Using Sun WorkShop

Changing the Look of a Call or Class Graph

You can change the magnification and rearrange the layout of your nodes to vary your view of the graph. If you want to get a birds-eye view of a graph, you can shrink it. You can also fit the entire graph into the window.

To enlarge the graph, choose Graph > Magnify. Use the scrollbars to view the entire display or resize the window. You can incrementally enlarge the graph with the Magnify command.

To reduce the graph, choose Graph > Shrink. You can shrink the graph until it is reduced to a dot on the pane. Reset it to a readable size with the Reset Magnification command.

To see the entire graph, choose Graph > Fit to Window. The graph shrinks or enlarges to fit within the pane. If you resize the window, choosing Fit to Window will resize the graph to fit within the new size of the pane.

To reset the magnification, choose Graph > Reset Magnification. If you changed the size of the graph, use this command to reset the display to its original size. You might have to use the scrollbars to find the location of the graph in the pane.