Using Sun WorkShop

Using Default Values

To build a program using default build values:

  1. Look in the Directory status field in the Building window to be sure you have the correct build directory set.

  2. If the current build directory is correct, click the Build button, choose Build > Build in the Sun WorkShop main window or the Building window, or select a WorkShop target from the list at the bottom of the Build menu in either window.

  3. If no build directory is displayed in the Directory status field or you want to change build directories, choose Build > New Target to open the Define New Target dialog box. Type the build path in the Directory text box.

    You can also click the browse button to open a directory chooser. Choose a directory in the list and click OK to load it into the Directory text box. Then click Build at the bottom of the dialog box.

The build output is displayed in the Build Output display pane in the Building window. Click the Stop Build button in the Building window or choose Build > Stop Build to stop the build process.

Note -

The next time you open the Building window, the build directory is set to the last directory in which you ran a build job. You can see the path name in the Directory status field.