default directory used to select and save files. The browse button to the right of the text box displays a dialog box in which you can select a directory.

  3. In the Left File and Right File text boxes, select the two files you want to compare.

  4. If you are comparing the files against a common ancestor, type the earlier version of the two files in the Ancestor File text box.

    An ancestor file is required to use Auto Merge.

  5. If you want to specify the name of the output file, type it in the Output File text box.

    The name filemerge.out is the default, and the file is stored in the working directory.

  6. Click Open to load the files.

    Figure 7-1 illustrates a loaded Merging window. The names of the left file, right file, and output file are displayed above each text pane. In a three-way comparison, the name of the ancestor file is displayed in the window header.

Setting Merging Options

Use the Options menu to set various Merging options. The menu items enable you to: