Using Sun WorkShop

.dmakerc File

The .dmakerc file is a runtime configuration file. You must set up a runtime configuration file to run a distributed build. The file contains groups (lists) of build servers and the number of jobs distributed to each build server. The dmake utility searches for this file on the dmake host to know where to distribute jobs. Generally, this file is in your home directory.

You may enclose the names of groups and hosts in the .dmakerc file in double quotes. Doing so allows more flexibility with respect to the character sequences that may be part of the group and host names. For example, if the name of a group starts with a digit it should be double-quoted:

 group "123_sparc"

The dmake utility searches for a runtime configuration file in the following locations and in the following order:

If dmake does not find a runtime configuration file, it distributes two jobs to the local host.

For information on setting up a runtime configuration file, see the dmake man page.

The following is a sample of a simple runtime configuration file where jupiter, venus, saturn, mercury, and pluto are listed as build servers:

# My machine. This entry causes dmake to distribute to it.
jupiter { jobs = 1 }
# Manager's machine. She's usually at meetings.
mercury { jobs = 4 }

The following runtime configuration file contains groups:

earth                   { jobs = 2 }
mars                    { jobs = 3 }
group sunos4.x {
               host parasol
                host summer
group lab1 {
               host falcon    { jobs = 3 }
                host hawk
                host eagle      { jobs = 3 }
group lab2 {
               host heron
               host avocet    { jobs = 3 }
               host stilt     { jobs = 2 }
group labs {
               group lab1
                group lab2
group sunos5.x
                             group labs
                host jupiter
                host venus      [ jobs = 2 }
                host pluto      { jobs = 3 }