Using Sun WorkShop

Creating a Tags Database

A tags database provides a quick and convenient method for browsing source files without compilation. The database is based on a lexical analysis of the source file. It will not always correctly identify all language constructs, but it will operate on files that you cannot compile.

Note -

The source browsing tags are not in the same format as ctags; the tags discussed here are in a format that works specifically with source browsing.

If you browse using a tags database, you:

A tags database recognizes only global definitions for variables, types, and functions, and collects information on function calls. Function calls for C++ members are recognized only when called explicitly.

To create a tags database:

  1. From the Browsing window, choose Browse > Create Tags Database.

  2. In the Create Tags Database dialog box, click OK to accept the default file filter or enter the type of files you want to scan and click OK.

    The browser creates the tags database.